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The Collapse of Association


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From their many agents scattered throughout the world news of the fighting in Association has reached the Templer Council and as the fighting continued both the rebels and the militia's actions were being tested and judged and if they were found guilty swift and holy retribution would soon follow. For now a single message was sent to both sides:

"You have been seen, you have been judged only retribution or forgiveness remains"

Edited by King Kevz
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OOC:The established government was overthrown by the Bantu militia. So,there is no established government

OOC: Then why even use the word rebels?

Besides, Andonia is hardly capable of givning anything to anyone right now, and even if they were...they're supposed to consult with Maelstrom Vortex (of Dragonisia) before they do anything political.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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OOC: Then why even use the word rebels?

Besides, Andonia is hardly capable of givning anything to anyone right now, and even if they were...they're supposed to consult with Maelstrom Vortex (of Dragonisia) before they do anything political.

OOC: They were rebels against the government whilst it existed and so they are still rebels I guess.

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##Flash message to Andonia##

Please halt any proposed activities involving association. We're taking observer status due to the Geopolitical sensitivities of the region. We are not to intervene in the inner affairs of member states without a request.

##Flash message to Western Republic##

We applaud your efforts to help our ally Association. Unfortunately the events ongoing are apparently strongly, popularly motivated. I don't know if we can or should do anything about it.

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Planning and carrying out a race war in previously peaceful eastern Africa would not be tolerated if not for the Dragon Bloc's unwillingness to help the citizens of their ally.

Private to Transvaal and United African Commonwealth dudes: Requesting permission for use of your airspace and landing/refueling stations for possible incursion into Association.

Private to Dragon Bloc: One of your member states has recently fallen to rebellion. While the legitimate government no longer functions, we understand that Association is still protected by the Dragon Bloc. Request permission for bombing runs of rebel positions. Any intelligence would be appreciated.

Private to Western Republic: We understand that you are preparing for a large military action into eastern Africa. Please forward any relevant intelligence to Arctican military command.

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Hm, we wonder how Transvaal will react to this....turns of events?

The Foreign Minister of Transvaal Peter Stellenbosch made this statement today in Pretoria regarding the events in Association.

"The Federal Republic of Transvaal reminds the world that Association is a successor state of the Federal Republic and thus comes under the protection of Transvaal due to the Botha Line Doctrine. We shall tolerate no violations of Association's territory, regarding these as violations of our own."

"The Government of Transvaal will remain neutral for the moment in this matter as it is regarded as a purley domestic issue for the people of Association to sort out amongst themselves. We have mobilised one army korps (10,000 in-game troops) in case we are requested by the Association Government to intervene and provide peacekeepers."

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Planning and carrying out a race war in previously peaceful eastern Africa would not be tolerated if not for the Dragon Bloc's unwillingness to help the citizens of their ally.

### SECRET COMMUNIQUE TO ARCTICAN AMBASSADOR IN PRETORIA: Let them slaughter each other for the time being. Any whites who were foolish enough to remain in Association after independence are likely anarchists, terrorists, liberals, and communists - and thus opposed to the National Party government. They had it coming to them, so the less of them the better. And on the off-chance we must re-occupy the territory and reinstitute Federal Republican rule, it will make us out to look like saviours instead of imperialists - P Stellenbosch.

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"We condemn the campaign of the military forces in Association which are committing acts of genocide. Though it is not the policy of the Dragon Bloc to interfere or meddle in the affairs of the domestic population and governance of our allies, we will not inhibit any assistance to the original government in light of the abhorrent behavior of the rebel forces within Association. If Association's Rebel forces become the official government of Association, and the people of Association allows this violence to continue, we will have no choice but to remove them from our alliance as their government will not have been the one we established ties with. We would thus have to go through a reinstatement process for their membership in the bloc. We call on the world, to likewise, condemn the behavior of the rebel forces in their racially targeted operations. The reason we have not acted directly within association is we are not an imperial power.. and the people of Association are free to chose their government. We have decided to follow Transvaal's lead on what we perceive to be a regional issue that must be settled amongst the members of that region. We may be a global bloc, but we are not global tyrants."

