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A Pact in Faith, For the People, By the People


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While TPF has been historically anti-E-ZI/P-ZI, I can't see us signing this document. Why would we sign something that has been our long-standing policy?

Even if we ignore the fact that this agreement is for individual signatures, rather than alliance signatures, it still translates as "You know what, I'm going to be difficult just for the sake of being difficult."

Because he feels that it's redundant would be my guess. That's why TOOL didn't sign ZIPP, for example.

As much as I like TOOL, this may be the silliest statement I've read today.

Edit: Typo.

Edited by Revanche
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If Slayer doesn't want to sign, then he doesn't want to sign. Let him do what he wants, sheesh. It's not a big deal. <_<

This is a curious document to me. I like the sentiment but I don't believe in the idea of what it's against. It seems to protest the practice of perma-ZI/eternal ZI (if there's a difference, I'm assuming, it is that PZI ends at national deletion while EZI doesn't, and in that case this is more focused on EZI), but I'm not convinced that either exist. I think there's such a thing as long-term ZI, but nothing in CN is forever. Everything changes, ZI statuses certainly included. It's just a matter of patience. That having been said, the document's stipulations for adherence don't actually list anything I have an issue with, save for the third point's lack of qualification for spies/multis/justified cases of that nature whereby continued &#33;@#&#036;%baggery must be addressed. But as I believe such qualifications are well within the expressed spirit of the document and its creation I will sign it conditionally with my explicitly aforementioned qualification.


Lord Swampy, of the Purple Sphere

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