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Just stealing that if I may. Out of curiosity, and I realize that to some ends it's supposed to be constructive, but how can GGA members actually take any sort of pride in their alliance? Maybe they have a great community, and that alone is enough to make a good alliance mind you, but truly it's sad state of affairs.

As for the decision to ask him to leave, well one some plane of though they were probably right. It's no surprise that people don't like the GGA. Not only have their allies protected them against enemies, they've allowed them to make enemies based purely on threat of force.

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Taken to editing the posts of Cavalieres and Paladin's now GGA? How far you have fallen, I remember when gaining those ranks meant that you had earned the right to be a strong influence in the alliance through unquestioned dedication and loyalty, now those ranks are nothing but funny colors on the forum mask who aren't free to speak their minds.

Why should they be treated any differently than the triumvirate :v:

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Kind of funny...we voted to do this right...then NPO and IRON gets all pissed at us because "you didn't consult us first." As if the GGA required permission to manage its own ZI list. This is one instance in many where the lack of respect for GGA sovereignty has irritated me. I do not apologize for wanting to find allies better then that. Honestly, this is the spark that drove my whole dash to seek out new GGA allies, however, there were instances before this.

That's just disgusting. I cannot begin to imagine what it must be like to lead an alliance, but not be allowed to run it. I suppose I take it for granted that Sparta, MK, GR, or any of our other allies would never EVER do anything like that to us.

Edited by rsoxbronco1
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I love how people are jumping on this. It's not some newsflash that GGA is not only riding on other's coattails, but actively trying to climb up those coattails and into their $@!.

People are jumping on this because GGA had a leader who wanted change from all that, and they laughed (with force) him out of office and the alliance.

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I love how people are jumping on this. It's not some newsflash that GGA is not only riding on other's coattails, but actively trying to climb up those coattails and into their $@!.

The entertainment factor isn't gained through this obvious public knowledge that the rest of CN has known for some time, but that GGA has no qualms about admitting it anymore.

I mean, hey, why should they bother trying to act like they're relevant anymore?

Edited by Mixoux
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That's just disgusting. I cannot begin to imagine what it must be like to lead an alliance, but not be allowed to run it. I suppose I take it for granted that Sparta, MK, GR, or any of our other allies would never EVER do anything like that to us.

I wouldn't add MK to that list.. Archon and AirMe are indeed secretly controlled by my 13 man alliance. Poor guys. :(

On topic.. Yeah, I think everything that's been said pretty much covers my feelings. :popcorn:

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In three years I have been playing this game, I have never witnessed a public meltdown of these proportions.

To be a member of the GGA today is to live in shame.

I concur with Musso.

Never thought I would say that sentence twice.

Damnit musso.

Even LUE composed itself better after Yari. At least some of the LUEn members were like "goddamnit yari", while GGA members are like "slurp slurp i love you"

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Heh, well, were GGA going to attack shane? I doubt it. It seems like VE wanted to showboat a bit.

All VE did was announce that they were protecting shane. That's it. The rest of this thread was brought on by GGA, not them.

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ES you deliver ;)

GGA regime change!!!!

Do exactly as Bilrow and co. did back in the summer of '06, current GGA gov't - coup the incompetent leaders and leave, he set the precedent. Rightfully so I might add, since PC was an incompentent, ignorant (IC btw) character feeding off his own self interest - similar people you might or might not know.

Bilrow once acted to save GGA, now you can too.

Ironchef :wacko:

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Heh, well, were GGA going to attack shane? I doubt it. It seems like VE wanted to showboat a bit.

Shane was unaligned when they made this thread, it was a preventative measure against tech raiding. This announcement was not about GGA.

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Heh, well, were GGA going to attack shane? I doubt it. It seems like VE wanted to showboat a bit.

Showboat??? My god man. Please see the post above mine so i don't have to insult your intelligence while explaining why the Entente provided protection.

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HA! thats where your wrong, i've ruined my credibility along time ago. I could care less about what the blacky's megAros or warriorconcepts of the world think of degenerate108.

They are not alone.

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I wouldn't add MK to that list.. Archon and AirMe are indeed secretly controlled by my 13 man alliance. Poor guys. :(

On topic.. Yeah, I think everything that's been said pretty much covers my feelings. :popcorn:

You want me to admit in public that Athens is actually a MK puppet? Only an alliance in a state of total and abject failure would admit to such a pitiable method of leadership.

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HA! thats where your wrong, i've ruined my credibility along time ago. I could care less about what the blacky's megAros or warriorconcepts of the world think of degenerate108.


You know what? Nevermind.

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In light of Sponge's most recent posting, I'm trying to figure out something here...maybe someone from the GGA can help me:

Really guys, I've refrained from trolling you and I hope you don't take this as such, but come on now - are you seriously oblivious to the fact that any and every misstep you take in public or private will be plastered all over this topic? Ironchef editing posts just begs to be bandied about, given discussions over an apparently lack of freedom-of-speech. You finally restricted posting here, but you really need to be a bit more careful in how you address these future incidents.

Besides, I'm not sure how much more of this thread I can take.

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