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Imperial Decree

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Come gather 'round people

Wherever you roam

And admit that the waters

Around you have grown

And accept it that soon

You'll be drenched to the bone.

If your time to you

Is worth savin'

Then you better start swimmin'

Or you'll sink like a stone

For the times they are a-changin'.

Come writers and critics

Who prophesize with your pen

And keep your eyes wide

The chance won't come again

And don't speak too soon

For the wheel's still in spin

And there's no tellin' who

That it's namin'.

For the loser now

Will be later to win

For the times they are a-changin'.

Come senators, congressmen

Please heed the call

Don't stand in the doorway

Don't block up the hall

For he that gets hurt

Will be he who has stalled

There's a battle outside

And it is ragin'.

It'll soon shake your windows

And rattle your walls

For the times they are a-changin'.

Come mothers and fathers

Throughout the land

And don't criticize

What you can't understand

Your sons and your daughters

Are beyond your command

Your old road is

Rapidly agin'.

Please get out of the new one

If you can't lend your hand

For the times they are a-changin'.

The line it is drawn

The curse it is cast

The slow one now

Will later be fast

As the present now

Will later be past

The order is

Rapidly fadin'.

And the first one now

Will later be last

For the times they are a-changin'.

Good luck to my friends on both sides.

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What accepting of screenshots? Do you have these screenshots? Do you have screenshots or logs of us accepting these screenshots? Or are you making yet more unsupported assertions in a pathetic attempt to justify OV spying on the NPO?

Then you please explain how you got the logs in the OP.

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I love how all of you are exclaiming that this is the end of us.

What're you going to do when we win?

Your script isn't That good. Maybe you guys really don't know about whats been going on. Sorry to hear that, I really had hoped you guys did this while knowing it all. Oh well.

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VE declared, and I quote "there is nothing more to discuss". When you declare "there is nothing more to discuss" and leave the room, talk time is over, war time is now. OV and VE brought this on themselves through their total refusal to punish someone guilty of spying on the NPO, are you honestly going to sit there and pretend to be shocked when the NPO didn't take too kindly to that?

Then why did the most recent offer form your emperor come after those logs?

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All I have to say is, if NPO does go down as a lot of you think. Just remind yourself of the words you are saying on this very night. You say there will be no more "shakey" intel no more EZI, no more tech farms, etc. I hope that if any of this does happen in your new age of CN that everyone in CN then immediately attack the offending person or alliance for ruining the unity with which this new CN exists.

[OOC] Talk with malice all you wish just remember to keep things in game, sure we can have fun blowing each other up. If someone chooses to take this to a level that is not IC. I hope that CN does execute a mob mentality and deal with that before anything else.

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NPO if the best you can do is get around 75 wars declared on a 56 man alliance, then I fear your war machine may have lost it touch. So good luck, you'll need it.

Check OV's nations. Some of them are in Peace Mode.

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so you're saying the spyings fine, just not attacking while attempting to deal with those who admit to spying

Duly Noted.

I quoted this so you may re-read what you have typed.

I'm a nice guy like that.

Also, again, spying on warchest requirements?

Also, again, wow.

Also, goodbye.

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