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What do you think is the most influential event is Cybernations history?

Emperor Whimsical

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"Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied." - Bismarck

For my part, I have acknowledged that my actions were selfish and not what was best for the alliance at the time. That doesn't change the facts. Moo did resign. He acknowledged that I was Emperor on the NPO forum and on the old CN forum. So did many others. I did not remove Admin access to the IOs so Frawley copied ES' database, deleted the whole forum and moved everything to Moo's server, where I was banned. Having no direct contact with the membership led to the "official" story being a bit skewed and some of the facts were replaced. Vladimir even wrote a massive essay calling on the history of the NPO from NS as precedent on how power transferred in the Order, which included several factual errors. That is the way it works. I have done it numerous times. You make the facts fit the situation so that you are in the right. That is how things have always worked in this world, right?

On my behalf ES and BlackAdder pressured Moo to resign, right or wrong doesn't come into it, they did it and I knew they were going to do it. He did and then thought better of it and couped me. He was correct in that action and I have voiced support for it since I reconciled myself with the Order well over a year ago now. That doesn't change the facts of the events regardless of whom presents their "version".

Regardless, it is ancient history. I have made my peace on the issue and do not believe it necessary to continue harping on things that will never be changed.

It wasn't my intention to dig up past issues when I made my post, the wording seemed to bother some people. Whatever people want to call the incident it is still the most influential event in my opinion.

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Why don't you just tell us all those facts, instead of making these pointless posts?

Here is a fact: Ivan would have never become Emperor a second time if Sponge wasn't the host of NPO's forums at the time. Thats a coup in my book, Sponge wielded his OOC power to get IC gain. Using OOC power to gain politically has no place in the game.

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Here is a fact: Ivan would have never become Emperor a second time if Sponge wasn't the host of NPO's forums at the time. Thats a coup in my book, Sponge wielded his OOC power to get IC gain. Using OOC power to gain politically has no place in the game.
Here is an actual fact: Sponge never used his hosting of the NPO's forums for IC gain. That never happened. That's not a coup in anyone's book.
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Here is a fact: Ivan would have never become Emperor a second time if Sponge wasn't the host of NPO's forums at the time. Thats a coup in my book, Sponge wielded his OOC power to get IC gain. Using OOC power to gain politically has no place in the game.

First, I ask for your indulgence of my bad sense of humor in this OOC forum, but to stay on topic and contribute something constructive I just had to chime in.

I was looking for a bunny with a pancake on its head to post here and found the image below instead. I thought it funny, and sure to get some people even more worked up over long-past and resolved history.

For those who think this post is IC and there is no place for humor here, please scroll on by this post.





Nothing to see here.


Hope you moved along if you found this pic offensive IC.

Finally, I hope the humor in this pic is taken as a full mockery of our IC politics and not as an OOC attack. :wub:


Oh, and this is in topic, for whatever killed our understanding of IC and OOC surely was a most influential event for our IC planet.

Edited by General Specific
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Here is an actual fact: Sponge never used his hosting of the NPO's forums for IC gain. That never happened. That's not a coup in anyone's book.

You're actually right. I think he just got all angry after they removed the database and threatened legal action if it wasn't returned.

Although, I'm sure that Sponge being the host of the forum didn't have any effect at all. :rolleyes:

Looking at the posts, I think only a few events have stood out. The early wars, the founding of NPO, and the UJW. While the first two are no doubt huge events, I think that the UJW has had a more tangible impact on the game and players of today because I'm sure CN has lost a great deal of the players who personally witnessed the earlier events.

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because I'm sure CN has lost a great deal of the players who personally witnessed the earlier events.

I dunno man they are still plenty of Great Wars vets still around, its just a case that these boards have been a turn off for many for quite a while.

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Yaridovich woke up one day and decided to quit CN. The echoes of this thought can still be heard today.

This and the OOC attacks from GOONS.

And alot of us still wish we could have seen a longer second term from Ivan.

Edited by Margrave
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I say the Unjust War and the Unjust War part 2 (Continuum et all vs Polaris), because that truly changed the scope of interalliance relations.

Those war proved that regardless of how well connected you may seem to be, in reality you may not be that well connected. Regardless of how much you have presently, that can be taken away. That leaders should treat each other with respect.

The outcome of both those events is a lesson for us all to treat each other with some manner of respect, and that most actions have consequences, however far reaching said consequences can be.

As for this political landscape, the outcome of that was solidified at the end of the Unjust War part 1, and again after the Unjust war part 2. This current hegemony was formed during and directly after the Unjust war ended over a year ago, and it is still in power and control, with no rival bloc or anti bloc visible, other than Vox and FAN, who can't really do too much other than make forum posts and spy.

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The failures of the CoaLUEtion during, and especially after, the First Great War. Their childlike execution of foreign affairs policy and head-in-the-sand mentality doomed them.

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the Unjust War in my mind set a standard for the dominant side of the MDP web. and thus brought out many more of its enemies within the shadows. breaking up those alliances such as Genmay, GOONS and \m/ also allowed for their former membership to dispurse and join various other alliances whether to bring about more of a "opposition" to the current order, or to stabalize the battered and broken side of the MDP web.

I remember following GW3 many people complained about the one-sidedness of the situation. In fact, many could not envision a campaign successful at destroying WUT. Only when it began to fracture was the stagnation and lopsided treaty web destroyed. Although the current situation has been around longer, I do not think the events following the UJW was the first instance, or will be the last instance of lopsided game stagnation.

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None of these things would have happened if GWI didn't end the way it did, ladies and gentlemen.

And that wouldn't have happened if admin hadn't made CN.

This logical notion is unreasonable. If precedence is the most important factor in determining the most significant event within this context, then it's all too easy to point out which event is the most significant. It betrays the spirit of this poll, and other polls like it.

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And that wouldn't have happened if admin hadn't made CN.

This logical notion is unreasonable. If precedence is the most important factor in determining the most significant event within this context, then it's all too easy to point out which event is the most significant. It betrays the spirit of this poll, and other polls like it.

Not really. The consequences and betrayals of the First Great War shaped foreign policy well into the following year, and the consequences of that foreign policy's decay shaped the consequences of the following year, and so on...it really does all chain back to what occurred during the First Great War.

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