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If you've been paying attention to this thread you would know that to the surprise of many of us that NPO is controlling the GGA.

Infact it's so bad that they probably have to whisper into one anothers ears in order to get anything done. All their modes of communication are either directly or indirectly under the watchful eye of the NPO who have shown that they're not afraid of punishing GGA government members for not doing as they are told. Even going as far as de-masking a member of their government from their own alliance forums and criticising their actions in their private government channels. I mean the fact that they're in their government channels alone is completely insane, but that they would go as far as to criticise them?

Also as has been stated already GGA and GR have been in communication for some time involving several members from both governments and a treaty was proposed. It was in no way out of the ordinary - now tell me knowing what you know. What could have went wrong this time in what was a typical conversation between these two parties? A third party.

That bolded part is the single biggest load of crap in this massive plane crash.

1. the TWO NPO members in the one govt. channel they are in, are there by invite (sorry vox you weren't cool enough to be invited to that party.)

2. Degenerate108 is the only one with roster access and power to remove members. I realize that ruins the NPO are controlling our membership ZOMGWTGBBQ theory. Sad but true.

3. The only time either of said NPO members actually talk in an capacity in my govt. channel is when I ask them for input. (that would sort of mean i'm controlling them in my channel.) The horror! how dare they sit in my govt. channel on invite and only speak when they are spoken to!

4. Does this FINALLY make me a Global Despot yet?

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Degenerate, why did you refer to yourself in the third person? That's just asking for a "ZOMG MOO WROTE THAT AND HE POSTED IT" theory to spring up.

Yesitsbobby finds it necessary that Degenerate108 made it very clear that Degenerate108 was the one with that power. Does Sarkin disagree with Yesitsbobby?

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That bolded part is the single biggest load of crap in this massive plane crash.

1. the TWO NPO members in the one govt. channel they are in, are there by invite (sorry vox you weren't cool enough to be invited to that party.)

2. Degenerate108 is the only one with roster access and power to remove members. I realize that ruins the NPO are controlling our membership ZOMGWTGBBQ theory. Sad but true.

3. The only time either of said NPO members actually talk in an capacity in my govt. channel is when I ask them for input. (that would sort of mean i'm controlling them in my channel.) The horror! how dare they sit in my govt. channel on invite and only speak when they are spoken to!

4. Does this FINALLY make me a Global Despot yet?

This is all void if you realize that if you were even semi-competent you wouldn't need them there. Not even NpO had NPO leaders in gov channels during OoO being intact.

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They'll give you that ribbon the next time you sacrifice your honor for their benefit.


Degenerate, why did you refer to yourself in the third person? That's just asking for a "ZOMG MOO WROTE THAT AND HE POSTED IT" theory to spring up.

Degenerate108 occasionally does this to feel more important. and it works. ;)

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That bolded part is the single biggest load of crap in this massive plane crash.
Moo-Cows has been ever present in GGA government channels and has constantly criticized GGA foreign policy when it was not his place to do so.

So you're saying that's not at all true? Moo-Cows has not criticised GGA's foreign policy from within their own private government channels?

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That bolded part is the single biggest load of crap in this massive plane crash.

1. the TWO NPO members in the one govt. channel they are in, are there by invite (sorry vox you weren't cool enough to be invited to that party.)

2. Degenerate108 is the only one with roster access and power to remove members. I realize that ruins the NPO are controlling our membership ZOMGWTGBBQ theory. Sad but true.

3. The only time either of said NPO members actually talk in an capacity in my govt. channel is when I ask them for input. (that would sort of mean i'm controlling them in my channel.) The horror! how dare they sit in my govt. channel on invite and only speak when they are spoken to!

4. Does this FINALLY make me a Global Despot yet?

I wont go so far as to call you a bald faced liar, but I spent a ludicrous amount of time reading through this thread and your words here look like little more then a hasty cover up. It rings a little hollow. Besides, you're about 30 pages too late for a rebuttal.

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This is all void if you realize that if you were even semi-competent you wouldn't need them there. Not even NpO had NPO leaders in gov channels during OoO being intact.

They are there as friends, kinda like how your constantly sucking up to ES or doitzel. The only difference is, instead of sitting here in a forum making myself look like a puppet (and you do it well mind you) i sit in a private irc channel. Less puppet like if you do it my way.

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So you're saying that's not at all true? Moo-Cows has not criticised GGA's foreign policy from within their own private government channels?

To be fair to Degen and given by the train wreck of this thread, I wouldn't blame him for not admitting this, if it were true.

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So you're saying that's not at all true? Moo-Cows has not criticised GGA's foreign policy from within their own private government channels?

Moo only speaks when Moo is spoken to in my govt. channel. I can't make it anymore clear than that. If we happen to be discussing foreign policy and moo is asked for his opinion he gives its. But the notion moo sits there overseeing everything we do is ridiculous.

I wont go so far as to call you a bald faced liar, but I spent a ludicrous amount of time reading through this thread and your words here look like little more then a hasty cover up. It rings a little hollow. Besides, you're about 30 pages too late for a rebuttal.

Meh you could call me a liar, im thick skinned. B)

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That bolded part is the single biggest load of crap in this massive plane crash.

1. the TWO NPO members in the one govt. channel they are in, are there by invite (sorry vox you weren't cool enough to be invited to that party.)

2. Degenerate108 is the only one with roster access and power to remove members. I realize that ruins the NPO are controlling our membership ZOMGWTGBBQ theory. Sad but true.

