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The Grey Council turns three

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The Grey Council is pleased to announce that today marks the third anniversary of our creation. We invite well-wishers and those who wish to learn more about us to visit our forums at http://s10.invisionfree.com/Grey_Council/.

We would like to remind recruiters and raiders alike that if you forget to search by alliance when you look for nations whose AA is set to 'none', the search results will include aligned nations on team 'none'. We have an understanding approach to these accidents, but we would prefer it if tech raiders and recruiters double check the AA and nation bio of grey team nations.

Those of you who are familiar with the Grey Council know that we have only ever sought peaceful coexistence with the rest of the CN community and that we have always stayed outside the MDP web. This means that some people regard us as a soft target and launch premeditated attacks against our nations. We have managed to hold off most of these brigands on our own, but there have been times when we have had to request outside assistance against exceptionally well prepared aggressors.

The Grey Council would like to thank all the people who have extended a hand of friendship to our alliance. This includes those that have offered to help during our wars, team senators who have sanctioned nuclear rogues on our behalf, the ambassadors who have come by to visit from time to time, and anyone else not mentioned who have helped the Grey Council in the past.

On a lighter note, we would like to end this announcement by saluting the military skills of the individual known as Fraush. His recent decision to go nuclear rogue against us while carrying a warchest of only $6 million is going to keep us laughing for weeks.

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Ho hum... yet another Grey Council announcement...

WAIT :blink: Grey Council????

Great to hear from you guys! Happy B-day. Also, that nuke rogue story is hilarious. Sounds like he went all out for a Manhattan and didn't leave any money for the chest. He needs to read a handy How to Go Nuke Rogue Guide.

Best of luck.

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uaciaut - bow to the elders, they've been here longer than most and survived better than most, they play different, but do it well..

Ehhh, i don't think much on neutral alliances really. They're just "things" that just exist :v

Edit: well i definitely didn't intend to troll your birthday thread and whatnot, sorry if it seemed that way. And happy birthday!

Edited by uaciaut
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Congrats Grey Council! Happy birthday ^_^

Those of you who are familiar with the Grey Council know that we have only ever sought peaceful coexistence with the rest of the CN community and that we have always stayed outside the MDP web. This means that some people regard us as a soft target and launch premeditated attacks against our nations. We have managed to hold off most of these brigands on our own, but there have been times when we have had to request outside assistance against exceptionally well prepared aggressors.

I have great respect for you guys and if you need assistance send me a PM and if I was authorized for NpO I'll be glad in help you with tech raids or nuke rogues ;)

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