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United Templar Order

Holy See

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Within the Vatican a hidden force has taken control from the shadows. Interweeving their organization into the Vatican as it was created. Carefully manipulating actions of the Vatican, hoping to acheive a militarization of their religion leading a global crusade to convert the world and kill those who stand in their way. Formed by uniting Christian and Catholic "proactive" organizations. In short, they are religious fanatics operating secretly, carrying out "missions" with deadly precision; they have not yet been revealed to the world. They await a time when their power and global reach is solidified.

Currently their operatives are travelling to all ends of the reachable globe. They are funelling Vatican finances heavily into various types of research and design. Testing on the human mind, DNA, weapons advancements has begun. The Vatican Elite Guard is controlled entirely by the Templars, first choosing only those worthy, putting the chosen through a re-education program, training them first in sword and hand to hand combat, even horse riding, then in modern arms combat, hardening them into emotionless killers, operating on command.

Edited by Holy See
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