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Dragon Bloc upgrades Air-force

sir jesus

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President Landry sent out a message to the members of Dragon Bloc,

"In this age of warfare the victors of combat are often decided not by forces on the ground, but in the skies. With permission from Chairman Tom Clark, the Melvin Republic has initiated the upgrading of the Dragon Bloc airforce. However, we can not do this alone. Our nation specializes in the technical and industrial aspects of creating military hardware, but our citizenry lacks the creativity to make new designs. Therefore, I call on all Dragon Bloc nations to begin submitting tentative designs for a new aircraft that our engineers and entrepreneurs can begin production. With every member of the Dragon Bloc equipped with high-powered aircraft, we will be a force to be reckoned with."

OOC: My IG tech level is 4,450 so we can play with some crazy designs.

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The EB-1C uses adaptive skin technology on the forward and aft sections of the fuselage and on the wings. The composite structure is reshaped by computer-controlled microhydraulic actuators that can create lift or drag as needed without the use of rigid control surfaces. The wings no longer need to have spoilers for roll control or flaps for angle-of-attack contro. This also allows for a much smaller vertical stabilizer and the removal of the horizontal stabilizer and gust-load alleviator vanes. It uses both RADAR and LADAR

It is armed with various diffent advanced armanents

AIM-120 medium range air-to-air missiles, triple mode active radar, passive radar, and infared guidance, fifty pound directed-frag warhead, max range thirty-five miles.

AGM-165 air-to-ground guided missile, two hundred pound thermium-nitrate warhead, sixty mile rang, milimeter wave RADAR autoguidance or imaging infared guidance enhanced with a target-handoff capability from the LADAR attack system where you input coordinates and launch the missile, then refine aiming as it closes in.

AIM-152 long range hypersonic air-to-air missile, ramjet engine, max speed mach five, max range one hundred and fifty miles, fifty pound warhead

ABM-3 anti-ballistic-missile missile, triple mode guiding system, max range about three hundred miles at optimum launch parameters.

The UCAV is a remote controlled aircraft that is usually carried in the bomb-bays of the bomber. It usually carries one sensor UCAV and several assault UCAVs. The assualt UCAV carries smaller, shorter range versions AGM-165 missiles. It has enough firepower in one missile to take down a main battle tank and it carries six.

Also, the F-35 Rapier, a stealth capble fighter with advanced jamming systems.


Some improvements over current-generation fighter aircraft are:

Durable, low-maintenance stealth technology;

Integrated avionics and sensor fusion that combine information from off- and onboard sensors to increase the pilot's situational awareness and improve identification and weapon delivery, and to relay information quickly to other command and control (C2) nodes;

High speed data networking including IEEE 1394b and Fibre Channel.

The F-35 features a full-panel-width "panoramic $@pit display (PCD)", with dimensions of 20 by 8 inches (50 by 20 centimeters). A $@pit speech-recognition system (Direct Voice Input) is planned to improve the pilot's ability to operate the aircraft over the current-generation.

A helmet mounted display system (HMDS) will be fitted to all models of the F-35. While some fourth-generation fighters have offered HMDS along with a head up display (HUD), this will be the first time in several decades that a front-line tactical jet fighter has been designed to not carry a HUD.

The ejection seat design balances major performance requirements, including safe terrain clearance limits, pilot load limits, and pilot size. It uses a twin-catapult system that is housed in side-rails

The main sensor on board the F-35 is its AN/APG-81 AESA-radar. It is augmented by the Electro-Optical Targeting System (EOTS) mounted under the nose of the aircraft, designed by . Further electro-optical sensors are distributed over the aircraft as part of the AN/AAS-37 system which acts as missile warning system and can aid in navigation and night operations.

The LiftSystem is composed of a lift fan, driveshaft, clutch, 2 roll posts and a "3 Bearing Swivel Module" (3BSM). The 3BSM is a thrust vectoring nozzle which allows the main engine exhaust to be deflected downward at the tail of the aircraft. The lift fan near the front of the aircraft provides a counter-balancing thrust. Somewhat like a vertically mounted turboprop within the forward fuselage, the lift fan is powered by the engine's low-pressure (LP) turbine via a driveshaft and gearbox. Roll control during slow flight is achieved by diverting pressurized air from the LP turbine through wing mounted thrust nozzles called Roll Posts.

