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MA Treaty Cancellation

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Obviously it was an insult, you know it, I know it, lets not 'play dead'.

Why would I insult Monos Archein? What reason do I have? I have nothing against them. I honestly just don't know about them to harbor any dislike of them.

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You're not being very nice. :(

So, 'bout 'em 'ancelations.....

It's not about nice, really. Actually if you've been paying attention I've been complimentary of NSO's efforts in Brown Team.

The world does indeed seem to be slowly breaking into rival factions. Since I don't see any Ivan Moldavi led alliance going the route of GPA, that means somewhere down the road, you are going to have to decide which side of the fence you are coming down on.

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Why would I insult Monos Archein? What reason do I have? I have nothing against them. I honestly just don't know about them to harbor any dislike of them.

Your backpedaling is amusing. It also fails horribly.

Edited by Aurion
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It's not about nice, really. Actually if you've been paying attention I've been complimentary of NSO's efforts in Brown Team.

The world does indeed seem to be slowly breaking into rival factions. Since I don't see any Ivan Moldavi led alliance going the route of GPA, that means somewhere down the road, you are going to have to decide which side of the fence you are coming down on.

We're building our own road, so we don't have to worry about any possible fences or those nasty traffic lights that pop up on other alliance roads.

edit: I for one appreciate the compliment you've given us. o/

Edited by Hydro
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This is just like the energizer bunny.

I find it quite intriguing at how much energy you are exerting in posting in a thread of an "unimportant and insignificant alliance", however since you seem to be have a talent for displaying the same qualities you attack others for, I guess it's no suprise.

Only when he apologizes for the condescending tone he has taken with me as well as for continuously reminding me of my "ignorance" in his rebuttels.

So that sounds to me like you are admitting to your ignorance. That's good let's take small steps, maybe you'll realize you should have apologized in the first place rather than carry on this pathetic display.

No good debate is complete without belittling and ignoring the opposition's argument I see.

Let me summarize the main points of the discussion you have participated in:

Kait - "We're cancelling our treaty with NPO because our friendship has lost it's spark"

Moo-Cows - "Yes, it's too bad we've grown apart, we wish MA the best of Luck"

Tom Litler - "Monos Archien is a nothing alliance, you're both lying to us!"

Really I haven't seen you provide any argument whatsoever, other than to refer to rumors and suspicions which you yourself seem to think are gospel. Just a little tip for the future, when entering a "discussion" that doesn't involve you it's probably best to not start out by insulting one side and calling both parties liars.

And please don't call this a debate until you actually have an argument or something useful to contribute.

You are correct. I'm sorry to say that the rays of your fame have yet to shine upon me.

You are the one who stereotyped me in the first place, it has nothing to do with "fame", I only suggest you obviously have no clue who I am and where I've been if you pigeon-hole me the way you do. It's funny how you accuse me of hostility when all you seem to be able to do is lash out and attack my character, which you know nothing about.

Once again, it's the old I'm rubber and you're glue thing. I could just as easily call your conspiracy theories a broken record, but really I won't waste my time with using you're own arguments against you any more.

Conspiracy theories. Ignorance. Are you finished?

Ok please try hard and focus for a minute. If you must go back and reread your own posts, it may help you to see that you have made my point perfectly with this response. I should elaborate on what I'm getting at, because it seems you have little capacity to figure these things out yourself, so here it goes:

You are a broken record. Once again you are the very thing you accuse others who oppose your view of. I think the psychologists call that reflection.

I would not have expected the Gremlins to fight right after quitting. It's a long, drawn out process and you're looking at things too simplistically. Treaties don't get canceled for no reason. They never get canceled because someone has "too many". This one specific treaty with the NPO, for instance, isn't the type one just "discards" because it makes one too many treaties. Precedents were set, things have yet to change to make be believe otherwise than what I have said.

Ok well you obviously don't get it and don't pay attention. If you really thing alliances simply "collect" treaties and don't think that maintaining friendships with their treaty partners is important, then you have a whole lot to learn.

I suppose this is a subtle tactic to get my allies to gag me before I sally anyone else's cereal. Luckily enough, I'm done here anyway.

Oh that's too bad, I was really liking your effort of said cereal sallying. Now I feel like someone just ripped the last page out of "The Little Engine That Could"

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It's not about nice, really. Actually if you've been paying attention I've been complimentary of NSO's efforts in Brown Team.

The world does indeed seem to be slowly breaking into rival factions. Since I don't see any Ivan Moldavi led alliance going the route of GPA, that means somewhere down the road, you are going to have to decide which side of the fence you are coming down on.

Why's that? They don't have a single chaining treaty or one with an offensive clause. The reason STA has such treaties is so that we can never get dragged into a war that is the direct result of someone else's mess, or to defend an ally of an ally that we particularly dislike. No one has to pick a side if they're not bound to do so.

MS made a similar choice. They don't wish to be bound to defend someone they don't have a relationship with.

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This thread amuses me greatly for a number of reasons.

Generally cancellation notices catch heat because someone larger is canceling on someone much much smaller generally at just the moment when they could really use some back up. This is often compounded by the fact that the cancel-ee seems to be completely ignorant of the reasons cited by the cancel-er.

