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American International Superhighway

thor gold

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Alagaesian scholars recently stumbled upon plans for a "North American Superhighway," a proposal brought before the North American International community some months ago. Upon presentation to President Thor, an idea was hatched. Revive the plan to create an internationally-maintained superhighway to aid trade, travel, and relations between the nations... and not just North America! No, it was thought that the Superhighway be extended... to the entire Western Hemisphere.

Alagaesia invites dimplomats from all nations throughout the western hemisphere, from the tip of South America to the farthest reaches of Viniland, to come discuss such a plan. We welcome all nations throughout the Americas to share their views on such a Superhighway, and are open to discussion, pledges, and debate.

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We feel that with our new treaty with Alagaesia ( :awesome: ), it would not be important, or have any effect on our economy.

You don't think it would enable easier transportation of trade goods?

We have a trans-continental rail system here in Australia that is beneficial to trade in the same way.

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This is true, but the most efficient route would have it go through the Viniland Protectorate in the Great Plains, nowhere near the Federation.

Your point? Offshoots and branches are not unheard of. And they would still increase efficiency.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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The city of Cybertron takes great interest in such a project as it is difficult to transport goods and tanks by road in the Ohio River Valley as is. We await word if President Thor would like to meet with Lord Megatron about this.

Edited by Lord Megatron17
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OOC: well im just about in that area, somewhere in Tennessee, i tried for Pennsylvania but missed by a bit.

OOC: You should probably make a land claim here and then post a DoE to be recognized in CNRP.

Edited by Raritan
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We would support a Superhighway as we believe it would be beneficial to all participant North American nations. However, we do remember the last time it was proposed the project fell apart before it even started.

Secretary of State,

Colon Powers

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Seeing as some nations have expressed interest in a system, here are general details drawn out:

The superhighway will be a transportation vein. Currently, railway lines and highways are largely independent of each other, but a superhighway would create one line of transport. While each nation would have the option to "customize" the lengths of the highway in their nations, the "base" design for the superhighway is as follows:

-At least six lanes of for automobile travel

-At least four standard rail lines

-At least two magnarail lines

Of course, due to these requirements, the highway would be the main vein with smaller-lane highways and rail lines branching off, but that is its purpose. Ideally, one would be able to travel at 70 mph (112 k/h) from the tip of South America to the very fringe of North America via automobile, or travel via train or monorail the same distance.

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Seeing as some nations have expressed interest in a system, here are general details drawn out:

The superhighway will be a transportation vein. Currently, railway lines and highways are largely independent of each other, but a superhighway would create one line of transport. While each nation would have the option to "customize" the lengths of the highway in their nations, the "base" design for the superhighway is as follows:

-At least six lanes of for automobile travel

-At least four standard rail lines

-At least two magnarail lines

Of course, due to these requirements, the highway would be the main vein with smaller-lane highways and rail lines branching off, but that is its purpose. Ideally, one would be able to travel at 70 mph (112 k/h) from the tip of South America to the very fringe of North America via automobile, or travel via train or monorail the same distance.

While we like the concept very much, the practical concerns must be considered. Who will fund thousands of miles of Maglevs which are extremely expensive? How would you deal with terrain and finding the necessary land to build 6 lands and 4 tracks? If those can be solved or worked around, we would be more thna willing to sign on.

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