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A Visit From the Doctor

Sarah Tintagyl

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Pons grinned. "Then I look forward to it immensely President Jackson. But as for the book." Pons sat back and tried to think for a moment. "I was never one to be extremely nationalistic, especially to a country that has only existed for a few years. I was born in Germany and watched Europe change in and out of dictators, democracies, aristocracies, and republics. I moved to Tion sometime after Nordland was established, I was always against the ideas of meritocracy. Personally, Mr. President, I think it is because of Martenism and Francoism that the world is as screwed up as it is now and I plan to work that in, with a few chapters especially with the Grand Army of Europe along with the environment that the Hansa was birthed in.

However when I moved to Tion, I became a political philosophy professor at the University of Helsinki and one of my students was the young Sarah Tintagyl and no matter how she would try to spin this, she was a mediocre student at best." He laughed. "Which was why when the Merchant Council named her as Chancellor because of her father's death I was utterly shocked. But since that time I have seen both her and the Hansa go through a steady transformation into the country that we see today. I have wrote books on kings, republics, philosophies, and other Empires, Nordland, some pamphlets on the UFE and Dragonisia, along with speeches about the glory of Saboria-Canada. But through all that, never one book or thought about my adopted homeland and its leader.

The book will be a national biography spanning from the Hansa's creation to the formation of the Commonwealth along with the story of Sarah's personal growth, or at least as much as I can dig up and find out from her own mouth. You see Mr. President, I want to see my country last well into the historical canon, I don't want to see it fall and I hope when I am in heaven looking down that it will continue to act as a center of culture and diplomacy. In addition, I hope that Lady Sarah enjoys the same legendary status that Kaiser Martens has built himself up on and the same aura that Subtleknifewielder possesses. It might sound egotistical on the world's stage, but I don't care anymore. Leaders build up images for themselves all the time, humility only works so much, but you can't learn great lessons of leadership through humility and like you Mr. President any leader who can ascend to through popularity alone can either be very dangerous or very successful and I intend to list the dangerous as well as the successes as I can foresee them happening in the future."

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Jackson thoughtfully considered everything Pons laid out. He could tell the man had put just as much thought into this book as he had the previous, and he could not disagree with any of the conclusions Pons had drawn.

"I'm afraid I'm not good at creative book titles, Dr. Pons, but I'll give it a try from what you've told me.... You say you're going to include comments on the meritocracy ideologies, but from what I gather, it will be mostly to compare it with your own nation's system--past and present..."

He pursed his lips in thought as he sat, tapping his fingers on the personal desk in front of him. "You could try... 'Biography of a Nation,' I suppose, or 'National Biography.'

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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The doctor gave a large grin. "The Biography of a Nation. Mr. President, I like that a lot and to be honest I think I know exactly how to start it. I look forward to finishing it so that you will be able to critique whatever I happen to mess up on. Also I'm sure that Promised Land and much of the rest of the Australasian countries will have to be mentioned. You have all been extremely beneficial to the continued success of that country." He laughed. "And here I sound like a diplomat, I apologize Mr. President, like I said I try not to harbor nationalistic feelings they tend to get in the way of my philosophies on anti-fascism. Truth be told I think that nationalism and patriotism in itself is dangerous, but hopefully one day I'll be proven wrong. I've grown up in a world where one day you can be parading on a street with flags flying and the next you can be sitting in a pile a rubble. All of the good of the state." He sneered.

"While leaders sit in fashioned bunkers." He sighed. "But that's with everyone, the wealthy and the powerful have always held the advantage over the poor. Communism tried to change that, but I have my doubts on Communism as well."

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The doctor gave a large grin. "The Biography of a Nation. Mr. President, I like that a lot and to be honest I think I know exactly how to start it. I look forward to finishing it so that you will be able to critique whatever I happen to mess up on. Also I'm sure that Promised Land and much of the rest of the Australasian countries will have to be mentioned. You have all been extremely beneficial to the continued success of that country." He laughed. "And here I sound like a diplomat, I apologize Mr. President, like I said I try not to harbor nationalistic feelings they tend to get in the way of my philosophies on anti-fascism. Truth be told I think that nationalism and patriotism in itself is dangerous, but hopefully one day I'll be proven wrong. I've grown up in a world where one day you can be parading on a street with flags flying and the next you can be sitting in a pile a rubble. All of the good of the state." He sneered.

"While leaders sit in fashioned bunkers." He sighed. "But that's with everyone, the wealthy and the powerful have always held the advantage over the poor. Communism tried to change that, but I have my doubts on Communism as well."

"The thing about Communism is...it assumes the basic nature of all men and women is good and unselfish. In an ideal world, it could actually work. The problem is, someone will eventually come along and abuse the system to benefit themselves. No, the closest thing to communism that works in this world is Saboria's system. Now there's an interesting case..."

