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Announcement from the Global Order of Darkness

Big Z

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1. People clamor for a war, citing boredom etc.

2. TORN tries to start a war, citing spygames etc.

3. People ridicule TORN, citing faulty CB.

4. TORN not so sure about war, citing lack of ability to quadruple bumrush.

5. ???

6. Great War V.

We'll see, won't we.

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I thought he was trying to be funny. I expected the next lines to be "lol" and "hahaha." It was even more hilarious when I realized he wasn't trying to be funny.

The joke is probably lost on those that are not familiar with the context of the situation :P

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The joke is probably lost on those that are not familiar with the context of the situation :P

Yeah, to those not familiar with your inside joke, you look like a complete tool trying to act hard on the internet.

It's good a handful of people got your inside joke though, they are obviously more important to impress than the rest of Bob. The rest of us will happily continue thinking the first bit, though.

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It's good a handful of people got your inside joke though, they are obviously more important to impress than the rest of Bob. The rest of us will happily continue thinking the first bit, though.

I'm pretty sure that when mhawk made a remark inside a private channel during confidential negotiations, he wasn't trying to impress the whole of Planet Bob.

This is one of the big problems with logdumping: Most people don't have a sufficient enough clue to figure out what's actually going on when only given part of the context.

(Before someone asks me what the whole context is, I probably need to just point out that IMO those logs are pretty short.)

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I'm pretty sure that when mhawk made a remark inside a private channel during confidential negotiations, he wasn't trying to impress the whole of Planet Bob.

Irrelevant, they are public now and we all saw them. That leaves us to interpret them for ourselves, doesn't it?

Also, I don't think anyone laughed.

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So to avoid war here is what TORN and Valhalla need to do. 1) Stop being overly defensive on the OWF, and acting like the victims when the truth of the matter is they believed they had a valid CB to attack OV and found out they didn't have the political capability to do so (yes I don't believe in conspiricy theories about how it was used to divide and conquer).

I'm pretty sure TORN, TPF, and the NPO believe their CB to be solid. It sure will be interesting to see what might happen if the other side does not give in to demands. Of course, OV must believe their guys unless they find evidence to prove their guilt and as such should not give in to demands. It sure was interesting to see the ultimatum laid down before the evidence.

An addendum, regardless of the further evidence against Duffy, against sethb the allies had only the information that he accepted a screenshot from blackstone. THEY also accepted a screenshot from blackstone/somebody or they wouldn't have had that evidence. Therefore, the ultimatum that sethb be ZId MUST be dropped, unless further evidence or crime shows that he deserves the punishment. Otherwise, those that accepted the evidence proving he had accepted evidence must themselves be ZId. If accepting information is spying, then both sides are guilty. If, however, one side sought information, used said information, or shared said information, then yes, that does pass into the realm of spying. Thus, to ZI sethb, one must ask, "Did sethb use the information or share the information with parties (enemies of the NPO) that would find it useful?"

As for Duffy, I don't have all the information and so cannot comment on his guilt or innocence.

indeed there is a growing market for prospective third party mediators

Heh, MFO is a fairly independent alliance. Anyone looking for a mediator/moderator can feel free to contact JoshuaR|MFO or JoshuaR. [OOC: Then I can actually be in the loop for these things, gaining my CN entertainment] Otherwise, I'll have to get information from my spy Electron Sponge.

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OV and VE deserve medals for putting up with all that posturing and pretentious behavior that was exhibited by the logs.

The whole "are you sure that is your answer ... " line of BS is like a parent trying to get their kid to admit they took a cookie from the cookie jar. That's just plain disrespectful in my opinion and I wouldn't have any of that.

WTF is the reason for not just coming into the discussion with:

1. We have information that you did such and such

2. Here is the proof

If it was up to me, I would toss aside the demands for ZI as clearly spying was done on both sides and neither party has the moral high ground. This is just another example of the 'might makes right' mentality.

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OV and VE deserve medals for putting up with all that posturing and pretentious behavior that was exhibited by the logs.

The whole "are you sure that is your answer ... " line of BS is like a parent trying to get their kid to admit they took a cookie from the cookie jar. That's just plain disrespectful in my opinion and I wouldn't have any of that.

WTF is the reason for not just coming into the discussion with:

1. We have information that you did such and such

2. Here is the proof

If it was up to me, I would toss aside the demands for ZI as clearly spying was done on both sides and neither party has the moral high ground. This is just another example of the 'might makes right' mentality.

I must agree with most of your statement - however regarding the bolded part - it would appear the only reason these "negotiations" are taking place is the fact that TORN/TPF/NPO no longer have the "might" to do as they wish and realize they must tread carefully. Perhaps it's the complete lack of experience in how to properly negotiate from a position without power that has led to this display. Of course that's purely speculation as I have no idea how many negotiations the above have actually partaken in behind closed doors, I can only judge by what's public knowledge. However I imagine it's been several years since any of them operated from a position of equality or less based on the history of curbstomps the last few years.

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I must agree with most of your statement - however regarding the bolded part - it would appear the only reason these "negotiations" are taking place is the fact that TORN/TPF/NPO no longer have the "might" to do as they wish and realize they must tread carefully. Perhaps it's the complete lack of experience in how to properly negotiate from a position without power that has led to this display. Of course that's purely speculation as I have no idea how many negotiations the above have actually partaken in behind closed doors, I can only judge by what's public knowledge. However I imagine it's been several years since any of them operated from a position of equality or less based on the history of curbstomps the last few years.

I think the majority of talks they have are like that one, except normally they suceed in their routine. They hold power no longer.

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I must agree with most of your statement - however regarding the bolded part - it would appear the only reason these "negotiations" are taking place is the fact that TORN/TPF/NPO no longer have the "might" to do as they wish and realize they must tread carefully.

I wouldn't call that "treading carefully". :P

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I think the majority of talks they have are like that one, except normally they suceed in their routine. They hold power no longer.

Perhaps you would have preferred it if they'd offered to let OV pay 60M to keep Mr Duffy while placing him on NPO's PermaZI list should he ever leave OV.

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Perhaps you would have preferred it if they'd offered to let OV pay 60M to keep Mr Duffy while placing him on NPO's PermaZI list should he ever leave OV.

Yes, I agree. It would be much better if NPO (or whoever is even making the demands, it's hard to say) substituted outrageous demands from a bullying position instead of what they did do (make outrageous demands from a bullying position).

Excellent point.

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Perhaps you would have preferred it if they'd offered to let OV pay 60M to keep Mr Duffy while placing him on NPO's PermaZI list should he ever leave OV.

I would have preferred they actually present evidence and make a case.

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I would have preferred they actually present evidence and make a case.

I would too, but...

Let's not forget that neither side is innocent in this; it's just that the hypocrisy on our side and anti-hegemony sentiment have combined into one messy situation that will be difficult to deal with.

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