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TSO Announcement

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Waltar is correct; Invicta as a whole, and most of her membership doesn't feel the same way I do, so if you're writing names down in a little black book for future retribution, put mine down, not Invicta. That said, if you feel it necessary to count me personally an enemy then more power to you! I'd have thought I'd be below your notice, particularly as after this war I'll likely be rebuilding from scratch, but if you want to keep me down feel free; I'll still legitimately feel I have the moral high-ground here. Worst case scenario you keep me down long enough for me to say "screw it" and quit the game; you are here for war, but I'm not, I enjoy interactions with friends on IRC and in our Alliance forums, I enjoy building my nation and helping others build theirs. Honestly, foreign affairs has never been my thing, and I don't care a whole lot about the underlying politics of it all, what I DO have a problem with is people like TSO and TOP taking out our nations, many of whom just want to build their nations in peace, for absolutely no reason. So yes, call me enemy; I welcome it. You've proven to be one yourself.

I am not sure where you gathered that piece of information, but again: This is more than business for us than a war, we were threatened enough in the past and we have stopped caring about threats.

Both TOP and the TSO were following treaty obligations, TOP has tried to find a peaceful solution in this matter so one can assume they are not overly happy about this war either. That said, I assume that Invicta as a whole can always surrender.

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From your TOP buddy;

War is our business, we're not here for pleasure.

That's where I got the idea you were here for war, as if TOP's stats didn't shout that enough ;).

Invicta as a whole will NOT surrender unless or until the rest of our allies in the Hegemony do, we've sworn that. We'll go till our last nation reaches ZI if we must.

Edited by Sir Glen
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The Sweet Oblivion is only in this war for our friends at The Order of the Paradox.

We might enjoy fighting, that does not mean that we perpetually want to destroy something.

The Order of the Paradox asked us to join and we answered. :)

I also wanted to re-state that The Sweet Oblivion has no hard feelings for any of our opponents and we hope for a clean (OOC: and fun :o) war.

That said, I will meet you on the battlefield :)

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Both TOP and the TSO were following treaty obligations,

Both TOP & TSO have activated their optional aggression clause to attack BAPS. TOP used a phony DoW from Umbrella because they had no other way to attack us in this war. TSO just repeated what TOP did and double piggybacked a phony DoW. That was not something you were obliged to do unless you wheel out the old favorites of honour or moral justification, which in this case would be total rubbish.

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You assume wrong.

As stated many times before, we won't surrender until this war is over.

It appears your reading comprehension is as good as your grammar.

OOC: Try to speak German at 4am and I am counting the mistakes.

IC: I have other abilities. Fighting wars for example.

what I DO have a problem with is people like TSO and TOP taking out our nations, many of whom just want to build their nations in peace, for absolutely no reason. So yes, call me enemy; I welcome it. You've proven to be one yourself.

I was referring to this part. If you only want to build your nations in peace, then the logical consequence is to surrender.


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Both TOP & TSO have activated their optional aggression clause to attack BAPS. TOP used a phony DoW from Umbrella because they had no other way to attack us in this war. TSO just repeated what TOP did and double piggybacked a phony DoW. That was not something you were obliged to do unless you wheel out the old favorites of honour or moral justification, which in this case would be total rubbish.

It is an optional Aggression clause, so we were not obligated to activate it. But then again, you don't sign a MDoAP if you don't intent to honor the optional Aggression part of said treaty.

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It is an optional Aggression clause, so we were not obligated to activate it. But then again, you don't sign a MDoAP if you don't intent to honor the optional Aggression part of said treaty.

I dont have a problem with you using the option, just dont try to make out that you were obliged to act. Thanks for the clarification.

Edited by Alterego
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I dont have a problem with you using the option, just dont try to make out that you had no option in the matter. Thanks for the clarification.

Of course we would have had the option not to attack, but The Order of the Paradox are our friends. If they asked us to go down burning with them, we would do it in a heartbeat. They asked us if we could assist them and we happily obliged. :)

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You CHOSE to activate an optional aggression pact on alliances already tapped out? Sounds like bandwagonning. You would have gone down burning with TOP if asked in a heartbeat? Sounds like a puppet state. This on top of the fact that TOP isn't even CLOSE to "going down burning". You're joining with them in a slaughter, hardly noble of you. I'll say it again; either you are bandwaggoning or you are puppets, but regardless you're unworthy of my respect. If this is the substance of KARMA I hope you go down long, hard, and painfully. You claim to have no choice, but there are ALWAYS choices; a sovereign alliance can CHOOSE to do the right thing. You are cowards or worse.