OOC: if you ever get tired of this discussion, you are in complete control of when it ends and the meeting with Subtleknifewielder begins. I'll continue as long as you wish, though. :D

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"Saboria..." Pons yawned as he said the word and looked at his watch and then out past Jackson to the darkened window that lay behind him. "I don't mean to be the man to say this Mr. President, but I really must be going, I can't stay out too late or I'll never wake up in the morning. Plus I think I'm overdue to take pills for my arthritis and after the medication's in my system I only have a few seconds to get back into bed." He laughed, lifting himself off the chair and extending a hand towards Jackson. "It was a pleasure and I look forward to talking with you again Mr. President."

After he had said good-bye to the President, Pons was escorted back outside to the limousine that awaited at the bottom of the hotel. From there he was taken to the hotel that had been provided for him across Melbourne. After he had arrived and checked in, he waited before taking his pills to sit down at the table and think of the book.

I am not a patriot especially considering that I live in a country that has only exists for five years or so. However, there is something special about the country I call home and I could not think of any better place where I would like to live. In the past five years, the Hansa along with her allies have laid the ground work for a world that perhaps could see world peace in the lifetimes of the younger generations. Indeed, perhaps not all is lost in this world even with ideological suffering and constant chaos. No, I do not believe in the forces of light, nor do I believe in the forces of evil. There are only humans, however I know that some leaders are better suited for their duties than others. I know that some countries better suited for existence than others. The Hansa? Perhaps...perhaps not. History will tell us. But it is my last duty as a citizen and philosopher to chronicle the events that has taken my country to this position in Australia, which I will attempt to do with out prejudice or bias towards any one party.

Pons smiled looking down at the paragraph before shuffling off to the sink, dropped two pills into his mouth and before his head hit the pillow, he was out cold.

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Jackson shook Dr. Pons' hand, stifling his own yawn. "it was a pleasure meeting with you."

Not long after, he went to his own bed. He was asleep before his head hit the pillow.

The next morning, the same driver was at the hotel, waiting in the lobby. He was not to wake Pons until he was ready to go. Besides, earlier didn't mean he would see Subtleknifewielder any sooner. Pons had time to get breakfast and do whatever else he needed to do before they left.

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After he had finished breakfast and had taken his morning pills, Pons shuffled his work place together back into his bag and with cane in hand limped down from his room towards the lobby of the hotel and back out into the warm summer air of the Melbourne late-morning. Smiling at the driver of his limousine from the night before Pons' placed his work things into the vehicle before seating himself. "Sir, it is a pleasure for you to take me around like this, I do appreciate it." He leaned back in the seat. "I'm not sure when Subtleknifewielder takes his lunch, but if we're a bit early, take me around the city a bit first. I've never been to Melbourne and we'll get to the leader's residence in due time."

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After he had finished breakfast and had taken his morning pills, Pons shuffled his work place together back into his bag and with cane in hand limped down from his room towards the lobby of the hotel and back out into the warm summer air of the Melbourne late-morning. Smiling at the driver of his limousine from the night before Pons' placed his work things into the vehicle before seating himself. "Sir, it is a pleasure for you to take me around like this, I do appreciate it." He leaned back in the seat. "I'm not sure when Subtleknifewielder takes his lunch, but if we're a bit early, take me around the city a bit first. I've never been to Melbourne and we'll get to the leader's residence in due time."

The driver nodded as he pulled out of the hotel Parking lot. "Very good, sir. Is there anything in particular you wish to see? Or do you just want to take in everything?"

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"I think I'll just take in everything it that's okay with you my good man, after all we don't have an extreme amount of time to spare, but enough to take in the sights and sounds of the city." He smiled winding down the window. "Anywhere that you would find interesting, lets have an adventure, shall we?"

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"I think I'll just take in everything it that's okay with you my good man, after all we don't have an extreme amount of time to spare, but enough to take in the sights and sounds of the city." He smiled winding down the window. "Anywhere that you would find interesting, lets have an adventure, shall we?"

OOC I honestly don't know much about what's there in RL, and I haven't Rp'd a lot of development. You don't mind if we skip over this part, do you? He can always visit the Museum of Religion after the meeting. :D

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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OOC I honestly don't know much about what's there in RL, and I haven't Rp'd a lot of development. You don't mind if we skip over this part, do you? He can always visit the Museum of Religion after the meeting. :D

OOC: Not at all Subtle...just take him to the residence and we'll get the ball rolling again.

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OOC: Not at all Subtle...just take him to the residence and we'll get the ball rolling again.

OOC: Ok...thanks. :D

IC: After showing Dr. Pons a few of the sights, the driver made his way across the city, arriving not at any office building, surprisingly, but a suburban home on the outskirts... (OOC the closest one/OOC)


Before Pons could ask why they were coming here, the driver spoke up. "I'm not sure why, but this is where I was told to come, sir." The driver parked the limo in the driveway, got out, and opened Pons' door.