3. The only time either of said NPO members actually talk in an capacity in my govt. channel is when I ask them for input. (that would sort of mean i'm controlling them in my channel.) The horror! how dare they sit in my govt. channel on invite and only speak when they are spoken to!

4. Does this FINALLY make me a Global Despot yet?

The fact that you even ask for them to be there in the first place is a joke in itself. You guys don't even trust yourselves to do anything right. Let me guess though, they were there to help you with the new skin? Or were you just asking for Big Brother to stop restricting access to your govt from your own forums if you ever made him baww for that dangerous art called thinking, which in retrospect does justify your current position.

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They are there as friends, kinda like how your constantly sucking up to ES or doitzel. The only difference is, instead of sitting here in a forum making myself look like a puppet (and you do it well mind you) i sit in a private irc channel. Less puppet like if you do it my way.

But see, the difference is that those people are actually in my alliance.

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They are there as friends, kinda like how your constantly sucking up to ES or doitzel.

So you confess to constantly sucking up to Moo-Cows, and that is the reason you invited him into your IRC channel?

How was this supposed to make you look better, again?

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To be fair to Degen and given by the train wreck of this thread, I wouldn't blame him for not admitting this, if it were true.

Obviously, but that does not excuse his hostile diatribe in regards to me stating it. I mean considering it is true and in all likeliness it is. It would be very easy for Shaneprice to produce logs to the contrary and it would only further ruin degenerates credibility.

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Moo only speaks when Moo is spoken to in my govt. channel. I can't make it anymore clear than that. If we happen to be discussing foreign policy and moo is asked for his opinion he gives its. But the notion moo sits there overseeing everything we do is ridiculous.

No wonder shane was kicked, he didn't ask the oracle that is Moo on his thoughts over him possibly allying GR.

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The fact that you even ask for them to be there in the first place is a joke in itself. You guys don't even trust yourselves to do anything right. Let me guess though, they were there to help you with the new skin? Or were you just asking for Big Brother to stop restricting access to your govt from your own forums if you ever made him baww for that dangerous art called thinking, which in retrospect does justify your current position.

Again they are there as friends. Also warrior if you feel up to it, your more than welcome to make us a skin, that is if you can fit it into your schedule between sitting in irc channels clinging to your past history of being important and mindlessly sheeping your way through threads.

But see, the difference is that those people are actually in my alliance.

The fact you wouldnt deny the sucking up to them simply because they're in your alliance is a true testimony to your character.

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Obviously, but that does not excuse his hostile diatribe in regards to me stating it. I mean considering it is true and in all likeliness it is. It would be very easy for Shaneprice to produce logs to the contrary and it would only further ruin degenerates credibility.

HA! thats where your wrong, i've ruined my credibility along time ago. I could care less about what the blacky's megAros or warriorconcepts of the world think of degenerate108.

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Again they are there as friends. Also warrior if you feel up to it, your more than welcome to make us a skin, that is if you can fit it into your schedule between sitting in irc channels clinging to your past history of being important and mindlessly sheeping your way through threads.

Yeah, GGA would know all about not clinging to past glory, as seen in this thread. That kind of remark isnt necessary against a persons character. Especially not on a public board, WarriorConcept is a good player and doesnt deserve that.

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I can't make it anymore clear than that. If we happen to be discussing foreign policy and moo is asked for his opinion he gives it.

What's the matter can't think for yourself?

Did you honestly think GGA's autonomy wouldn't come into question when one of the members of your government was on the brink of expulsion for thinking for himself? Especially when it was not out of the ordinary.

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Again they are there as friends. Also warrior if you feel up to it, your more than welcome to make us a skin, that is if you can fit it into your schedule between sitting in irc channels clinging to your past history of being important and mindlessly sheeping your way through threads.

lol at the bolded part

The fact you wouldnt deny the sucking up to them simply because they're in your alliance is a true testimony to your character.

The fact that you admit to sucking up while they aren't in your alliance is an even larger testimony to your character and the character of your alliance/puppet/village/embarrassment.

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The fact you wouldnt deny the sucking up to them simply because they're in your alliance is a true testimony to your character.

Considering you just admitted that you shepherd foreign leaders into your alliance's government channels and then further admitted that you do it just to suck up to them, I find your statement a tad bit ironic. Calling into question someone's character as you sit there and make blatant attacks on someone else's is also humourous.

Clearly you don't give a damn what anyone thinks about you because you're still posting. If there is anything the Imperial Green Village deserves in the midst of this mess, degenerate, it is you.

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The fact you wouldnt deny the sucking up to them simply because they're in your alliance is a true testimony to your character.

The fact that you relate my sucking up to Doitzel and ES as to you and Moo only proves you too, are a suck up. However, I am hardly a suck up to them compared to you and Moo. I don't depend on them for my survival.

The abyss stares back into you, etc.

EDIT: I misspelled Doitzel >_>

Edited by MegaAros
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Yeah, GGA would know all about not clinging to past glory, as seen in this thread. That kind of remark isnt necessary against a persons character. Especially not on a public board, WarriorConcept is a good player and doesnt deserve that.

Oh but your wrong, warriorconcept deserves more than what im giving, i find it amusing he would need you to come to the rescue if hes a grand a player as you state he's more than capable to defend himself. Thus i stand by my statement.

What's the matter can't think for yourself?

Did you honestly think GGA's autonomy wouldn't come into question when one of the members of your government was on the brink of expulsion for thinking for himself? Especially when it was not out of the ordinary.

Member shane was one member, thats actually the same mistake he made to be honest.

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