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A Visit From the Doctor

Sarah Tintagyl

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"I have indeed," Subtleknifewielder said, taking the offered hand and firmly shaking it. "No need to be afraid, I don't bite...not friends and allies, anyway. And I'm sure you'd probably be more comfortable sitting down." He gestured at the sofa, like Mr. Harlem had done a scant minute ago.

Pons took the seat across from Subtleknifewilder and leaned back trying not to act nervously. "I have to say the disguise intrigues me Your Excellency, I was told before about a leader's wish to remain anonymous and I have to say you play the part extremely well. I do not know one person in the world that knows the true identity of the head of state of Promised Land. Given that situation then Excellency, I must ask, how does a man that doesn't have a true face assume absolute power in a country. A population that does not even know the identity of their leader how are they to act and yet you have one of the most stable countries in the world today. Truly a political masterpiece if I say so myself."

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Pons took the seat across from Subtleknifewilder and leaned back trying not to act nervously. "I have to say the disguise intrigues me Your Excellency, I was told before about a leader's wish to remain anonymous and I have to say you play the part extremely well. I do not know one person in the world that knows the true identity of the head of state of Promised Land. Given that situation then Excellency, I must ask, how does a man that doesn't have a true face assume absolute power in a country. A population that does not even know the identity of their leader how are they to act and yet you have one of the most stable countries in the world today. Truly a political masterpiece if I say so myself."

He smiled under the mask, though obviously it wouldn't be apparent to Pons. His answer came immediately. "Simple. I have a very few, very close confidantes who actually do know who I am. If anyone were to attempt an impersonation of myself...these people could see through it and act to prevent any lasting damage. As for the stability of the country, I am pleased you admire the efforts of myself and those who work for me. It isn't always easy holding such wide, disparate elements together in a cohesive whole, so those who threaten the stability are rarely around for long..."

He gave no more information, leaving Pons to make the obvious conclusion from the hint in his last statement.

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Pons shifted in his seat uncomfortably. "You bring up a good point then Your Excellency. Throughout history dissenters of the state have been dealt wish harshly and in some regimes men that hold power hold it only by the power that they have over the military and are able to impose their will by force. Now I do not expect this to be the case in promised land, but as to the ability to protest against the government and legal dissension, where do you stand?"

"Also forgive me for asking this, but what is the technical term for the political philosophy that Promised Land follows?"

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Pons shifted in his seat uncomfortably. "You bring up a good point then Your Excellency. Throughout history dissenters of the state have been dealt wish harshly and in some regimes men that hold power hold it only by the power that they have over the military and are able to impose their will by force. Now I do not expect this to be the case in promised land, but as to the ability to protest against the government and legal dissension, where do you stand?"

"Also forgive me for asking this, but what is the technical term for the political philosophy that Promised Land follows?"

Subtleknifewielder folded his arms. "So long as protests remain peaceful and nonviolent, and they don't severely impede anyone else's ability to get on with their lives, the protests are permitted to continue. But if it becomes violent, or threatens to damage property or lives, or even simply begins to feel like harassment to too many people, they are asked politely to break up and disperse. They get that and one other warning before they are forcibly removed from wherever they happen to be at the time. No, when I mentioned those who threaten the stability of the nation, I was referring to radicals, those who would take terrorist actions in the name of their religion or political ideals."

A slight pause, and then he answered the other question. "I'm not sure there is a correct term for what we are. I've heard some of my people refer to us as a 'shadow republic,' and that's probably the closest term. Thay are generally governed by the elected officials, and I'm more of a caretaker, a watchman, who happens to have the ultimate say on the off chance I see something I believe needs to be changed or prevented."

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"Then I would have to ask. Your Excellency, what is stopping you from gaining total power over the elected officials to begin with. I see versions of this government style all around the world, in my country as well. But I know that in the Hansa, Lady Tintagyl's power is checked by our Senate and though she has veto power and the power to propose laws she cannot just change the various doctrines of the state and therefore does not wield absolute power. But I fail to see how you are not more than a king of sorts." Pons frowned. "Please don't take offense, I personally believe that monarchy and a single party state is actually a very effective government, even if it is a bit too authoritarian for some tastes. But what is stopping you from having total supreme power over the state if there are no checks and balances in the government?"

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"Then I would have to ask. Your Excellency, what is stopping you from gaining total power over the elected officials to begin with. I see versions of this government style all around the world, in my country as well. But I know that in the Hansa, Lady Tintagyl's power is checked by our Senate and though she has veto power and the power to propose laws she cannot just change the various doctrines of the state and therefore does not wield absolute power. But I fail to see how you are not more than a king of sorts." Pons frowned. "Please don't take offense, I personally believe that monarchy and a single party state is actually a very effective government, even if it is a bit too authoritarian for some tastes. But what is stopping you from having total supreme power over the state if there are no checks and balances in the government?"

"No offense taken, Dr. Pons. In a few words? There actually is a check and blance of a sort...if the few people who know me believe I am trying to take too much power to myself, they can threaten to expose me. Also, the people might not stand for such a thing for long, anyway, so it could potentially be political suicide for me to attempt such a thing."

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Pons looked at the masked man thoughtfully before his face descended into a frown and clicked his watch open. "Your Excellency, I have to apologize, but I must be going soon. I have a pressing engagement to finish the book that I am working on right now and I do not know just how much time I will have left on the Earth to finish it." Standing up from the chair he offered his hand to the head of state. "It has been an eternal pleasure and at publication, both you and President Jackson will receive free copies and I hope that your reviews would lead me to perhaps creating another work of culture down the road. Perhaps in the future we will meet again and discuss further happier times, but for now I must be going."

He smiled walking away from the head of state after exchanging a handshake then back out to the limousine that would take him to the airport and back to the Hansa. He had much to do in the coming days and not much time to do so.

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Pons looked at the masked man thoughtfully before his face descended into a frown and clicked his watch open. "Your Excellency, I have to apologize, but I must be going soon. I have a pressing engagement to finish the book that I am working on right now and I do not know just how much time I will have left on the Earth to finish it." Standing up from the chair he offered his hand to the head of state. "It has been an eternal pleasure and at publication, both you and President Jackson will receive free copies and I hope that your reviews would lead me to perhaps creating another work of culture down the road. Perhaps in the future we will meet again and discuss further happier times, but for now I must be going."

He smiled walking away from the head of state after exchanging a handshake then back out to the limousine that would take him to the airport and back to the Hansa. He had much to do in the coming days and not much time to do so.

Subtleknifewielder shook his hand and nodded, acknowledging the farewell. "A safe journey, Doctor." He watced with his inscrutable face as the Doctor took his leave. his guards would see to it personally that nothing happened to Pons on his trip.

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