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Oh my...Degen silenced the membership from posting...there goes freedom of speech again! I wonder happens if they post anyway? On the flip...to little to late.

I was interested in hearing a reply from you, one longer than 2 lines, I guess you're not making one? :huh:

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Well I happened to actually like Bilrow. Sort of. Is that a bad thing?

No, we are all inclined to our own opinion. You need to remember I was directly involved in green affairs so I sincerely feel GGA wasn't as 'primitive' as they were even when he was a leader. I understand I am completely biased on this subject. Nothing more, nothing less. Just felt it hurt their diplomatic relations widely and it rapidly went downhill from then on.

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Oh my...Degen silenced the membership from posting...there goes freedom of speech again! I wonder happens if they post anyway? On the flip...to little to late.

I think leaving the GGA triumvirate got you more respect then you ever would have gotten in the GGA. :P From what i see anyways...

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ShanePrice, the now fallen leader of the GGA approaches the podium and wipes a tear from his brow as he waves to the cheering throngs before him

My friends, I welcome you and I thank you for the gracious support that you have shown me. Many alliances have stood up to defend me from this wrong and I am grateful to each and every one of them.

My time with the Grand Global Alliance is now over. During my time, I rested secure in the belief that my actions were in the best interests of the alliance and will continue to defend them as necessary. The conversation in question here was a private conversation between myself, and two members of the Greenland Republic...Virullus and Epiphanus. Degenerate108 was also invited to this convo, joined willingly, and then actively participated in it. This conversation was then relayed to the rest of the GGA government as well as Pacifica. I was offered the opportunity to resign or be kicked. I chose to resign.

At the meeting in which I was asked to surrender ownership of GGA channels there were several people present. As I remember, there was degenerate108, Sognatore, scotchwithrocks, ironchef, Moo-Cows, and Dark Mistress. Degenerate108 did all of the talking and it was a very brief conversation. I want to take this opportunity to thank Cornelius of the Virdian Entente for coming to my aid and offering me protection...however, I also want to make it clear that at NO point did GGA ever threaten me with ZI or anything like that, but given the gravity of the GGA response, I accepted the protection that was offered.

As far as the New Pacific Order...they have seen fit to interfere in GGA Internal Affairs for as long as I can remember. They have done so through building friendships where possible and fear when not. Every GGA government member is fearful of what will happen if they leave OneVision and as a result will continue to follow Pacifica even if takes them to the grave. This is the choice that GGA has made despite the continued will of Pacifica to ignore the needs of the GGA.

The Grand Global Alliance will eventually turn itself around, but it will take time. For now they are so yoked to the Pacific Order that they have sacrificed their sovereignty to protect their nations. Every day for the last few months, Moo-Cows has been ever present in GGA government channels and has constantly criticized GGA foreign policy when it was not his place to do so. The GGA is a sovereign alliance capable of making it's own decisions without interference from Pacifica. Further, Pacifica seems to be the main problem. The GGA's other allies tend to treat the GGA with a bit more respect. I would also like to thank Valhalla for being truly the most helpful alliance that GGA has ever had. Props to you purple guys :)

With that said...the message I have for the GGA is this. If you feel that you can rule an alliance while restricting what your members are allowed to say and think, then you are steering the GGA toward an end from which it cannot rebound. Such restrictions will not be effective on Planet Bob when members have so many choices in alliances to go to. Retention and reform should be your priority goals and you should do this without interference from the Order. Having them as allies is good, having them as a shadow government is bad.

It is unfortunate but the only thing that these actions accomplished was the weakening of the GGA and bringing unwarranted criticism upon its members. You must remember that the triumvirate of the GGA rules only by the consent of it's membership. Without that membership you have no alliance. Your actions in this regard were foolhardy and there is no place on Bob for an alliance that dictates what it's members can think. I wish the GGA all the success in the world and hope that they can straighten out their government problems.

Thank You.

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Well I happened to actually like Bilrow. Sort of. Is that a bad thing?


This thread has tickled me just right. It's amusing to see that the systematic removal of Grand Global Alliance leaders by the intervention of Pacifica - a process that began in mid 2006 - is still occurring. I wonder how it must feel to have another alliance's hand so far up your rear end for such an extended period of time.

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ShanePrice, the now fallen leader of the GGA approaches the podium and wipes a tear from his brow as he waves to the cheering throngs before him


Thank You.

Well said, good response to the thread.

