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The Distopyan Myth Erased


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On a platform before a sea of cameras, Kaiser Frederick, Kaiserin Danica, and Erik Betrakte sat at a table, each with microphones. It was a basic press release.

"Citizens of Norsvea, for long now we've seen these protesters and anarchists claiming to be Distopyans causing riots in the streets because of our recent government change and abandoning of the Distopyan culture. The inventor of such culture in Norsvea, Erik Betrakte, would like to speak to you all at this time to dispel any rumors of a Distopya."

Erik then wiped some sweat from his brow and began to speak, "Thank you mein Kaiser. First of all, I would like to state that the beginner of Distopya, Vince Sixx, was a drunk stoner who abandoned his post in the second Reich under Kaiser Martens. He did, however, have a very persuasive charisma to him, which allowed him to command his entire army to crusade into nowhere. They ended up in Georgia, where Vince Sixx, stoned out of his mind, set up a radical government which was basically anarchy, except greener. Some of his ideas worked, some didn't. It is why the communists rioted and took over in the first place."

A reporter then raised his hand and asked, "But what about the Distopyan nationalist movement and the killing of Oppøre?"

"All staged," Erik said, "Oppøre's whole ruling was supposed to get overly dramatic in order to create a rift, and we created the brother thing to sort of make it even more dramatic. He's alive and well, commanding the army and special forces. Niklas Magnus, the man who was supposed to get the government back into the hands of the Nords was only a pawn, and when he found out this information, he left, and is nowhere to be found."

"But why?" Another reporter asked.

"Ever since Oppøre came to power, he created a contingency plan to keep the lands we came from, these lands, from falling into enemy grasp. He was born in Trøndheim, and I in Stockholm. We did not want those under control of these anti-Nords. So, it was decided that Oppøre would become the scapegoat, and I was to lead the nation to a mass Distopyan revival, getting us on good terms with those against Nordland, and even feign an assault on Berlin. Well, it worked, otherwise we wouldn't be here now. I was to transfer power to someone weaker, which is where Mikkelsen came in. Then, Niklas was supposed to take power and create this Nordlandic state that we love. Unfortunately, he took the news rather harshly."

"So why are you telling us this?"

Frederick started to speak in a loud voice, which explained his lack of a microphone, "All those claiming to be Distopyans or displaying the Distopyan Phoenix will not be recognized as a lobby group or a normal group of any kind and will be treated as just a criminal. Distopya has not and will never exist."

Kaiserin Danica then spoke into the microphone. "There is a 20,000 Nordmark reward for the arrest of Vince Sixx. Information will be rewarded based on how informative it is."



Vince Sixx is currently located in the Americas.

((OOC: Manhunt RP maybe?))

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Such a man would never be allowed into the Tahoe Republic in the first place, and even if he was admitted it is highly likely he would be arrested for anti-social behavior soon after arriving. Thus, the Ministry of State Security can definitatively state that Vince Sixx is not currently located in the Tahoe Republic or any of its territories.

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Riots suddenly broke out all across Norsvea. People bearing the sign of the Phoenix bombed government buildings and were attempting to storm Störsjon. The military was sustaining heavy casualties, but they were holding at the borders to all major cities. All those armed were shot and killed, those unarmed were arrested and placed into a well guarded ghetto in central Norsvea.


Frederick: "Thank you for your confirmation."

Edited by VinceSixx
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We cannot confirm that he is not in the Federation, but we can confirm that hew did not come here legally. If he is in fact here, then he got into the country by some illegal method. We are searching for him now, and all border posts have recieved his picture and discription, along with all airports and ports.

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We are not sure if he is in our nation, but we will turn him in if he enters our nation.


Private, inside Great Lakes State International Airport:

"Hey boss, you might want to take a look at this!" shouted a airport security officer who was staring at computer. "What is it?" replied the security boss. "This guy here..." told the officer while pointing his pencil at a person in a videotape "...looks like Vince Sixx, who is wanted."

"Bah, I doubt it, the custom officials would have already sounded the alarms by now." replied the boss.

OOC: Mind if you can RP Vince Sixx trying to hide in Great Lakes State? If you don't like me to RP hilarious actions of the GLS authorities trying to catch Vince Sixx, then you don't have to RP the manhunt in my CNRP nation.

Edited by HHAYD
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Distopya never was a culture. However, if you feel the need to grant Vince Sixx asylum in your nation, we won't bother you. However, the second he is in our nation, with foreign escort or not, he will be arrested.

A word of warning to those who may see him, he is a dangerous man. He has the charisma to gather a large force and overturn your government. He can, and he will if he sees necessary. I would hope that nations of Communist or Socialist persuasion extradite him or arrest him, as he feels the need to overthrow those ideologies worldwide.

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"We will certainly keep an eye out for him."

Vince Sixx's picture and information were put on Arctica's wanted list with a reward matching Norsvea's original offer. He was wanted alive. Police were instructed that if he be captured, the government and nobody else was to be informed immediately.

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"Viniland will keep a keen eye on the man, although due to our fairly open borders and few restrictions on mobility, we cannot confirm or deny his presence in our nation."

OOC: Lol, Vince. Do you want to do a RP involving him and my leader (once I finish up the RP where he almost gets killed), considering they're both musicians? We can do some silly things.

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We somehow doubt he has the charisma to overturn the masses from religious fervor and manage to simultaneously depose the object of their affection. On a related note, the Holy Imperium will not be considering any sort of search for the missing man.

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