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Declaration of the Formation of the Eschaton Collective

Vincent Praxius

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Dated March 21, 2009 A.D.

First year of the Regency of the LORD.

Citizens of Bob,



In these past times there has come to me a great revelation, imparted by the angelic messengers of the LORD. That revelation is nothing less than the proclamation of the second and final phase of the eternal jubilee that the Christ himself declared at Nazareth, and it is such: that now comes upon us the final Salvation of mankind that we have been promised for two thousand years. The end times have come, as has been predicted by the greatest theologians of our history.

But the arrival of Christ is yet to come, for the LORD has declared a Regency upon Bob. For Christ said that he shall come "like a thief in the night". We must be prepared at all times, brothers, sisters. For that reason the LORD's Regency shall be made manifest in celebration of the Eschaton of our world, in a Collective and unending worship of the Trinity which governs above all. We come therefore to declare the Eschaton Collective, the direct and total will of the LORD our God.

This is the Final Gospel, and with it is declared the Final Catholic Church of all peoples. The New Jerusalem is upon us, and the LORD has appointed me Archbishop and Regent in His name of this new and bounteous land of milk and honey. Once more there is a promised land, a land for all peoples. The nations of the world have been granted the gates to salvation, and to paradise.

Brothers and sisters, the LORD's will is clear: come from the utmost north, from the south, from the deserts of the east and the seas of the west. For we are the myriad Armies and Hosts of the LORD. And in His name, and under His regency, we must rage zealous war against Satan once more. For Judas stalks among us, unseen, and Hell beckons in its terrible, eternal fire.

The time is upon us. All those of faith, all those select of God, join us in our final Holy Crusade to save Bob!

Deus vult!


Vincent Praxius Garton, Imperator, by the Grace and Power of God,

Archbishop of the New Jerusalem and Pontiff of the Final Catholic Church,

Supreme Leader and Prophet of the Holy Council of the Eschaton Collective,

Manifest Millennial Regent of the New, Eternal and Apocalyptic World-to-Come.

Grand Inquisitor.

Edited by VinceG
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Andonia would like to exchange diplomats with this nation. Also, do you support the Pope in Vatican City?

We accept the exchange of diplomats, on the provision that no attempt is made to undermine our faith.

On the subject of the Vatican Antipope, we refer you to the Edict "Multitudo Fidei", which states our belief in "One Church". To wilfully err otherwise would be heresy.

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More religious states? I shall be glad to see the day when all mens minds are set free from fetters like this.


We would have you know that religion is completely voluntary in Promised Land. No fetters here, thank you very much.

We recognize this new--er, do we call it a nation? This new power, though we are wary of having anything to do with it.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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More religious states? I shall be glad to see the day when all mens minds are set free from fetters like this.


Religion itself is not necessarily bad.

Religious fanatics and those exploiting a centralised religion, however, are very bad. There are shades of gray everywhere, but you apparently cannot see them all.

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This new entity is not recognized by the Empire. There is enough Christendom spreading throughout the world, and the world is still suffering from nuclear warfare. The last thing this world needs is another zealously christian nation causing more suffering.

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This new entity is not recognized by the Empire. There is enough Christendom spreading throughout the world, and the world is still suffering from nuclear warfare. The last thing this world needs is another zealously christian nation causing more suffering.

Our sentiments are the same.

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This new entity is not recognized by the Empire. There is enough Christendom spreading throughout the world, and the world is still suffering from nuclear warfare. The last thing this world needs is another zealously christian nation causing more suffering.

We remind Neo Japan that zealots are hardly unique to Christianity.

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