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In Response to Mr. Brookbank


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Lets see. Someone says something. Someone gets offended and takes it 'the wrong way'. That someone posts about their perception of the event. The first guy says 'NO WAI LOL' and all of a sudden the guy who took it the wrong way is the bad guy. CN is starting to make sense emot-smug.gif


We don't have any other part of the logs. We don't know the context at all. I'm not saying it's not an OOC hatred- it very well could be, but there's also the fact that no other part of those logs were posted.

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You know as well as I do that those types of things are said in games all the time. imagine if everyone who said "I'm gonna kill you" in, say, CoD4 was labeled as an OOC attacker. Most of us would agree that it was meant in the context of the game. It's equally obvious here.


Then the attacks on the Initiative forums during the Unjust War were within the context of the game. And so was Yaridovich's story.

The "evil" (read: Enemies of the NPO) side's OOC attacks lead to war, PZI, EZI, and eventually people being run from the game. The "good" (read: NPO and allies) side make the same attacks, but they are always entirely in character. For yet another example, a "good" person called an "evil" person a whore, said it was IC, and he got off 100% free. If an "evil" person were to do this, the "good" victim would cry and cry until a war is started and the "evil" person is run out of the game.

It's a double standard that's sickening. Either let everyone off or go after everyone. Don't pull the !@#$%^&* that happens time and time again.

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Lets see. Someone says something. Someone gets offended and takes it 'the wrong way'. That someone posts about their perception of the event. The first guy says 'NO WAI LOL' and all of a sudden the guy who took it the wrong way is the bad guy. CN is starting to make sense emot-smug.gif


There's a such thing as taking things out I context, but if you look at the quote, and if you consider that this is a game with war, it's obvious that no one could mistake that for an RL threat.

I'm going to bed. I'll respond to some of the posts in the morning, but please understand that I can't get to them all.


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no offense Bama, but you seem to be blowing this out of proportion. it was someone's interpretation of the event. also, i doubt Finster would ever come out and state that JB was correct (if he was), so of course he is going to say that JB is lying. we will never know for certain as Finster will (if he was smart) only ever state that it was a lie or misinterpretation. and again, everyone is allowed their own opinion, if JB took it as an RL death threat, then in all honesty, Finster should apologize and clarify. this thread is entirely unnecessary and adds more drama than is truly needed for this situation.

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Then the attacks on the Initiative forums during the Unjust War were within the context of the game. And so was Yaridovich's story.

The "evil" (read: Enemies of the NPO) side's OOC attacks lead to war, PZI, EZI, and eventually people being run from the game. The "good" (read: NPO and allies) side make the same attacks, but they are always entirely in character. For yet another example, a "good" person called an "evil" person a whore, said it was IC, and he got off 100% free. If an "evil" person were to do this, the "good" victim would cry and cry until a war is started and the "evil" person is run out of the game.

It's a double standard that's sickening. Either let everyone off or go after everyone. Don't pull the !@#$%^&* that happens time and time again.

J8 is absolutely right.

We have happily upheld strange double standards for a long, long time.

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I'm surprised there aren't any rules in the ToS about cyber stalking IP's to keep players from enjoying the game. If anything it just detracts the community and game as a whole, so I'm not sure why admin wouldn't just ban these practices for the sake of keeping his game alive.

You know what, let's get a petition going. It's bs that players can be cyber-stalked and bullied out of the game, it's ruining the community for the benefit or rather satisfaction of a few and I think it's disgusting.

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Everyone who has used the term "OOC Attack" needs to stop. Look at what you're writing. Then realize that this kind of hysterics is why "OOC Attack" has lost absolutely all meaning.

Yardovich was an OOC attack. This is cupcakes and sunshine compared to that madness.

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Honestly, I think this entire thread is bearing out what Admin (in the segment quoted by MegaAros) said would happen were those 'no OOC can justify IC action' rules ever implemented. Hail Admin, he is truly wise. An almost literal he-said she-said is going on here, with ideas going all over the place.

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His thread got spammed in a thread I was in earlier, and after reading it, I'd have to say that you're spot on, Bama. While I don't really think JB has gotten the fair end of the stick what with him being basically run out of CN, he shouldn't resort to tactics such as these.