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Pons looked at the neighborhood oddly, but exited the car nonetheless. After picking up his tablets and notebooks he passed by the driver and walked up to the door of the house they had pulled up to and knocked quietly on the door. If this was where Subtleknifewielder was at, he would have many more questions. Even for a leader that wore a mask, this was extremely strange and unorthodox.

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The door was answered by none other than Anthony Harlem.

For once not bothering to wait and see a person's reaction to his appearance, he greeted the man. "Dr. Pons, I presume? Please, come on in. Subtleknifewielder is expecting you, and should be out momentarily."

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The door was answered by none other than Anthony Harlem.

For once not bothering to wait and see a person's reaction to his appearance, he greeted the man. "Dr. Pons, I presume? Please, come on in. Subtleknifewielder is expecting you, and should be out momentarily."

Pons bowed at Harlem as he stepped inside the house. It was quaint, homely, friendly and immediately he was happy that he had come, however he still found it odd that Subtleknifewielder had chosen this area to hold their meeting. Perhaps there was something special about the house. "Mr. Harlem, if you don't mind me asking, why did His Excellency chose to meet me here. I expected some office or grand palatial residence. Don't take it as offense, the house is very nice. I'm just curious that's all. Also, this there a chance that you would meet with His Excellency and I? I've wanted to meet you personally for a long time Mr. Harlem. Her Ladyship speaks extremely high of you."

OOC: I'd like to see Doctor Pons do abit of investigating into the nature of the Marchar, if that's possible.

OOC: Margrave, when he publishes the book there's going to be a whole chapter on the Marchar, so be patient when I "publish" the book on the forums. That should be by the end of the week.

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Pons bowed at Harlem as he stepped inside the house. It was quaint, homely, friendly and immediately he was happy that he had come, however he still found it odd that Subtleknifewielder had chosen this area to hold their meeting. Perhaps there was something special about the house. "Mr. Harlem, if you don't mind me asking, why did His Excellency chose to meet me here. I expected some office or grand palatial residence. Don't take it as offense, the house is very nice. I'm just curious that's all. Also, this there a chance that you would meet with His Excellency and I? I've wanted to meet you personally for a long time Mr. Harlem. Her Ladyship speaks extremely high of you."

OOC: Oh, I can imagine the look on his face if Harlem told the truth... :D

IC: "He chose this spot because he knows me, and he happened to be here when he got the call from the President. I actually live here, so it's a convenient place for him to stay." Again, all truth...but not the whole truth. By now, skirting the edge of truth and fiction was second nature to him. But he didn't really let that bother him at the moment, and smiled.

"I'm afraid I can't sit in on the meeting with you and him--I've got somewhere I need to be soon. Now, please have a seat, and he'll be with you in a minute." He gestured at the sofa before leaving the room.

The next room over was completely beyond view except for the little passage between them, so all Dr' Pons would hear would be the sound of the back door opening and closing, and he wouldn't be abnle to see it at all. Barely a minute later, Subtleknifewielder walked in the same way Harlem had left. As expected, he had his head covered by the bowler hat, and his face by a black cloth and pair of dark sunglasses. He also wore a pair of silver-lined black gloves.

"I see I just missed Mr. Harlem. He tell you where he was going?" As he spoke, he sat down in a chair across from the sofa, draping his arms over the edges in a relaxed manner.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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Pons stood wide-eyed at the man in black seemed to be looking at him, but to be honest, he couldn't tell. "Um, no Your Excellency, he didn't say where he was going." Not sure of what to do in being confronted by this phantom, Pons stared down at the man in disguise. "Subtleknifewielder I presume, I am Doctor Tomas Pons from the University of Brisbane. I want to say that I am extremely obliged that you have honored with a meeting. I'm sure not maybe people have had this honor." He extended his hand to shake his and in hoping show a little bravery he smiled. "President Jackson said you've read my book."

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Pons stood wide-eyed at the man in black seemed to be looking at him, but to be honest, he couldn't tell. "Um, no Your Excellency, he didn't say where he was going." Not sure of what to do in being confronted by this phantom, Pons stared down at the man in disguise. "Subtleknifewielder I presume, I am Doctor Tomas Pons from the University of Brisbane. I want to say that I am extremely obliged that you have honored with a meeting. I'm sure not maybe people have had this honor." He extended his hand to shake his and in hoping show a little bravery he smiled. "President Jackson said you've read my book."

"I have indeed," Subtleknifewielder said, taking the offered hand and firmly shaking it. "No need to be afraid, I don't bite...not friends and allies, anyway. And I'm sure you'd probably be more comfortable sitting down." He gestured at the sofa, like Mr. Harlem had done a scant minute ago.

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