I will actively oppose any and all treaties between Invicta and TOP or TSO after this; I'm just one person, but as Invicta's Chief of Staff (third in command) I have some measure of influence, we'll see what the results are.

Edited by Sir Glen
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We were asked to activate it, and we answered. We did however make it clear in advance that for us the oA part of our MDoAP was not optional. We stand by TOP whatever they do.

Before you call us a puppet state you should look at what TOP has done for us in the past, they stood with us when our future was bleak and without them we would not exist.

We owe them more than we can ever repay, and if we should have to repay it with the annihilation of our nations, then so be it. :)

Edited by Dragonaspect
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Whatever lets you sleep at night. I'll think of it my way, you think of it your way, and we'll leave it at that. Short of admitting your fault and backing out there is no way for you to make me happy; so we are at an impasse.

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Invicta as a whole will NOT surrender unless or until the rest of our allies in the Hegemony do, we've sworn that. We'll go till our last nation reaches ZI if we must.

If this is the case then we are more similar in our convitions than you seem to think.

The Sweet Oblivion is honored to go to war with such a courageous opponent.

It amazes me how alliances fighting for Karma are Karma one minute and not Karma the next.

I think we 've made it abundantly clear that we've joined the conflict with the sole intention of supporting our good friends at TOP.

I dont have a problem with you using the option, just dont try to make out that you were obliged to act. Thanks for the clarification.

We were obliged to join this conflict in the name of our friendship.

You CHOSE to activate an optional aggression pact on alliances already tapped out? Sounds like bandwagonning. You would have gone down burning with TOP if asked in a heartbeat? Sounds like a puppet state. This on top of the fact that TOP isn't even CLOSE to "going down burning". You're joining with them in a slaughter, hardly noble of you. I'll say it again; either you are bandwaggoning or you are puppets, but regardless you're unworthy of my respect. If this is the substance of KARMA I hope you go down long, hard, and fast. You claim to have no choice, but there are ALWAYS choices; a sovereign alliance can CHOOSE to do the right thing. You are cowards or worse.

I suppose you never considered the fact that we're just really good friends? We're a young alliance and we have not had the opportunity to prove how much we value our friendships yet but I believe this declaration is a step in the right direction.

Edited by SunnyInc
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If Invicta was asked by a very close ally to activate a clause in a treaty allowing them to enter a mirror of this war, in which Karma was currently losing, on Hegemony's side, would you all be complaining so much? Would you deny them?

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We're a young alliance and we have not had the opportunity to prove how much we value our friendships yet but I believe this declaration is a step in the right direction.

Jumping on the bandwagon and cherry picking nations with low military strength - always a great way for young alliances to "prove" friendship!

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It amazes me how alliances fighting for Karma are Karma one minute and not Karma the next.

When have either TOP or we claimed we were a part of Karma? We(that's a collective we by the way) are merely fighting against the same foe they are.

As for the Obligation that has been claimed... We are not obligated by the wording of the treaty we have signed with TOP. As stated elsewhere that is an MDoAP. We are obligated by the relationship we have with them. There is NOWHERE TOP would lead that we won't follow. In the case of some alliance this could never be said.

But most of us in TSO know and trust our friends on TOP enough that we KNOW that they would never have any desire to go and do something we would not be willing to support.

In short, unless the leadership and character of TOP changes DRASTICALLY or we enter some Bizzaro Mirror universe where Saber's evil twin rules TOP with an IRON first, TSO will ride with TOP. In battle, in peace, in sickness and in health, and ALWAYS to the bar. Unless TOP specifically asks us NOT to get involved... We'll be right there by their side.

Hail to The Order of the Paradox.

Hail The Sweet Oblivion

o/ German ESL commanders

Note: ESL= English as a Second Language

Edited: Because I've got the same problems as the above.

Edited by Neuromancer7
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Jumping on the bandwagon and cherry picking nations with low military strength - always a great way for young alliances to "prove" friendship!

You're selling our opponents short if you think this is going to be a walk in the park for us. Irrespecitve of that, it was only two weeks ago we were peparing to go to war alongside TOP on the opposite side of the fence which we believed would be the losing side.

Edited by SunnyInc
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