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National Alliance of Arctic Countries


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[OOC: I won't be around much tomorrow to post this, so I'm doing it early]

Planet Steve are you ready for this round 5?

Enter: The NAAC


National Alliance of Arctic Countries.

No treaties - although many alliances in this game feel the need to have 20+ treaties, the NAAC will have none. We hold our allies close and we don't need e-paper to prove it.

Fair - We intend on fighting fairly. You may think this means we will be asking for war sign-ups..think again. All this means is we will not be the ones setting up a 10v1. Here at NAAC we have a past of getting ZI'd for two main reasons. 1. Fun and 2. Sticking up for the underdogs when it is right to do so.

Fun - NAAC likes spam, sporks and mystery drinks. When it comes time for kicking off the war boots and putting down our shields, we know how to party.

Trustworthy - This is one thing I can say that NAAC will never break..trust. If we give you a reason to trust us, you better believe its the real deal. I hold my word and I honor it. If I say we have your back, we do.

Honorable and respectful - We will carry ourselves with honor and respect not only for our allies but our enemies as well.

NAACers - We're a brotherhood. When one falls, they get picked up. Helping another member is an everyday task. We do not sell each other out. Flaming is never tolerated by any members. We stand our ground even when the odds are against us. "Surrender or face destruction" means little to us. You can't scare us with disbandment, war or words. We've been through hell and got our scars to prove it.

You want real soldiers? You've come to the right place.

"We Are The NAAC."

"Through the greatest wars and vilest treachery, the NAAC still stands proud and strong. Our enemies have attacked us on all fronts and yet our banner still waves."

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