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[DoE] The Syffim

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The Syffim

On this twenty-first of April, 2009, The Syffim does declare it's existance as an alliance on Planet Bob. The following charter shall serve to guide our fledgling group on it's course.

Article One - The Syffim are, primarily, an alliance positioned on the Pink Team, though no nation shall, in good faith be denied membership solely on the basis of one's team alignment. The Syffim is a brotherhood, a family. It's members strive to live to the highest ideals of Courage, Honour, Morality, Tenacity, and Unity. We aid each other, we fight for each other.

Article Two - The Syffim is organized along the lines of, until a suitable size can be attained, a dictatorship, headed by the Consul Princeps, who is inhered all administrative powers until such time as these can be delegated.

Article Three - The Syffim do not tolerate nor support the following: Tech Raiding, Nuclear Roguery, Asshatery off all kinds (Flaming, Baiting, Trolling, etc), or unauthorized spying on the part of it's membership.

Article Four - The Syffim maintain a policy of "Diplomacy in Good Faith" with other alliances on Bob, and we are not aggressive but will defend ourselves if unduly or unjustly attacked.

Article Five - The Syffim do not support, nor will ever employ the practices of P/E-ZI

Article Six - Spying on the Syffim shall be treated as a Declaration of War

Article Seven - Members are free to leave the Syffim at any time, provided that they are not currently accepting aid, and re-pay aid given in good faith.

Article Eight - Amendments to this Charter shall be added as needed and as situations arise.

Article Nine - The Alliance may be disbanded at the will of at least 4/5ths of the future sized body. (Cannot be enacted until at least 30 members are in the Alliance.)


Ranather of Franzharia, Consul Princeps


With that out of the way, Forums and an IRC channel shall be active later tonight, cake and beer for all. :awesome: Oh, and one more thing, The Syffim shall not be participating in the current wars nor the ones on the inevitable horizon. Have a nice day!

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