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A Message from the Grand Global Alliance

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I got all the way through page 8, but I don't think this thread is going to get any better than pages one and two. GGA, I think a nice, long talk with your allies is in order. In fact, I think they'll be coming to knock on your door soon if they haven't already. I would second the suggestion of a nice, long radio silence.


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I have a long memory sir and the point of MOB mentality is proved post after post. There are many in this thread that would normally leave this type of thread alone but since some have made it the Cool thing to do they are jumping right in with nothing more usefull than LOL GGA and what not.

Yourself, Stumpy, Revanche Ocho and what not this is fully expected, but for this thread to have reached over 300 posts is ridiculous, its nothing more than people comming out to kick an alliance while they are down. I understand they are not universally loved but if this wasnt the GGA and were some small alliance you guys would be screaming to leave them alone.

Thats because this is what you would expect from small, inexprienced alliances, not high profile ones like GGA who have been around long enough to know how this place works. If any other high profile alliance made PR blunder after PR blunder, you'd get pretty much the same response.

I'm stunned anyone thought this announcement would be a good idea and didn't see this sort of response coming, seems like a panic decision. Kinda makes you wonder what's in those logs.

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Oh yes, GGA is one of those alliances that blew countless issues involving the GPA out of proportion. One member accidentally aided a GOONS member. Instead of simply solving it reasonably the instead made a huge fuss out of it, and reminded GPA of the incident for months like it actually mattered. Had it been any other alliance other than the GPA the issue never would have made it to the public spotlight. Yes, yes, GGA for a long time harassed alliances over the slightest of issues and now it is happening to them. Why exactly should any of us have any sympathy for them again? You hegemony folks sure hold an interesting set of standards because I never saw any outrage from any of you when you were pulling this stuff on others.


Well said RV - the facts are the facts.

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Oh yes, GGA is one of those alliances that blew countless issues involving the GPA out of proportion. One member accidentally aided a GOONS member. Instead of simply solving it reasonably the instead made a huge fuss out of it, and reminded GPA of the incident for months like it actually mattered. Had it been any other alliance other than the GPA the issue never would have made it to the public spotlight. Yes, yes, GGA for a long time harassed alliances over the slightest of issues and now it is happening to them. Why exactly should any of us have any sympathy for them again? You hegemony folks sure hold an interesting set of standards because I never saw any outrage from any of you when you were pulling this stuff on others.


You have to realize RV, they are confused. They are so used to being able to drown out the people who would dare speak ill of any members of the hegemony that they are not quite sure how to handle it when they are the ones being drowned out. I am sure it is a very scary time for them when they realize that no one is afraid of them anymore.

Edited by KingSrqt
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I am quite certain that you have approved and actively supported most of these wars. And oh well, there is still CIN and m who you forced to disband. You are the last one who should complain about that.


I hope that I'm not the only one who finds literally everything Sam says hysterical.

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You have to realize RV, they are confused. They are so used to being able to drown out the people who would dare speak ill of any members of the hegemony that they are not quite sure how to handle it when they are the ones being drowned out. I am sure it is a very scary time for them when they realize that no one is afraid of them anymore.

The line it is drawn

The curse it is cast

The slow one now

Will later be fast

As the present now

Will later be past

The order is

Rapidly fadin'.

And the first one now

Will later be last

For the times they are a-changin'.

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If, and I say IF, I were an ally of the GGA, perhaps for many years, I would be interested in knowing why they are apologizing to me. And yet, most if not all of GGA's allies are in here trying to make it look like they don't mind whatsoever. Clearly their PR is better than GGA's and may be good enough to cover this up for them.

I do wonder if this has anything to do with this movement that is occuring across CN, and the vital wall of meat that GGA provides its allies. If things weren't so...hairy...right now, I wonder if what is contained in these logs would warrant a rolling as 1V has done in the past. Instead it appears it is forgive and forget, until things are quiet enough to risk losing/crushing another ally with impunity.

If those logs contain nothing that would upset an ally of GGA, there is no reason to apologize. If every alliance speaks poorly of its allies at times in private channels, as most of the defenses from GGA's allies seem to be, there is no harm in DerekJones releasing them. If everyone in 1V, and maybe tC, talks crap behind each others backs, it is little wonder they don't pull as much weight as in times past.