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Secondly, your allegation against Finster is pitiful. How in the world did you get an OOC death threat from that? Anyone with half a brain can see that he's talking about wanting the CN character known as Jonathan Brookbank dead, not the real life person of the same name. This is a disgusting attack on Finster's OOC character. You were willing to go so far as to falsely accuse him of wanting you dead in real life in order to vilify him in a game. That is slander. Slander against not his IC persona, but his OOC, real life one. You sicken me. If someone dug up a quote of you saying "I want the NPO dead" and Moo said "See, he wants to kill us all IRL!", you would have said "WTF, I was talking about the game, not real life! This is slander!" And you would have been right. It would be slander. But I guess it's okay when you do it. Starfox, I can't believe you agreed to post that. I thought you were opposed to OOC attacks, but here you are an accessory to one! It's really quite sad to see how far some are willing to go in order to demonize their video game foes.

"How dare you accuse someone of making an OOC attack! Now, watch as I do the very same thing in response!"

And for the love of all that is good and holy, you people need to develop some thicker skins. This "OOC attack" !@#$%^&* is beyond ridiculous. Always has been.

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Anyone with half a brain can see that he's talking about wanting the CN character known as Jonathan Brookbank dead, not the real life person of the same name. This is a disgusting attack on Finster's OOC character. You were willing to go so far as to falsely accuse him of wanting you dead in real life in order to vilify him in a game.

It could have been taken either way, actually.

I agree, I think it was IC, but I can see where Jon is coming from mate, I think Finister was just a little vague. Your comparison is also illogical mate because an alliance ISN'T a person, there is a dramatic difference. I know Fin from the old days, I know his intent, but I CAN see Jon's standpoint on this..it isn't completely illogical.

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"How dare you accuse someone of making an OOC attack! Now, watch as I do the very same thing in response!"

And for the love of all that is good and holy, you people need to develop some thicker skins. This "OOC attack" !@#$%^&* is beyond ridiculous. Always has been.

This. It's understandable to be insulted by "OOC attacks" because, well, they're insults. However, whining about them being offensive is a fruitless endeavor which ultimately only causes you to appear infantile. If you're insulted by someone, insult them back, or simply ignore them. It's really not a difficult concept to grasp, and I don't understand why it has been for this community.

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This. It's understandable to be insulted by "OOC attacks" because, well, they're insults. However, whining about them being offensive is a fruitless endeavor which ultimately only causes you to appear infantile. If you're insulted by someone, insult them back, or simply ignore them. It's really not a difficult concept to grasp, and I don't understand why it has been for this community.


As Revanche put it, thicker skins are needed all around.

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It's amazing how you can ignore someone being essentially banned from playing the game by NPO and IRON for seven months in favour of focusing on an !!!OOC Attack!!! (one sentence accusing someone of making a death threat). Really, I'm tired of the faux outrage over these so-called-attacks. Accusing someone of making a death threat when they have said 'we want you dead' doesn't make someone a vile person. It might mean they've misunderstood something (possibly even deliberately misunderstood something), in which case all you need to do is explain the misunderstanding (which I believe some people did in the original thread) and get on with your life.

Hmm, so many brackets in this post :/

Edited by Aimee Mann
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I'm afraid I have to agree with Aimee 100% here. This is quite clearly a misdirect on the original content of the thread bent on focusing to one area that you might be able to dispute when anyone who read the real thread knows that just about everything else in there was fully true and unedited. The topic was not about a !@#$@#$ OOC attack. People continue saying that it was when in actuality it was a small portion of the post.

EDIT: SpiderJ, I lol'd.

Edited by JayOvfEnnay
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Then the attacks on the Initiative forums during the Unjust War were within the context of the game. And so was Yaridovich's story.

The "evil" (read: Enemies of the NPO) side's OOC attacks lead to war, PZI, EZI, and eventually people being run from the game. The "good" (read: NPO and allies) side make the same attacks, but they are always entirely in character. For yet another example, a "good" person called an "evil" person a whore, said it was IC, and he got off 100% free. If an "evil" person were to do this, the "good" victim would cry and cry until a war is started and the "evil" person is run out of the game.

It's a double standard that's sickening. Either let everyone off or go after everyone. Don't pull the !@#$%^&* that happens time and time again.

I totally see what you did there :awesome:

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