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Good show, JB. I think I owe you an apology as well. I think I was right in calling you out for that statement, but I was wrong to assume that you had done it intentionally, that you had sat there and gone "okay, how can I twist this to make Finster look bad IRL?" I apologize for jumping to that conclusion, it was a wrong one. Good luck getting off PZI. :)


I also thought this particular situation was blown out of proportion. I hope this clears up all ill-will on both sides, really guys its time to give it a rest.

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JB, back when you first posted the logs of your chat with Finster, I was certain that you had done so only to paint him in a bad light as well as garner some form of pity from the rank and file of the OWF. It appears I was wrong in that assumption and for that, I apologize.

I as well as IRON thank you for posting this thread.

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I think Kahn took the words out of my mouth. :P

It takes more guts and humility to 'fess up then to not 'fess up, and it also takes more guts to forgive than it does to not forgive.

I think I've come out of this with more respect for both Finster and JB. :D

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I like your avatar. Good luck.

And I hate yours...sometimes imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but not always. <_<

JB: You keep posting these and you keep getting sympathy for them. It makes me worry about Planet Bob that people have such short memories and bite on anything that sounds remotely contrite.

OOC: Honestly, come back as someone else and forget the character JB ever existed...all the crap you are catching right now as a player would vanish in an instant, static IP or not...and for God's sake, no matter what, no more resignation threads. :rolleyes:

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[...] FinsterBaby is most certainly not some crazy man sitting behind a keyboard wishing death on people in real life. [...]


As this is a personal RL issue I don't completely understand what IRON had to do with it, but anyway again I certainly don't know the whole picture.

JB and FB: +100 respect points each.

Edited by jerdge
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I am kinda taken back by the lack of people not seeing that this is an apology in a way to get off PZI...NOT EZI. I may be wrong, but to $@! U ME someone wishes you dead OOC is a pretty horrible thing in itself.

The apology I hope is not done to get out of a sticky situation. If it is then I would hope IRON makes you reroll. If not, then I am happy you saw the fallacy of your ways.

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