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True Order of Missionaries of the Final Revelation

Vincent Praxius

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All formal diplomatic representations to and secular pacts and agreements with the Eschaton Collective are to be lodged here.

As per the edict Status Sic Nominatus, this is the

True Order of Missionaries of the

Final Revelation

Central and Most Holy Office

This noticeboard shall be kept updated with the delegated High Missionaries of the Order and Recognised Diplomats of the righteous nations, along with other diplomatic edicts. A summary of the leadership of the Final Catholic Church and the Eschaton Collective shall furthermore be kept here for presentation.

High Missionaries:

  • Andonia - Brother Anton Biljanavic
  • United Kingdom - Brother Dragomir Poblocnik

Recognised Diplomats:

  • Andonia - Eirik Torvalsson
  • United Kingdom - [ unnamed ]


Divine Proclamations and Holy Crusades:


General Information:

Provisional Seat of the Collective: The Holy City of Alba Graeca (Belgrade)

Supreme Leader: Vincent Praxius Garton

Ecclesiastical Districts:

The Most Holy and Apostolic Archbishopric of the New Jerusalem

Archbishop Vincent Praxius Garton, Prophet of the LORD

The Archbishopric of Anteslavonia

Archbishop Zechariah Antiphas

Secular Controller and Ordained Monarch of the Peoples of Serbia and Montenegro

The Holy and Apostolic Council of the Collective:


Chancellor of the Holy Treasury, Archbishop Zechariah Antiphas

Defender of the Church, Captain Peter Monothas

First Delegated Inquisitor, Malachi Benjamin

Apostle of the Final Gospel, James Sanctificator

Edited by VinceG
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Though the Commonwealth views the Collective with utmost suspicion, particularly the Catholic Principality of Namibe, in the interests of common peace and a shared dedication to the LORD, we are willing to overlook the obvious schism between us and send over a diplomat.

Should you accept our offer, Travis Descarte will be on the next plane over.

Edited by Ranather
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