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Tempest Election Results

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Greetings fellow Alliances and assorted members,

It has been quite a while since I have come on and given an update. Yesterday our Regent election ended with Jacapo Saladin being named the victor. Senate seats will not be changing due to lack of challengers against Dark Era, Fenrisulfr, and Cavefox. I congratulate them all and now it is time for us to get busy. You may see us be more active foreign affairs wise in purple embassies as we will be redoubling efforts to reorganize a tad in that area of our alliance.

Thank you all,

Autarch Ligolski of Tempest

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Congatz guys

Is Fez still in tempest

I actually died... got deleted for inactivity while trying to give my nation to someone else...

Then I recently went through a "Family tragedy" involving UNSPEAKABLE OUTRAGE

I just recently remade, am currently unaligned, and I'm going to remake tomorrow because I dont like my nation name

thanks for asking :)

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