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A Meeting between Palintine and Neo Japan


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Boston, Massachusetts

It was a busy time in Boston. In the capital of the Republic of New England, there was a flurry of activity as various officials and workers were busy making preparations. Today was going to be a glorious day, indeed. Recently, the Elective Dictatorship of Palintine and Neo Japan had agreed to host their planned meeting in Boston, and the government was determined to get everything ready for the arrival of the Palintine and Neo Japanese leaders.

The meeting was to be held at the Massachusetts State House, the seat of government of the Republic of New England. There was a furnished Conference Room, with a large round conference table. Everything was strictly planned as according to schedule as the government wanted to make the best impression as possible with the leaders of the two nations.


The Conference Room

For security purposes, National Guard troops and police were hosted around the State House, although not intended to alarm the guests of honor. All members of the New England government, including President John F. Kennedy, his brother Robert F. Kennedy, his cabinet, military generals, and civilian officials were to greet the Palintine and Neo Japanese representatives when they arrived. Hopefully, the ongoing Daiwa issue could be resolved in the halls of the State House.

So it begins.

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There were three flags behind the Empire's end of the table: emblem of the Imperial Family flag_emperor.gif

The national flag : japan-flag.gif

and the Military flag : Japanese%20Flag.gif

Sitting at the table were three representatives of the Empire; For the Empire there was Kazuma Hideyoshi, for the Imperial Family there was a one Mr. Hideki (that was his name and title), and for the Military Grand Admiral Seiji Tokunaga himself.

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The Palintinian delegation seated at the other end of the table was only backed by one banner, the banner of Palintine. Representing the various seats of government was the prime minister himself, Senator Lee Chang-ho (High Senator of Foreign Affairs), and General Chung Beom-seok. In addition, the prime minister brought along a constitutional law legal consult to represent the judicial branch. Both sides seem ready to begin.

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OOC: also i think it's safe to say "closed to all but me hawk and jed" ?

OOC: Yes, of course. Everyone else, this thread is closed to all but me, Lord Frost, and hawk_11.

IC: President John F. Kennedy smiled as he surveyed the Palintine and Neo Japanese delegations. Sitting beside him were his younger brother, Robert F. Kennedy, Supreme Commander Dwight Eisenhower, and all members of the President’s cabinet – but most notably Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Secretary of State. The flag of the Republic of New England was draped behind the President.


Franklin Delano Roosevelt

President Kennedy cleared his throat as he contemplated about what he was to say. “Good afternoon, gentlemen. It is an honor to meet with you all. As you all are aware of, we are all assembled in here, in the Massachusetts State House, to discuss the current situation that is at hand.” He paused for a bit before continuing on. “I believe that the situation regarding Daiwa needs to be resolved. Am I correct?

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"Correct" Mr. Hideki replied

OOC: Jed, you have a heroic staff. :wub:

OOC: Danke. :wub:

IC: President Kennedy smiled and nodded. Surveying the delegations, Kennedy joined his hands together. "So, what shall we do about that?"

Edited by JEDCJT
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"As you can well imagine, the rise of a Kyokujitsan state, in any form, is completely unacceptable. The former DKT as well as Altin Urda, who attempted to replace some of its population with Kyokujitsans and followed very DKT like policies and tendencies, proved that a Kyokujitsan state is simply not feasible. Overexpansion and Poverty is the fate of Daiwa if allowed to exist. Very simply, we ask that Palintine either withdraw its declaration of Daiwa as an autonomous region, or return these territories that Daiwa occupies to us, the Empire, the former and rightful rulers of those lands. We are fully prepared to offer payment, technology, and land for these territories, so that Japan may be united once more"
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President Kennedy remained silent as he mulled over the Neo Japanese delegation's response. "Hm, what about Palintine's sovereignity? Don't they have the right to declare a degree of autonomy over Daiwa, seeing that it's under their jurisdiction?"

Turning to the Palintine delegation, Kennedy nodded once. "What is your stance regarding this situation, as described here?"

