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MA Announcement

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Government Updates at Monos Archein

Well, it's been awhile since we've really made an announcement concerning our internal affairs. Nominally because we've hit a stability point and it'd really suck to jinx it. Until now. I present the new MA government hot off the press:

-Government and Staff List of Monos Archein-


KaitlinK of Kastay


Mamaduck of Mamaduck


Mila Amo of Alotampia

-Prime Minister-

Bronzestar of Callendar

-Minister of Foreign Affairs-


-Minister of War-


-Minister of Defense-


Archein Guard-Mistress Valkyrie

-Minister of Education-


-Minister of Recruitment-

The Icemark

-Minister of Justice-


-Minister of Internal Affairs-

Lord Derfel

-Minister of Commerce-


-Minster of Finance-

Napoleon I

-Minister of Trade-

Marcus Cragonia

A special thanks goes out to Mila Amos and the return of AoC to our ranks. Quite honestly, it represents a big boost to have some of our most beloved players back home and at work again. I forgot how hard we used to work to make the alliance what it is, and having people around that have the dedication and time to make it even bigger really says something about how special of a place this is. I resent not having enough room to announce some of the new deputies that are taking a lead role in their departments :(, but that's another announcement in itself (the wall of text representing players that have taken it upon themselves to make our neck of the woods a better place is so large, that it would make your eyes bleed). We at MA look forward to new milestones and bringing word of our progress soon enough.




PS: We lol'ed at the logs last night. All of us are too drunk to make a rebuttal at this time. Aid packages of coffee and aspirin are on the way, but we all know that the best way to get rid of a hangover is to drink more.

PSS: Hi Fark

EDIT: editing typos are for loosers. I shall not :lol:

Edited by In Spades
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Wait...didnt you already do that? :P

You mean we're supposed to read the forum rules before posting here? And I thought that they were there to look important :(.

wow we are sexy. Spades I <3 this announcement.

Now get back to work!

And how long have you known me?! And what part of that sounds like me?!

I love you too. :wub:

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A very smexy government there!

Mila, can you send Steff over to educate me? I'm sure Welsh can liase it for us.

/me huggles at mamaduck

/me snuggles mila

/me manly handshakes derfel

/me highfives Welsh

/me remains too cool for Ice

/me winks at steff

P.S you guys are missing the point, that govt is porn worthy!

Edited by Cyphon88
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A very smexy government there!

Mila, can you send Steff over to educate me? I'm sure Welsh can liase it for us.

/me huggles at mamaduck

/me snuggles mila

/me manly handshakes derfel

/me highfives Welsh

/me remains too cool for Ice

/me winks at steff

P.S you guys are missing the point, that govt is porn worthy!

On my way ;)



and o/ MA

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Three women leading MA :o I am a happy ebil dictator!

Oh and Spades... Its Mistress of Education and Mistress of Justice both are women ;)


o/ Spades and his sexy announcing duties

o/ Mamaduck Ringmaster of MA

I'm waayyyy out of practice on these things B)

Kait will have your hide for that typo, Spades. :P


*Adds another typo in for additional spite*

Yeah, but I think we were both screwed from the get go in terms of incurring the wrath of Kait, lol.

B) I would check out your forum every day then B)

A forum isn't a manly forum unless you're typing with one hand :P

Some sexy people in Gov there Spades. Good to see mila back at home as well.

Looking for greater things in the future.

:wub: Kait

:wub: MA

We luvs us some Bud around MA. We wish you and our all of our allies down at Valhalla well with steins of mead.

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