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"Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country"


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Boston, Massachusetts

It had been a while since the unexpected collapse of the then defunct state of J Andres. Since then, chaos, lawlessness, and anarchy had reigned over the regions that was Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and eastern parts of New York. Murder rate skyrocketed as waves of looting and the like swept throughout the region in the presence of nonexistent government, despite the effort of the disorganized police to maintain law and order. The streets were nearly deserted as the populace fearfully stayed at home in the mistaken hopes of protection from the outside. The stores and shops were virtually empty, the end result of endless looting and anarchy.

The anarchy, lawlessness, and chaos had gone on for far too long, and something had to be done about it. And it was, in the form of the energy and charisma of one person: John Fitzgerald Kennedy. In his hometown of Brookline, Massachusetts, Kennedy and his family had witnessed the suffering and depravation of the town’s populace -- and the rest of the region. He knew that the people needed somebody to look up to, and he was willing to assume the role. So, after making necessary preparations -- including, but not limited to, getting heavily-armed elite guards as an escort -- Kennedy and his wife, Jacqueline, and their children boarded a flight to Boston, Massachusetts.


John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

Upon landing at the city, Kennedy and his family were driven to the Massachusetts State House in a special armored limousine, where they got off and walked up the steps of the State House. The presence of Kennedy and his family aroused attention, and soon people began to flock to the streets -- despite the risks involved -- to survey the man and his family. ’Who is he?’ and ’Is he our new leader?’ ran through most people’s minds -- although not-so-innocent thoughts ran through young women minds. Kennedy’s handsome looks and charming smile assured the populace (and not to mention, wooed hundreds of girls) that everything else was going to be all right.


The Massachusetts State House.

It was at the State House that Kennedy would meet with members of the defunct government. There, they would engage into long discussions and negotiations, and the like. After long hours (“How long must they keep it up? We have a nation to save!” Kennedy would privately confide to his wife, Jackie), the State government finally agreed to dissolve itself and to bestow Kennedy powers to establish and run a new government and state. With great power comes great responsibility, and Kennedy knew this -- and he was willing to do it. There was no time to lose.

After days and weeks of preparations and arrangements, Kennedy and his ‘government’ was about to get things up and running in the region (including establishing a ‘provisional military force’ to institute peace, law, and order). After contacting the governments in New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New York, Kennedy was about to secure their allegiance and this would provide for a basis of which his new government could assert power, legitimacy, and jurisdiction over the regions that was soon to become the newest member on the world stage.

Standing in front of the Massachusetts State House, in front of hundreds of thousands of inhabitants that were amassed in the center of Boston, John Fitzgerald Kennedy smiled as he glanced at his lovely wife and wonderful children before scanning the crowd. The cameras, microphones, speakers, television screens, and satellites was all linked up, after weeks of efforts, as the whole region -- and the world -- would hear and watch him speak.

Clearing his throat, Kennedy began.

Hello, ladies and gentlemen.” Kennedy’s voice emanated through the various microphones, loudspeakers, and radios as his handsome face was visible on millions of television screens. “All of you are probably wondering of who I am. Let me introduce myself, my name is John Fitzgerald Kennedy and I have come to lead you, this nation, out of the suffering and destitution that had gone on for long enough!

The inhabitants gasped as they fathomed Kennedy’s words. They could sense his honesty and sincerity, and they slowly came to the realization that he was the person they may have been looking for, and that they could place their trust in him.

Scanning the crowd, Kennedy continued. “So in this historic moment, we as an unified people and nation and government forge a new State, one that will bring nothing but honor, glory, and prosperity not only to us but to all! Thus, with this statement, I declare the official establishment of the Republic of New England! Through the new Republic, we will show our honor and virtue to the rest of the world, and we shall succeed in that. We will bring betterment to you, the people, as a whole and only that can we prosper!

But, Kennedy continued, “We cannot do this alone, by ourselves. We can only succeed with your support and active participation! Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. Whether you are a citizen of the Republic of New England or that of the rest of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice that we now ask of you.

At that, the crowd began cheering. They had found their leader, at last. One that they could place their allegiance in. The Dark Age was finally over.

Smiling, Kennedy’s eyes were shining with determination as he concluded his stirring speech. “With that, I call upon you, my people, to join together with the world in the form of the Republic of New England to combat what I must call the common enemies of man: poverty, disease, tyranny, injustice, and war itself.

With that, Kennedy stepped off the podium, smiling as he made his way to his family. A new, shining era was just beginning.

Edited by JEDCJT
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The final transmission of the Imperium of America invited a representative to enter Imperial Center for negotiations concerning the emerging government. The unique position of the city forced it to maintain some contact with the outside world, if only to sustain the Transcontinental Canal.

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Ironically, Tahoe's President during the 1960's was named John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Not ironically, he looked exactly like the picture being propagated.

Tahoe's current president is also related on his mothers side to Kennedy.

OOC: Wow, I didnt know that... :blink:

OOC: I hope he doesn't get shot. lol.
Norsvea would like to remind Kennedy that convertibles are highly unsafe for parades. Please, bring an umbrella.
Artemis Global Security welcomes this phantom zombie President into the world, and would advise against riding in planes, running for elected office or visiting Amerikanisches Reich.

OOC: Really, guys... :rolleyes:

IC: Kennedy raised an eyebrow as he scanned over these...interesting telegrams from several nations.

The final transmission of the Imperium of America invited a representative to enter Imperial Center for negotiations concerning the emerging government. The unique position of the city forced it to maintain some contact with the outside world, if only to sustain the Transcontinental Canal.

We will send a representative to Imperial Center.

Edited by JEDCJT
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