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Declaration of War: Lafayette Escadrille Versus Mostly Harmless Alliance

To the World!

In this world of War, we can find no higher Honor than challenging our Friends of the Mostly Harmless Alliance in an all out battle. As friends, we know that they will fight it hard and clean, and they know that we will do the same. As friends, we know that when the War is over, regardless of the outcome, we will remain friends.

Yes, we know MHA is 2.5 times our size. And we do NOT want assistance is this war. Do not interfere, this is a war exercise between friends. Possibly a fight to the death, and if so, so be it. Our command staff has analyzed possible wars, and we decided if we're going to do this, let's shoot for the top, let's fight the best. We are not holding back, this will be our best shot, and we expect the same in return from MHA. This will be the ultimate test of our war theories and combat execution.

Either Go Big, or Go Home!

<S> Thaisport and MHA

Let the games begin.


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In this world of War, we can find no higher Honor than challenging our Friends of the Mostly Harmless Alliance in an all out battle. As friends, we know that they will fight it hard and clean, and they know that we will do the same. As friends, we know that when the War is over, regardless of the outcome, we will remain friends.

i see all this talk of honor and friends in here, but i message one of my attackers to ask when this will be over, and i am met with this response?

To: Sethly From: **** Date: 4/3/2009 12:12:29 AM

Subject: orders

Message: Only over when you are no longer MHA. Only following orders here. Sorry.


LE grunt

i am now curious as to what "orders" were given. if an alliance is being attacked, and they can only escape damage by leaving said alliance, it sounds less and less like a friendly war, and more like a hostile takeover of power.

the identity of this member can be provided upon request; i am just elated that they picked the #2 of the defending alliance to send thie message to!

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heh you might think thai moved a lil slow for you guys but infact he moved at the perfect speed i think we can say this will be a battle to remember good luck LE and i do hope ppl stay out of the war this will be fun for both sides i enjoy gettin bombed over and over again


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Nice opening moves Thaisport... we moved as quickly as we could and you moved only a hair slower! Damn, you are fast!

WTG bud, you are impressive.

LoL... you caught me with my war chest pants down :P otherwise it would have possible been different...

Good show guys and I'm impressed with your teamwork. I don't know sethly got the message he did but you and your buddies are really cool.



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mpetes... Thai missed beating us by about 5 seconds or so... THAT was my point. He reacted faster than anyone I have ever seen move.

It was a thing of beauty!

And he still gave me a spanking after update... :lol: :lol:

WE KNOW how big you guys are... thats the point. We want a hard fight. If we lose, thats good too. CNT is getting boring... this is fun.

Good luck MHA... kick our butts!

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I have no idea who said that. We have 90 nations, some say stupid things.

The orders they were given are what I posted at the top of this thread.

If my guys are shooting their mouths off in this operation, I want to know about it.

What you were told was uncalled for.

Sorry about that


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I have no idea who said that. We have 90 nations, some say stupid things.

The orders they were given are what I posted at the top of this thread.

If my guys are shooting their mouths off in this operation, I want to know about it.

What you were told was uncalled for.

Sorry about that


lol i guess i'll chalk it up as misinterpretation of the war, mostly because you have no other blemishes on your alliance's character as a whole.

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Although it is convenient that LE was on Farks side in the Initiative and now they are trying to solidify them as #1


This has nothing to do with Fark. zero

This has to do with what was posted in the top declaration. We spent the whole round preparing for a decent fight.

We feel we have what we wanted, we picked MHA because we wanted to see how we stack up vs the best.

And if somebody jumps in here and messes this up, we'll turn on a dime and fight with MHA.

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No sir, we attacked the #1... that was our intent, nothing more.

And Sethly, I apologize on behalf of the guy that sent that. It is not the way we do things. We respect guys that fight back, we expect it and want it! Internally we will deal with it.

I think we've rejected 60 applicants so far... trust me we are discriminating.

Again... I'm sorry... any message you should have gotten would have been towards your efforts to defend yourself.

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Beazy, you are weak.

Tell us who you are, grow a pair

I am roan, Janitor in CN, 109EE in round 3 when I was MOD for Murder Inc, Fokker in round 4 with LE.

You talk a lot, do you have a backbone?

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Only orders I gave my troops were :

Get in close and wack em hard with a big board - repeat till they regain conciousness!!

They're still wackin away......

....none of this complicated stuff eh!




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I speak as the LEADER of Harmful when I say this:

LE has been honorable, I ask ALL OTHER ALLIANCES to stay out of this war. This isn't plotting or scheming. I sent out messages a few hours before this was coming, roughly 4 hours to be exact. I notice 2 key things: Nukes getting spied away and LE with a full deck at DEFCON 1 t about 7:30pm game time. This is a war that was bound to happen for several reasons:

1) MHA is too large and isn't in a position to attack others without having the entire TE against us

2) LE's 90 or so members about evenly match MHA's top 90 members. I didn't see LE hitting anyone else as it made no sense.

3) Yes we out number LE but first strike does the most damage and they hit first. We were lucky to have a few hours to prepare

IF FARK got to number #1 then more power to them. Harmful has already done something that very few top alliances have done, that is remain in power through the course of 2 rounds. I believe FARK and TPF are also amongst the few that remain a top level sanction alliance over the course of several rounds as well.

What I am about to say next is my personal view and opinion and DOES NOT REFLECT HARMFUL:

I believe this kind of war is what should take place in CN:TE and NOT one of excuses, revenge, or personal issues. I am personally sick of all the bandwagoners that jump on the winning side or people who can't stand to fight on their own in fear of loosing because INFRA is to precious. It sucks to been on the receiving end of a blitz but at least we were more prepared this time around. I have a lot of respect of LE because they are the only ones who have dared to hit us on their own without help. I mean no disrespect to any other sanction alliances. TPF FARK are great alliances as well as all the other alliances.

I encourage every alliance to look for a fight and go for it... You will find it's more fun that way. Maybe next time we'll blitz LE back :P


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Beazy, you are weak.

Tell us who you are, grow a pair

Time will tell my friend. And you can always look at nation bio's I have made no secret who I am there

I am roan, Janitor in CN, 109EE in round 3 when I was MOD for Murder Inc, Fokker in round 4 with LE.

You talk a lot, do you have a backbone?

Ooooh look at you and your fancy gov't titles. Now do you want to see mine?

And again time will tell. I want to finish my one on one war with my friend first. And LE, you need to learn that I don't hate you at all or dislike you. but, eh oh well

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