OOC: Wait for Hawk to reply. :3

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"The nation of Palintine feels that the continued persecution of the people of the former Kyokujitsu Teikoku is unfounded. Denying them the right to self-determination after two failed administrations is not the answer. It is not the fault of the common people of Kyokujitsu Teikoku that the world allowed their former leaders to turn the country on a path of expansionism and violence. We stand committed to helping them back onto the right path by allowing them to handle their own local affairs with a certain degree of autonomy."

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President Kennedy nodded. "Thank you. Now, considering the situation we have at the time, it seems that there are differing opinions of how it should be done. We'll have to devise a solution that would be mutually benefitical to us all, but how?"

At that moment, Secretary of Defense Franklin Delano Roosevelt cleared his throat. "If I may, I think I may have a solution here." Roosevelt began with a charming smile. "Perhaps it would be sensible to grant Daiwa autonomy, but under Neo Japanese and Palintine co-administration? That way, the Kyokujitsu people can be given chance of self-administration but under your watch.” Roosevelt paused for a moment.

Yes, the Kyokujitsu people may have had quite a…history with Neo Japan in the past, but what we need is not continuing hostilities with the Kyokujitsu people for what they had done in the past, but friendship with them. If we can do that, we can establish relations and trust with them. That way, we can help them to moderate their policies, under your watch, and thus help set them on the right path. After all, we need to forget and forgive.

Roosevelt finished with a smile. “This is only a suggestion, of course.” President Kennedy and the rest of his delegation nodded in agreement and approval. Surveying the Neo Japanese and Palintine delegations, Kennedy nodded once. “So, what do you think, gentlemen?

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"I think" said Mr. Hideki "that there are some in here who do not understand the underlying issue. First, let me point out that there is no Kyokujitsan ethnicity, just as there is no longer a DKT or Altin Urda. They are Japanese, and we want to be able to treat them as such. But they continue to follow the ideals of their former land, and look where it's gotten them: the majority of their people were wiped out with the total nuclear bombing of DKT, and before that the place was a complete slum. Poverty, disease, hunger, you name it. This isn't even including the destablization in Asia that DKT caused. After all that, they move onto Central Asia, where they start a new nation. Barring the Nuclear holocaust, they began to do the same things over again, and again they caused a destablization of Asia, which has left us with what we now have today. We are not going to allow a third attempt, especially on our homeland, in any way shape or form" He finished.

It was then that Mr. Hideyoshi leaned forward.

"Gentlemen, I point you toward the city of Harbin, the leading city in Manchuria. It's population is largely, for lack of better term, Kyokujitsan. They were moved in there once Altin Urdan fell, and we returned the displaced Han Chinese back to their homes in Central Asia. They hold government offices there, most of the leading positions, for all intents and purposes owners of the Local government. But they are not autonomous, and we have been working very hard to reintegrate these people back into Japanese society. We do not understand why Palintine has stopped doing this for their Kyokujitsan population, as they had been doing for some time now. As a matter of fact, we do not understand in anyway why Palintine, our allies and (at least we thought so) friends, who seemingly cannot effectively control the area, does not turn over our homeland back to us, so that we may reintegrate these people back into Japan Proper, and that our country can be united once again"

Edited by Lord Frost
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OOC: thread is closed to only those who are relevant. Stay out or I will be reporting you for spam

OOC: So the person being discussed is not relevant? She does have a right to defend herself. That being said, please keep the OOC to the minimum necessary, Sumer.

EDIT: And no need to take that tone with me, Frost. I did ask her to keep quiet unless absolutely necessary, in case you hadn't noticed.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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OOC: So the person being discussed is not relevant? She does have a right to defend herself. That being said, please keep the OOC to the minimum necessary, Sumer.

OOC: This is the last warning I'm giving to anyone that isn't Lord Frost, Hawk 11, or Jed. Out

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Authors' rights are there for the sake of having a private RP amongst those allowed.

It is not for deciding the fate of an uninvited party. In fact the rule was specifically designed against this (back when it applied and was almost exclusively used by alliances). The wording needs updating to reflect the new situation of its use however I will be upholding the intent of the rule and bring about updating it.

If you intend to discuss sumeragi (or any other meatbag for that matter), they ARE allowed to post in this thread and participate in it fully.

Incidently, Frost got himself a 40% and a 48hr suspension for his actions in this thread (not by me by the way).

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