The F-35's armament includes a GAU-22/A four-barrel 25 mm cannon. The cannon will be mounted internally with 180 rounds in the F-35 and fitted as an external pod with 220 rounds in the F-35B and F-35C..

Internally (current planned weapons for integration), up to two air-to-air missiles and two air-to-ground weapons (up to two 2,000 lb bombs in A and C models; two 1,000 lb bombs in the B model) in the bomb bays. These could be AIM-120 AMRAAM, AIM-132 ASRAAM, the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) — up to 2,000 lb (910 kg), the Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW), Small Diameter Bombs (SDB) — a maximum of four in each bay, the Brimstone anti-armor missiles, and Cluster Munitions (WCMD). The MBDA Meteor air-to-air missile is currently being adapted to fit internally in the missile spots and may be integrated into the F-35. TriA had originally planned to put up to four ASRAAMs internally but this has been changed to carry 2 internal and 2 external ASRAAMs It has also been stated by a Lockheed executive that the internal bay will eventually be modified to accept up to 6 AMRAAMs.

At the expense of being more detectable by radar, many more missiles, bombs and fuel tanks can be attached on four wing pylons and two wingtip positions. The two wingtip pylons can only carry AIM-9X Sidewinders, while the AMRAAM, Storm Shadow, Joint Air to Surface Stand-off Missile (JASSM) cruise missiles and 480 gallon fuel tanks can be carried in addition to the stores already integrated. An air-to-air load of eight AIM-120s and two AIM-9s is conceivable using internal and external weapons stations, as well as a configuration of six two thousand pound bombs, two AIM-120s and two AIM-9s


Edited by freakwars
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ABM-3 anti-ballistic-missile missile, triple mode guiding system, max range about three hundred miles at optimum launch parameters. carries a plasma-yield warhead, above sixty miles altitude the plasma will obliterate everything within five to ten miles.




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OOC:It is laser produced plasma!

OOC: lazer weapons themselves are a no-no in CNRP, unless that's been changed and I've been unconscious somewhere. If that has changed, then I reserve the Right to build the Galaxy Class Enterprise

Edited by Lord Frost
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ooc: Someone here is a fan of "Flight of the Old Dog" it seems.. and I agree with Lynneth, no Plasma Yield warheads, but the other stuff looks nice. I had to take the Plasma Yield bombs off of my EB-52H's based on that book and that author's writing. That's the only place he really seems to stretch tech much.. his warheads. And Frost, that rule applies to direct weapons applications, such as a pure laser weapon. If you took lasers completely out of CNRP.. say good bye to many sectors of Industrial Technology and some forms of fusion.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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OOC: I'd suggest stopping right now before anything worse happens.

OOC: Anything worse happens? Who are you addressing here, and what do suggest they stop?

Our engineers have looked into the possible plasma technology for our aircraft and have deemed in far too economically unfeasible.

The current suggestion is that our primary dog-fighting aircraft be the F-35. My current airforce is comprised of these fighters, however when tested in the Slavorussian theatre was outclassed by enemy fighters. They cited "engine problems" and deemed it inferior, and the Melvin Republic wishes to prevent this from happening again. Would you suggest we move to a different class of fighter, or improve upon the current design?

Thank you for your contributions so far Andonia, together we shall make the Dragon Bloc powerful.

Also, has Dragonisia successfully contacted her old allies for possible designs?

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OOC: All of you from getting into an argument over science

that's best left to Vektor and LVN )):

OOC: What about me?

OOC: Well, you're recognized as one of our resident authorities... ;)

OOC: NEIN. I do not recognize his authority over anyone elses. He needs to show sources just like the rest of us.

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AWS Aerospace announces one of it's newest designs already mass produced internally. The AF-1 Shadow a 5th Generation Stealth Fighter.