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The Grand Global Alliance will eventually turn itself around, but it will take time. For now they are so yoked to the Pacific Order that they have sacrificed their sovereignty to protect their nations. Every day for the last few months, Moo-Cows has been ever present in GGA government channels and has constantly criticized GGA foreign policy when it was not his place to do so. The GGA is a sovereign alliance capable of making it's own decisions without interference from Pacifica. Further, Pacifica seems to be the main problem. The GGA's other allies tend to treat the GGA with a bit more respect. I would also like to thank Valhalla for being truly the most helpful alliance that GGA has ever had. Props to you purple guys :)

Are you kidding me?

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If you feel that you can rule an alliance while restricting what your members are allowed to say and think, then you are steering the GGA toward an end from which it cannot rebound.

Thank You.

I will reply to this one bolded statement as everything else is not my area to respond in:

I completely agree. This has nothing to do with Pacifica or the recent events, the general idea of this bolded statement in any cause is true; do not take this right from your members if done constructively.

Edited by Ejayrazz
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At the meeting in which I was asked to surrender ownership of GGA channels there were several people present. As I remember, there was degenerate108, Sognatore, scotchwithrocks, ironchef, Moo-Cows, and Dark Mistress. Degenerate108 did all of the talking and it was a very brief conversation. I want to take this opportunity to thank Cornelius of the Virdian Entente for coming to my aid and offering me protection...however, I also want to make it clear that at NO point did GGA ever threaten me with ZI or anything like that, but given the gravity of the GGA response, I accepted the protection that was offered.

I wonder what DarkMistress was doing there?

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Every day for the last few months, Moo-Cows has been ever present in GGA government channels and has constantly criticized GGA foreign policy when it was not his place to do so. purple guys :)

Thank You.


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Every day for the last few months, Moo-Cows has been ever present in GGA government channels and has constantly criticized GGA foreign policy when it was not his place to do so. purple guys smile.gif

I don't think he would have said it otherwise, that seemed to be a serious statement he made.

I will add my name to the list of individuals who feels that this is a bit... odd, however.

Edited by Arrnea
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Every day for the last few months, Moo-Cows has been ever present in GGA government channels

Wow... I'm a total noob and even I can see that this is a bad situation to be in...

GGA i have a suggestion for you (again, coming from a complete noob, but one that has experience dealing with the NPO in tech reps, so at least a little experience). Get it over with. Get out from NPO's whip. Get in a war with them, get your butts nuked, and then find some allies who DON'T just bully you into anything. If you want CN examples of what happens in your situation, then just look at the state of your own alliance. Look at what Ironchef said about you. Without NPO's support you're doomed, and so you are more or less a puppet regardless of what you say. If you want real examples, well, I'm sorry to say this, but you're Czechoslovakia and NPO is the USSR. You are completely under their thumb and threats. And we all know how well that worked out in real life...

Get a grip on your alliance, and gtfo of the hole you've dug yourself into.

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Gaining ownership of GGA channels, I imagine. I mean, Bilrow already controls their forums. In for a penny, in for a pound.

You know before I thought they were just a puppet just by doing what they were told to do, but this thread has made realize it's even worse than that and it doesn't even need to be subtle for the leadership to just eat it up so they maintain their seats of power. This is honestly pathetic.

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The Grand Global Alliance will eventually turn itself around, but it will take time. For now they are so yoked to the Pacific Order that they have sacrificed their sovereignty to protect their nations. Every day for the last few months, Moo-Cows has been ever present in GGA government channels and has constantly criticized GGA foreign policy when it was not his place to do so. The GGA is a sovereign alliance capable of making it's own decisions without interference from Pacifica. Further, Pacifica seems to be the main problem. The GGA's other allies tend to treat the GGA with a bit more respect. I would also like to thank Valhalla for being truly the most helpful alliance that GGA has ever had. Props to you purple guys :)

I really hope your not serious about the bolded part, If you are.... Then the GGA is basically a Vessal of the New Pacific Order, Seriously who lets non-alligned people in their gov channel.

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I appreciate the time you took to make this reply SP, and for what it's worth my opinion of your leadership was misinformed back when I was a GGA member, I now see that you were exactly the person I would have wanted in my triumvirate. It's too bad about GGA's predicament right now, and you're proof of what happens when GGA tries to stand on their own 2 feet. There are serious problems with GGAs government being controlled by foreign influences, but this has been the norm for I can't remember how long, I don't know why anyone is surprised. This is the path that GGA has chosen, and if it leads to a decline in members and alliance identity, then so be it. I still wish them luck, but hope that the membership realize what is going on.

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Gaining ownership of GGA channels, I imagine. I mean, Bilrow already controls their forums. In for a penny, in for a pound.

Either that, or someone told her nutella would be served at that meeting. No way you can keep her out of such.

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