The complete reverse seems to be happening here, and yet everyone still has terribly witty things to say.



On an entirely unrelated note, brought to you in

"baron-ese" to celebrate the admission of the

Baron Watkin deSandersted to the Order of the

Paradox, I now adress Tom Litler.


Great Lord Tom Litler,

You seem spend a lot of time and energy thinking

about my alliance and the blocs of which we are

members. You additionally allege that the Citadel

and the Super Friends are evolving into a counter

hegemonic bloc, and that this evolution is commonly

observed (not to mention universally agreed upon).

I somewhat doubt this myself, if for no other reason

than the fact that many well-regarded members have

asked for evidence of this taking place, and you have

consistently failed to deliver it.

One would assume that evidence for an event

characterized by such at level of obviousity would

be facile to obtain and that someone that had made

such claims would deliver the requested evidence

expeditiously. Not only has this not been the case,

but no one else has chosen to support your case for


This is, perhaps, the smallest reason to doubt your

specious claims. Despite its seeming inadequacy,

it is enough to enable me to toss your histrionics

directly into the dustbin and cover it with my long

retired tinfoil hat.

Your Servant,


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Why would I insult Monos Archein? What reason do I have? I have nothing against them. I honestly just don't know about them to harbor any dislike of them.

If you honestly do not feel you insulted them or never meant to, you should focus more so on the structure of your sentences rather than verbiage itself.

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It's not about nice, really. Actually if you've been paying attention I've been complimentary of NSO's efforts in Brown Team.

The world does indeed seem to be slowly breaking into rival factions. Since I don't see any Ivan Moldavi led alliance going the route of GPA, that means somewhere down the road, you are going to have to decide which side of the fence you are coming down on.

We will end up wherever we choose. Also, saying we will have to pick a side eventually (which is debateable) is different from saying we are for bid.

And let's all stop the faux outrage over Litler. His initial post had one unfortunate word in it but didn't actually convey any hostility. Calm down, people.

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We will end up wherever we choose. Also, saying we will have to pick a side eventually (which is debateable) is different from saying we are for bid.

And let's all stop the faux outrage over Litler. His initial post had one unfortunate word in it but didn't actually convey any hostility. Calm down, people.

Agreed, Litler clarified his meaning no need to jump all over him.

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Why's that? They don't have a single chaining treaty or one with an offensive clause. The reason STA has such treaties is so that we can never get dragged into a war that is the direct result of someone else's mess, or to defend an ally of an ally that we particularly dislike. No one has to pick a side if they're not bound to do so.

MS made a similar choice. They don't wish to be bound to defend someone they don't have a relationship with.

"Every minute of every day, we choose. Who we are. Who we forgive. We defend and protect. We chose a side or to walk the line, to play the middle. To straddle the fence between what is and what should be. This was court side shows, trying to find the delicate balance of interests that can never exist, choosing by not choosing. Defending a center which can not hold. So death chose for me."

Seems appropriate.

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Kait has long been a personal friend of mine, ever since she came into this world and joined the United Sovereign Nations. She shall continue to be a friend into the future as well. I trust her, and her judgement, and I trust her to be honest. You have my and CSN's unwavering support Kait.

It is never a happy occasion to cancel treaties as it signifies a loss of a friendship that once bound the alliances together. I hope one day that the friendships may be re-established.

Best wishes to all involved.

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It's truly sad to see this topic get so far off base. Oh well, what can one expect from the elitest mentality of many of Bob's inhabitants.

Back on topic, we at VA support our great friends and allies in Monos Archein in their decisions. Sometimes friendships lose their luster. Good luck to all parties involved.

oh, and :wub: KaitlinK :wub:

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Hal, lets not bring up the past, this thread is about MA cancellng on NPO. MA can tell NPO what ever they want for reasons and come here and make lovey face while canceling but anyone with a independent mind is going to call shenanagins

Really you sure about that mate. If MA was trying to cut ties completely Im pretty sure there would have been more cancellations than just the NPO cancellation. /me looks at his AA. THere are few people in this game that when they say something I would believe it 100%, Kait is one of them. You sir are mistaken if she says its weve grown apart then that is EXACTLY why it was done.

Well I guess this leaves me without a reason to hate MA. One less on the list.

PSST SF shes still allied to us :P and oh HI long time no see.

edited for grammer man i suck

Edited by Buds The Man
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Well, I'm a factual type of person...so I don't particularly bringing up speculation in a debate. Simply because you cannot definitively prove or rebut something based on opinion. Therefore I'll leave my speculation and conspiracy theories in private, and watch others make a mockery of themselves in public. (IE, Tom's comments and the subsequent trolling of said comments.)

That being said, onto the topic at hand. I wish both MA & NPO the best of luck mending there relationship in the future. In addition, I hope it can be refurnished into something much better for both parties. Lastly, I personally wish Kaitlink the best of luck in whatever course you may take MA in the coming months. I've always considered you a close friend for many months, and that won't ever stop :wub:


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Yup, keep telling yourself that there hasn't been polarization as of late.

I'm not telling myself that. I'm saying that I haven't witnessed it (OOC: been a bit busy at the university). Perhaps you would be willing to display the evidence?

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