As stated, the AF-1 Shadow is a generation 5 fighter jet, and incorporates stealth technology, advanced avionics, and various technologies that allow it to maneuver past it's stall point, which, for most previous generations had been impossible. The forward swept wing and canard configuration, as well as the 3-D thrust vectoring give this aircraft a distinct advantage in dog fighting, allowing it to out-turn and out-maneuver almost any craft in the sky. At a distance, however, the Shadow can use it's stealthy design to keep a low profile while it fires missiles from it's internal bay. Alternatively, where stealth is of minimal importance, even more ordinance may be fired from external hard points. The avionics suite is entirely new, and takes full advantage of the Oiseau Futé CIP, which will be explain fully later in the document. The OF Central Integrated Processor is a system specifically built to grow, with only about 70% of each of the two processors used in the baseline product.

Because of the unusual stresses of the Forward Swept wing, the airframe is made out of composites that are much stronger than regular metals. The AF-1 also makes heavy use of the new techniques in titanium casting, which also have the advantage of also reducing the amount of time needed to produce an aircraft. Finally, the fuselage also takes advantage of carbon-fiber composites, which offer great strength to weight ratios. However, these features will be explained more full later in the document.

Airframe and Engine Design

The design of the AF-1 is unique in that it uses a highly unstable triplane configuration (although some may argue that it is in fact a highly unstable biplane configuration, because, unlike designs like the Su-47, the tail fins of the Shadow are slanted at an angle, much like the F-22 Raptor. However, since these tail fins do produce lift, the design is technically a triplane). The canards are made of cast titanium, as well as the leading edge flaps, while the fuselage is made of mostly carbon fibre composites as well as titanium and aluminum. The fuselage is oval in cross section, while the radome is flattened a bit and given a horizontal edge in order to optimize it's anti-spinning characteristics. The wings, as stated frequently before, have a relatively unique forward sweep, making the plane extremely unstable with out computer assistance. However, this also allows it to be extremely maneuverable, able to achieve angles of attack that would stall out jets such as the F-22 or F-35, and maneuver in ways that would make even an Su-37 jealous.

The Shadow is refueled via a probe and drogue system, where the probe is retracted inside the aircraft when not in use. This means that range is theoretically limited to the amount of aerial tankers and the endurance of the pilot. Also adding to the long range capability of the AF-1 is the forward swept wing. With it's high aspect ratio, at subsonic speeds the Shadow has great fuel efficiency, allowing the Shadow a much higher maximum range than most other conventional fighters. Additionally, the wings give great low and high speed performance The rear fins are intentionally large in order to block the view of the engine from enemy planes when seen from the side (this is largely meant to combat IR scanners) as well as helping to deflect radar waves.

In order to make the aircraft stealthy, great emphasis was placed on the airframe. For instance, the air intakes are 'S' shaped, making them harder to manufacture, but greatly increasing their ability to scatter radar waves. The overall shape of the aircraft also does a great job of scattering radar waves, while the Radar Absorbent Material, or RAM, prevents it from being reflected in the first place. However, it should be noted that RAM was intentionally made a very minor part of the aircraft as a whole, due to it's maintenance intensiveness. RAM painted aircraft often have to be stored in climate controlled hangars, which is obviously out of the question for a front line fighter. In addition to the features that improve stealth versus radar, the Shadow is given a camouflage paint job in order to make it harder to spot, whether on the ground or in the air.


