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or join us ;) [preferably the second option!]

What does the Alliance of Powerful Penguinz have to offer YOU? LOTS!!!

For one thing, APP is the only alliance to contain never before-seen amounts of epic awesomeness. So all members automatically obtain said epic awesomeness! =] Our irc chan, #app, has been a popular hangout for CNers all over Planet Bob for over a year now! Come check us our sometime :awesome: All visitors get ops (@) and all APPers get founders!!! (~)

APP may only have a small number of members now, but each one of them is VERY active and very experienced in CN. For new CNers, this is a great place to get advice on tech selling, nation building, infra jumps, improv. swapping, tech raids, and anything else you need to know :]

Speaking of tech raids...members are NOT tech raid targets! ;) ily echelon <3333 APP nations are safe, not nuke rogues [yet ;) hahahah jk] and we will defend your nation if anyone attacks you. If they dare to, anyway :P In fact, APPers are protected by an AWESOME alliance full of random crazyyyyy people! o/ RIA!

For the larger APP nations that buy tech...we have 3mil/150 tech deals!!! [when my slots are open, of course!] But first priority of aid slots go to APP victims =]] <3 er...members, I mean. Yeah, members. =]

We have no requirements, other than that you post your application on our forums: Forums clicky click here :]

No need to change your team color or have to find yourself new trades- we are a mixed color alliance :]

We LOVEEEEE new members! Newbies get huggles and wuvz and aid packages and SEKRITS!

Yeah, sekrits. For APP ears only ;) So join and we can tell you ALL OF THEM! Except the sekrit plots about declaring war on Midas, because those are wayyyy sekrit so don't tell anyone! xD

We're new, yeah, but we are speshul! :D SO WHAT IF SOME OF US RIDE THE SHORT BUS!? My mommy loves me, and that's all that matters... xD






#app on coldfront.net


We, the noble penguinz of the Alliance of Powerful Penguinz hereby:

1.) Strive to create and uphold friendly global relations;

2.) Make friendz;

3.) Take over the world, one palm tree at a time;

4.) Promote the use of nuclear weapons, and other weapons of mass destruction such as:

-evil pink fuzzeh bunneh minions

- rainbows

- hannah montana cds D:

5.) Declare that sour patch kids are amazing and will FOREVER be amazing.

6.) Complaining, cursing, and general bad attitudes are strictly banned and will henceforth result in banning of alliance membership.

Alliance Membership:

All members are required to say the oath of APP and go through a few questions asked by the one of the three government members.

There is no required team color and members are encouraged to keep with their old trade circles.

Tech deals are left up to individual nations, although if APP or RIA nations are looking to buy, they come first.

Our Government will be loosely run, as to eliminate some of the tension that builds up w/ major elections and such, so here is the general plan:

Prime Minister- (PM)- there will be 1 along w/ a Deputy (DPM). He/She will be the founders, and after we get more members, we may vote to elect others in the future. He/She will generally handle major alliance matters, and have the power to:

1.) Declare War

2.) Declare Peace

3.) Accept new members

4.) Ban members via forums and or irc on a case by case basis

5.) Appoint ministers when we do not have elections.

Head Dictator Penguin- (HDP) Will overlook the alliance and will make sure everything is running smoothly. They will make sure everyone is obeying the charter and doing the right thing as well as being respectful. ☺

PM, DPM, and HDP all share the jobs of:

-masking diplomats/creating embassies

-being a diplomat to other alliances



We dont rly have members yet...so we wont have them yet XP But when we do, itll be a 2/3 vote wins for everyone. Elections will be held every 6 months.


1) APP will let nations have nuclear weapons but does not allow first strikes. Any nation caught using Nukes on first strike will be dealt with severely or even banned from APP.

Dual Membership: Dual membership will not be allowed at APP.

Foreign Affairs:

1) APP will be diplomatic in all talks and if an ambassador is caught doing otherwise they will get a time-out.

2) APP will be open to any treaties and anyone who wants to be friends biggrin.gif

Edited by cello chik
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So join and we can tell you ALL OF THEM! Except the sekrit plots about declaring war on Midas, because those are wayyyy sekrit so don't tell anyone! xD

Wait What?

Actually you can't even declare on me cause I'm too big 4 u :P

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