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An MHAnnouncement of Withdrawal


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Yeah sorum did fix that mistake in the announcement

Woo hoo! Yes, congrats on leaving a bloc. Clearly this is the straw that breaks the camel's back. Just ignore the MHA-NPO perma MADP and the MHA NATO MADP.

MHA, you gotta do what you gotta do, good luck to you.

The NPO-MHA treaty is a MDoAP <_<

Best of luck to my Härmlin-first friends in MHA.


<3 Floyd

Edited by John Mathews
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Woo hoo! Yes, congrats on leaving a bloc. Clearly this is the straw that breaks the camel's back. Just ignore the MHA-NPO perma MADP and the MHA NATO MADP.

MHA, you gotta do what you gotta do, good luck to you.

DK it's an MDoAP :)

Actually you were right here. Methinks Trident still is a MDAP.

You can find the wording here but i would say it's an MDoAP really the clause does not mean the have to no matter what as a vote is required for aggressive action:

III. Mutual Aggression and Defense

e. Any offensive war initiated by a member of the Trident must receive a 2/3 vote for the bloc itself to actively aid the Trident member

It's not Perma, it has a 1 year cancellation period. And Harmlins over rides it.

Technically no treaty can override another treaty as the MHA would plan to honour all our agreements the fact that we were worried we may have breached our PIAT with UBD by possibly not informing them you were about to attack them shows how serious we take our agreements. Also as Härmlins is a mere expansion of the MHA and gre that overlaps we treat them as if they were hitchhikers are they are hitchhikers ;)

all we can wait for now is for the cancelation of a treaty with a ridiculous cancelation clause.

You going to be waiting a long time on our end as we have been friends for a very long time. Aside from some communication blips our relationship has changed little.

Nice to see this. MHA keeps getting better and better.

Oh, I forgot. FAN and MHA are still at war. In that case: Lines being drawn, expected, blah blah blah ...

What about black peace :(


That about sums it up :)

As always our government listens to the will of the people and they spoke loudly. This has been building for a while and it seems now was the time for us to leave. one of the reason we never joined the initiative was that we did not want to the small fish in the big pond throwing weight around was never really our thing and in that group it's less likely our voices would have been heard. Joining Q was to me us joining the big leagues as a sanctioned alliance with stable and leadership willing to take on a global political role, but times change and goals change and with the withdrawal of many of our top allies it was time to show true leadership and leave.


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