The Aeromarine AmTF-1191 turbofan was developed exclusively for the project, with the possibility of it being used in future fighters as well. The design takes notes from the F-119-PW-100 in that it vastly reduces the number of parts as much as 40%, which leads to a large amount of advantages, including cutting drastically the amount of support required to maintain it, easing logistics, and of course being much more reliable. In almost all of the stages the engine blades are made from a single piece of metal, which cuts the amount of air leakage, adding to the performance of the engine. The fan blades are made wider, and therefore stronger, eliminating the need for a shroud, making the engine lighter and more efficient. A major material of the fan blades are "Alloy C" developed for Pratt and Whitney, which permit the engines to run hotter while protecting key components, making them more rugged and durable. In order to cut maintenance further, and to make the combustion chamber more durable, a high colbalt titanium alloy was used due to it's high temperature and oxidation resistance. Additionally, all components, harnesses and plumbing are located on the bottom of the engine for easy access when maintenance is needed. Further, the digital engine controls are extremely redundant. Finally, normal running of the engine produces no visible smoke, making detection by smoke trail much harder. Although the engine is highly reliable, it does not do this at the expense of performance. Many of the features that make the AmTF1191 more durable also increase it's efficiency. Each engine produces 180kN of thrust, for a combined total of 360kN. Of course, as mentioned, the engines make use of thrust vectoring nozzles. Due to wing stress worries, and the fact that several prototypes had issue with the not yet entirely resolved using modern materials, a committee of the AWS Air Force looked at current doctrine, and realized that they rarely used anything past mach 1.8, and therefore a decision was made to govern the engines. Currently the engines can push the plane past 2.4, however unless the owning nation tampers with the governor, the maximum this plane can reach is mach 1.83. Should a foreign air force tamper with the engines, it is advised not to make turns at such a high speed, and to fly as straight as possible, lest the wings twist due to the immense forces acting on them.


The AF-1 is notable for using integrated avionics, in which the major components of the software, such as the radar, electronic warfare systems, and weapons system all acting as a single unit. This allows a pilot to check on the fly system warnings, instruments, and information gathered by passive, active, or even outside means (outside means being defined as AWACs aircraft). The balance of accessibility and the rate at which one can consume information was a key problem that had to be addressed, and so engineers and software experts made extensive use of visual and aural cues which are not so subtle as to go unnoticed, but not so dramatic that it's distracts the pilot during combat. As an extention, managing this balance adds another layer of functionality to the combatant, allowing him to work at a level not possible under regular conditions.

As stated, the Oiseau Futé CIP allows the amount of resources required by the system to grow. Central to this are the module slots, each one of which is one of seven generic processors, and each runs with complete independence to the ones near it. Each module runs a different set of task, and should it fail, another module may emulate it, allowing for extreme redundancy with in the on board systems. Each of the two CIPs contains 70 module slots, with 24 and 25 empty slots, with provisions for a third CIP. Additionally, with future advancements in electronics miniaturization, it is theorized that a future upgrade may increase capacity by 350%.

The software is mission configurable, so that modules may be switched out as the roles change, shifting focus from it's main role of Air Superiority to Ground Attack to Mini-AWACs to Recon/EW with minimal effort aside from a change of weapons, easing to some extent the avionics side of the "Jack of all Trades, Master of None" issue.

In order to detect threats from range, the AF-1 uses an Active Electronically Scanned Array, in addition to a passive radar system. As a supporting measure, an Optical Locator System, much like that found on the MiG-35's, which bolsters the previously underused system, putting it to use against stealthy enemies, and extensively in the ground attack role.


The armament capabilities of the Shadow are extremely versatile. The baseline version of the AF-1 uses a 25mm ACY-25E linear action cannon, built with extremely tight dimensions that require more maintenance, but extend the range of the weapon to nearly 2 km. When used in conjunction with a laser range finder, or other such targeting system, the gun may destroy most targets with in seven to ten shots. As stated, the tight dimensions require barrel replacement every few thousand rounds, but at 450 rounds per mission, it may not be much of an issue. For most missions, in order to preserve it's stealthy profile, as many as 8 missiles can be stored internally, two short range missiles in missile bays along the side, and six long range missiles in a central bay. For the ground attack configuration, it can carry two long range missiles and two 500kg munitions fitting the dimensions of the Future Attack Munitions, although the FAMs may be replaced by 8 100kg bombs. Additionally, at the expense of stealth, up to 8 additional missiles and 4 external fuel tanks may be fitted, however for normal operation, 4 missiles and two fuel tanks are added, as the extra weight of 4 fuel tanks would require that the internal missiles be dropped (excluding the two short range missiles), while their dimensions would preclude their firing, in any case. Additionally, an EW pods may also be equipped. The Shadow is both NATO and Warsaw Pact compatible.