##To Arctica##

"We think the people of Association should be allowed to sort this out amongst themselves. We will follow Transvaal's lead in this regional issue. They have declared any encroachment of the sovereignty of Association as violations of their own territory. We can only hope the rebels prove more benevolent than they are currently behaving if they should succeed. If you can convince them to allow direct action, we shall also."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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The requests made to Transvaal, United African Commonwealth, and the Dragon Bloc have been rescinded with as little verbiage as possible in the messages. Plans to move into Transvaler and UAC airfields and use them as bases for air raids have been cancelled. Arctica appears to be watching the situation and not commenting further.

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There were soundsof gunfire outside the hospital. George Smith crouched in the ruined front of hospital exchanging fire with some Bantu militamen. A bantu soldier with a brightly colored shirt fell, clutching his chest. George centered his crosshairs on another Bantu's head. He fired, and the head exploded like a watermelon. In the meantime two of George's men had fallen.


The Euros have found new strength and have pushed forward, reoccuping land taken by the Bantus. Many Bantu leaders have fled the country. The Euros are being recognized as the legitimate government by the people, and are recognising all treaties made by the former administration. However a quarter of the country is still under Bantu rule.

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The Euros have found new strength and have pushed forward, reoccuping land taken by the Bantus. Many Bantu leaders have fled the country. The Euros are being recognized as the legitimate government by the people, and are recognising all treaties made by the former administration. However a quarter of the country is still under Bantu rule.

It is good to hear that at least some progress are being made toward peace, law, order, and democracy.

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The Euros have launched a new offensive, pushing the Bantu militia out of the country. The casualties are estimated be three quarters of the original population. The vast majority of the infrastructure has been destroyed and famine is widespread.

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To: The Euro Faction of the government of Association

From: Sarah Tintagyl, Lady Protector of the Hanseatic Commonwealth

I have been keeping up with the story of your faction's rise to power and in throwing the rebel Bantu forces out of the Association. Now that the area has returned to a mode of stability I would like to request that the White Cross be sent on an emergency mission to aid the reconstruction of your country. At the moment, until a vote is passed you will only be receiving minor aid from the Hansa and from Promised Land, however as soon as the rest of our signatories vote, you will receive the full amount that the White Cross can offer. In addition to this, medical supplies, personnel, and fresh food and water are all ready being prepared to be send as soon as you give the okay. I hope that the world can aid your people in anyway possible to return the Association to normalcy once again.


To: Staatspresident Botha of Transvaal

From: Sarah Tintagyl, Lady Protector of the Hanseatic Commonwealth

Your Excellency, no doubt you have seen the horrors of the recent strive in the nation of Association so close to your borders. Pending approval from the temporary government in Association, the White Cross would like to begin sending mass amount of food, water, medical aid, and medical and construction personnel to begin rebuilding this tattered nation. However, I would like to ask your permission to land most of our transports to depots located in Transvaal due to the lack of sufficient infrastructure in Association. In addition, due to the policies of Transvaal that this nation is still under Your Excellency's guidance, I do not want to involve myself in affairs if they are not prevalent to the world. I humbly only ask that aid can be delivered in a timely fashion and any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

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I would like to ask your permission to land most of our transports to depots located in Transvaal due to the lack of sufficient infrastructure in Association.

So long as it is humanitarian aid and the Government of Association agrees, then we shall permit you to base your depots in our Rhodesian province (i.e. Zimbabwe) at Salisbury (i.e. Harare).

Keep in mind that we do not have a direct land corridor between the Federal Republic and Association, thus you will need to get permission from the Franzharians or Mozambique for permission to traverse or fly over their territory.

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So long as it is humanitarian aid and the Government of Association agrees, then we shall permit you to base your depots in our Rhodesian province (i.e. Zimbabwe) at Salisbury (i.e. Harare).

Keep in mind that we do not have a direct land corridor between the Federal Republic and Association, thus you will need to get permission from the Franzharians or Mozambique for permission to traverse or fly over their territory.

And of course they have that permission, at least from our end.

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I send my thanks to all parties involved with the supplies to aid to the Association, aid will be sent from the Hansa and Promised Land immediately and following a vote from the White Cross, we hope to be sending much more aid. I and I'm sure along with the rest of the world await the Association's speedy recovery from this conflict.

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## Private Diplomatic communique to the Re-Established Govt of Association ##

Glad to see you made it through. If you need any additional assistance in buffering regional stability let us know. To prevent the appearance of imperialistic intent, we cannot send troops, but we might send security advisers/financial aid. Simply let us know what you need. Do you intend to still remain within the Dragon Bloc?

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