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A Treaty Announcement from The Sasori Initiative

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After reviewing our current treaty with Apocalypse, we were saddened to find that it did not fit our level of love.

Due to these unfortunate circumstances, we both took immediate action, and decided that an upgrade was sorely needed. Therefore, I proudly present to you an update of the Mokushiroku-Sasori Pact.


The Mokushiroku-Sasori Pact



For many long months both The Sasori Initiative and Apocalypse have worked hard both staying friends and becoming better friends. The basis for the previous accords has been shown true and has been sustained as bonds have grown closer. On many occasions both parties have gone above and beyond the terms of the previous agreement, offering defense and aid where it was not asked. In light of this enduring commitment it is only appropriate to introduce a new bond to correctly represent the ties both parties share.

This is an upgrade of The Mokushiroku-Sasori Accords.

I. Sovereignty

The Sasori Initiative and Apocalypse recognize each other as sovereign entities. Neither party will engage in covert or overt attempts to maliciously influence the others choices be they in foreign or internal affairs.

II. Non-Aggression

Neither signatory will be involved in military aggression towards the other. If there is a nation responsible from either side that violates this part of the pact, both sides shall work toward a resolution of the matter in a responsible and respectful manner including the discussion of reparations.

III. Diplomatic Relations and Expectations

Both alliances will be friendly in communications towards one another in all public dealings and communications including, but not limited to, declarations on the Open World Forum and in the public IRC channels of both parties. In private, both alliances are free to express their honest opinions.

IV. Defense

In the event that one of the signatories of this treaty is attacked, the other party is highly encouraged, though not obligated, to provide any and all assistance including intelligence, diplomatic, financial and military aid up to full military intervention.

V. Aggression

Should one signatory of this treaty engage in an offensive war with a third party, the other party is encouraged to provide the same assistance as they would under Article IV. It is understood that, in the event that either side shares a treaty with the third party, that this stands as a viable reason for refusing to engage in aggression.

VI. Cancellation

Barring a blatant violation of parts II or III of this treaty, should either party wish to cancel this treaty they shall give seven (7) days notice in private. After the expiration of this time period both parties are free to part ways.

Signed for The Sasori Initiative

Shurukian, Empress of the Sasori Initiative

ditchboy00, Imperial Advisor

James Maximus, Imperial Advisor

Signed for Apocalypse

Ghostlin, Wolf Emperor of Apocalypse

Jewelangel, Rarely Angelic Horseman of Foreign Affairs

Pokeikon, Pacifist Horseman o' War

Yuurei, Horseman of Internal Affairs

tl;dr: No treaty cancellations tonight! :awesome:

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