AF-1E Export Variant

To protect the lives of AWS men and women the version for export will have some limitations. Therefore an export variant was designed in order to provide AWS and it's allies a minor edge against it's possible enemies. First of all, it's avionics are mostly off the shelf equipment already designed by AWs Aerospace, and available in many more languages than the current version. Additionally, it comes unpainted, meaning that the country it ultimately goes to will have to supply it's own radar reflective paint, however AWS Aerospace will include a paint similar to the radar reflective paint used in the AF-1 proper upon request.

Export of the AF-1 in it's normal configuration will be prohibited, the AF-1E is open for everyone but Allies get a cut.


Length: 22.5m

Wingspan: 16.7m

Height: 6.2m

Propulsion: AmTF-1191 turbofan (x2)

Total Net Thrust: 360

Empty Weight: 23,500kg

Maximum Take-Off Weight: 58,750kg

Minimum Fuel Weight: 5,875kg

Maximum Fuel Weight: 8,225kg

Normal Payload: 1,200 kg

Maximum Payload: 3,775 kg

Normal Combat Weight: 32,925kg

Thrust-to-Weight Ratio: ~1.09

Combat Range: 3,300km

Ferry Range: 8,910km

Operational Ceiling: 20,000m

Max Altitude: 22,000m

Cruising Speed: 1.5

Max Supercruising Speed: 1.8

Maximum Speed: 2.4 (governed at mach 1.83: see the last entry under Airframe and Engine Design)

Crew: 1

Price: $150m

We are willing to make the AF-1E available at a price of $140 million per plane for the Dragon Bloc.

Edited by Centurius
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Thank you very much, your offer is greatly appreciated. I understand placing limitations on your AF-1E export variant, but what are these specific limitations? Also, the Dragon Bloc will be producing these planes internally, so we would be purchasing your design as opposed to the physical aircraft. Basically the price needs to be altered: royalties per plane or a lump sum (in $billions).

What do the signatories of the Dragon Bloc think so far?

A decision will be made on 4/20, (heh) so if there are any new designs or opinions of existing ideas, please speak now.

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Thank you very much, your offer is greatly appreciated. I understand placing limitations on your AF-1E export variant, but what are these specific limitations? Also, the Dragon Bloc will be producing these planes internally, so we would be purchasing your design as opposed to the physical aircraft. Basically the price needs to be altered: royalties per plane or a lump sum (in $billions).

What do the signatories of the Dragon Bloc think so far?

A decision will be made on 4/20, (heh) so if there are any new designs or opinions of existing ideas, please speak now.

The limitations are the lack of the own used absorbing paint and an intentional flaw on all versions should a nation go rogue we would have an advantage and more simple Avionics. As for royalties and sharing of design we would need to review internally as a company we have limitations.

Edited by Centurius
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I suggest that we should have multiple types of fighter and bombers to make an effective airforce. Also, we should set up an area where aircraft from our allies can come and practice agianst each other. This would increase pilot survival rate quite a bit, as most pilots die flying their first ten missions. If they fly their first ten missions in a non-hostile environment, they will be more likely to survive.

Edited by freakwars
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The limitations are the lack of the own used absorbing paint and an intentional flaw on all versions should a nation go rogue we would have an advantage and more simple Avionics. As for royalties and sharing of design we would need to review internally as a company we have limitations.

Understood. As a company however, you should weigh the costs against the revenues and realize what the bottom line is for you: Profit.

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I suggest that we should have multiple types of fighter and bombers to make an effective airforce. Also, we should set up an area where aircraft from our allies can come and practice against each other. This would increase pilot survival rate quite a bit, as most pilots die flying their first ten missions. If they fly their first ten missions in a non-hostile environment, they will be more likely to survive.

To do so would require a more intensive retooling of my economy and place an unbearable strain on my industries. Mass production of the best (and cost effective) available fighters and bombers is the best way to build a bloc-wide formidable air force. Anything else will be too costly.

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