Which is a laughable defense anyway, as you could hardly find an instance of apology worthy conversation in MOON's government channel about their allies. Plenty about our enemies or other jerks, but not our ALLIES. We signed papers to defend them with our people's lives, and vice versa, to turn around and bad mouth them behind their backs with enough severe material that would warrant an apology seems pretty stupid. And when I say material that warrants an apology I mean, material that warrants an apology to stave off war in one way or another, since that is the only way you can get someone to apologize in this world.

When I first read the OP I did not take that conversation as a joke, but rather, if you attack me, I'll dump logs. Maybe it was a joke, and my sense of humor just doesn't match GGA's. I don't know.

My two cents.

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But of course don't let me ruin the fun for you, I just wonder how you'd have liked it when your alliance and its community was ripped apart.

Been there and had that done already (RIP FPI)

I have also witnessed GGA rip apart alliances and communities.

As the incredibly awesome RV stated: KARMA

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I am sure it is a very scary time for them when they realize that no one is afraid of them anymore.

That fear was the only thing shielding them from the criticism they so rightly deserve. Now that it's gone though everyone can see them for the jokes they've become. At this point, I don't even think Ocho's plan could save them.

I am quite certain that you have approved and actively supported most of these wars. And oh well, there is still CIN and m who you forced to disband. You are the last one who should complain about that.

This rings of the "those more accountable (for the state of affairs)" getting what they deserve part of V's speech.

The thing is ES got what he deserved and in starting again from the bottom his rise is opposing that system which is now in place. Surely when (not if) he returns to power nobody should continue to hold him to account for that which he is now redeeming himself for.

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I specifically remember NPO, Valhalla, GGA, and IRON trolling the hell out of GPA from October 07 on through that war. And of course the whole worst alliance ever thing with GATO.

If i were a member of any of those alliances at that time I would not have made this statement nor would i have kicked an alliance while they were down. As I am no longer a govt figure my opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my alliance.

Thats because this is what you would expect from small, inexprienced alliances, not high profile ones like GGA who have been around long enough to know how this place works. If any other high profile alliance made PR blunder after PR blunder, you'd get pretty much the same response.

I'm stunned anyone thought this announcement would be a good idea and didn't see this sort of response coming, seems like a panic decision. Kinda makes you wonder what's in those logs.

Not arguing this but as it has been stated before, we have all said things in private in the heat of the moment that could be blown way out of proportion should they be released. I know there are logs out there of convos I have had and I have said some things that I would not want made public.

I still wish GGA the best of luck and hope they can get their house in order.

Edited by Buds The Man
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I can't understand after making all those other mistakes how you continue to make more PR mistakes. I offer my services, amateur though they are to recreate your AA (it may involve disbanding and recreating)

I suggest you take them. Daffy duck could take over right now and do a better job.

I also wonder what was in those logs, we all know they will now be released.

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Not arguing this but as it has been stated before, we have all said things in private in the heat of the moment that could be blown way out of proportion should they be released.

I have never said anything in private that I'd need to pre-emptively apologise to my allies for if there was a chance of it being made public, so please, don't tar me with the GGA incompetence brush.

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If i were a member of any of those alliances at that time I would not have made this statement nor would i have kicked an alliance while they were down. As I am no longer a govt figure my opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my alliance.

Or the actions of your alliance, who are right up there historically when it comes to kicking others while they're down.

e:fixed quote tag

Edited by Electron Sponge
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Not arguing this but as it has been stated before, we have all said things in private in the heat of the moment that could be blown way out of proportion should they be released. I know there are logs out there of convos I have had and I have said some things that I would not want made public.

i haz logs of you in such convos bud!


now taking bids on them.......

and back on track

can we see the logs? we need more dramaz

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I would tend to agree with this, but regardless GGA govt has yet to post any sort of meaningful reply to the criticisms that have been brought up in this thread. The only response by gga has been two members in essence trolling the trolls. I would have expected, considering the nature of the OP that perhaps there would have been at least some sort of follow up post to say "DerekJones has agreed not to release logs, kthxbye, lock thread"

Kwilliams, I agree that this would have been the best thing that the GGA could have done to avoid this huge mess. With regard to the bolded part, however, there are no longer author's rights on this forum, you can no longer request your threads to be locked.

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