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Income help


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Okay, I thought this was kinda normal but surely it can't be, it's ridiculous.

At the moment my daily income is ;


Almost a mil

And my taxes at 28%

My daily taxes are


I can barely pay for 10 infrastructure a day -.-

Surely theres something wrong, or something I can do?

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First off, I am assuming you are the nation Alagaesia, ruled by Thor Gold? If so your forum name does not match your in game ruler name, you need to post or PM a Mod in the appropriate forum to get that taken care of. I had to do it myself, it might take a day or three depending on how busy the mods are at the time.

Looking at your nation, you are carrying 20 nukes and a moderately large navy, airforce and CMs, so yes, your bills are going to be higher then a lot of other nations your size. All that military power is not free you know. If you are doing labor camp swaps you can also troop swap to save a bit of money. Communist is a dirty government, so using Capitalism to pay bills and then switching to Democracy to collect taxes in should help a bit. You can do this because you have a GM.

You are not getting the maximum discount to infrastructure maintenance from tech, so getting some more tech will help you, again a small amount but it adds up.

You are not doing anything wrong per se, it's just your large military expenses are eating your income to some extent.

Edit: OK I am an idiot; you have a Social Security System, so make sure you have set your tax rate at 30% or that wonder is not doing anything for you.

Edited by Mirreille
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First off, I am assuming you are the nation Alagaesia, ruled by Thor Gold?

Can't be. Thats a 6k infra nation. The OP said his bills were 664,441.02, and the infra bill alone on a 6k nation would be at least 3 times that.

Eragon - if you post your nation link we could probably help you out a little more.

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