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The UINE creature is on the move again!


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Goodnight CyberVerse!

I come tonight to inform you all, (well mostly Mogar cuz he will be first anyways.... *sigh*) of a merger. Yes UINE is going to be accepting new members into its gorwing, now well over 100 member, family. The Republic Nations of Apollo are from this moment on be merging into the UINE. The members of RNA will during this period of course be under the protection of UINE and by extension ARES, so if anyone has any silly ideas; keep them to yourselves! This period of protection will be lasting 1 full week, or 1/52nd of an Earths revoltuion around the Sun.

Thank you to everyone for the massive support UINE is currently receiving :)

P.S: For all of you whom feel let down by the title of thread (promising a UINE in the process of vocalizing its mating call, I ask for forgiveness, I have looked long and hard yet google could not provide me with an adequate picture :(, so feel free to post on it would make me very very happy, ill even trade it for cake, Canadian dollars, a tophat or somesuch other random article of your choice....

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I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord

Ive been waiting for this moment, all my life, oh lord

Can you feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord, oh lord

lol Thats just part of my little acceptance/Victor song!

Congrats to us!

A hand to Keve, and Guapo! :)

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I will admit I purposefully didn't post first just to screw up the OP, congratulations on the merger though.

Damn you Mogar! One day I will trick you into post first in a thread in which I announce you will post first..... Be careful where you post first Mogar..... lol

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CoIN would like to offer its best wishes to the former RNA in its new adventures.... the RNA AA will be protected by CoIN per our protectorate agreement for 96 hours.

Thanks for the support! Its very important to us and we appreciate it! ^_^

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