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A Visit From the Doctor

Sarah Tintagyl

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Looking at the pile of exams in front of him, Tomas Pons rubbed his eyes, it was near the end of March and Spring Break for many of the universities around the world was starting to begin. Normally he didn't really care, teaching and understanding politics was his life, it was his passion and kept his fire burning. But exams were far from that passion and things were getting too loud in the Hansa for his taste. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy the revolutionary feeling in the air, he actually supported everything that was going on. Sarah in his opinion was just the kind of person that was needed for this kind of change in power and before he died, he would honor her with his last book. But for the time being he just wanted to some peace and quiet and maybe the chance to travel again. It was at this point that a lightbulb went off.

Rummaging through his drawers he pulled out his personal calendar. "Classes for one more week and then I'm off." He said running his finger down the paper. "Pah, one week, a substitute can teach for a week with no trouble." Pons laughed out loud as he shoved the exams off to a corner of the desk. "I'm going on vacation."

To be honest, Pons' last world trip around the world hadn't gone exactly as he wanted. Canada was beautiful to be sure and he desired to see Leclerc again, tell him that the Hansa was almost becoming like a mini-Canada in the South Pacific and maybe just relax, he always boasted at the bars around Brisbane that he and Leclerc were close friends. But after he had visited Canada, his trip in Prussia was cut prematurely sort by the Andonian missile crisis and then not much later the Great European War that sent the Hanseatic people down to Australia to rebuilt their lives. He had wanted to see so many more lands, so many more people, and he was more than ready to try it again.

After writing a few letters out to the leaders of the world, Pons put on his old brown coat, a worn derby hat, and took the notebook that he was beginning to start the book on Sarah, and limped his way down to the airport and within the hour was off towards Melbourne. To be honest, when he arrived and limped down to the lobby, he didn't really know what to expect. The letter he had received from the head of state had been short and he didn't really know what would be on the agenda. But nevertheless, he waited outside along with other guests waiting for pickup for the right gentlemen to walk on by.

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Looking at the pile of exams in front of him, Tomas Pons rubbed his eyes, it was near the end of March and Spring Break for many of the universities around the world was starting to begin. Normally he didn't really care, teaching and understanding politics was his life, it was his passion and kept his fire burning. But exams were far from that passion and things were getting too loud in the Hansa for his taste. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy the revolutionary feeling in the air, he actually supported everything that was going on. Sarah in his opinion was just the kind of person that was needed for this kind of change in power and before he died, he would honor her with his last book. But for the time being he just wanted to some peace and quiet and maybe the chance to travel again. It was at this point that a lightbulb went off.

Rummaging through his drawers he pulled out his personal calendar. "Classes for one more week and then I'm off." He said running his finger down the paper. "Pah, one week, a substitute can teach for a week with no trouble." Pons laughed out loud as he shoved the exams off to a corner of the desk. "I'm going on vacation."

To be honest, Pons' last world trip around the world hadn't gone exactly as he wanted. Canada was beautiful to be sure and he desired to see Leclerc again, tell him that the Hansa was almost becoming like a mini-Canada in the South Pacific and maybe just relax, he always boasted at the bars around Brisbane that he and Leclerc were close friends. But after he had visited Canada, his trip in Prussia was cut prematurely sort by the Andonian missile crisis and then not much later the Great European War that sent the Hanseatic people down to Australia to rebuilt their lives. He had wanted to see so many more lands, so many more people, and he was more than ready to try it again.

After writing a few letters out to the leaders of the world, Pons put on his old brown coat, a worn derby hat, and took the notebook that he was beginning to start the book on Sarah, and limped his way down to the airport and within the hour was off towards Melbourne. To be honest, when he arrived and limped down to the lobby, he didn't really know what to expect. The letter he had received from the head of state had been short and he didn't really know what would be on the agenda. But nevertheless, he waited outside along with other guests waiting for pickup for the right gentlemen to walk on by.

He would be approached by a middle-aged man, his clean, neat clothing clearly marking him as a chauffeur. "Dr. Pons? I'm Joel Fogg, your driver. if you would follow me, please?"

Pons would be led to a waiting black limosine, where Fogg would open the door for him, waiting for the guest to be seated uinside before shutting the door and getting itno the driver's seat...

OOC: Perhaps he could visit Jed and Aaron's residence in Melbourne, Promised Land/New Cymru? :P

OOC: Sorry, they're back in Byzantium now, remember? Or I should say, the UK.

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He would be approached by a middle-aged man, his clean, neat clothing clearly marking him as a chauffeur. "Dr. Pons? I'm Joel Fogg, your driver. if you would follow me, please?"

Pons would be led to a waiting black limosine, where Fogg would open the door for him, waiting for the guest to be seated uinside before shutting the door and getting itno the driver's seat...

"Thank you very much sir. I appreciate the hospitality. Where exactly are we going?" Pons said as he sat back in the limousine as Fogg got in in front of him.

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"Thank you very much sir. I appreciate the hospitality. Where exactly are we going?" Pons said as he sat back in the limousine as Fogg got in in front of him.

"We're heading to the Eureka Tower, he said as he took off into traffic. "President Jackson actually has an apartment there that he lives in when he's not on official business, despite the fact that this city does not truly belong to us."

"Oh, and speaking of that, you'll probably see quite a number of New Cymreag (OOC: SP?/OOC) in this city, even on our short little drive--it's their home too. Truly an international city, this."

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"We're heading to the Eureka Tower, he said as he took off into traffic. "President Jackson actually has an apartment there that he lives in when he's not on official business, despite the fact that this city does not truly belong to us."

"Oh, and speaking of that, you'll probably see quite a number of New Cymreag (OOC: SP?/OOC) in this city, even on our short little drive--it's their home too. Truly an international city, this."

Pons sat back as the limousine drove through the streets of Melbourne on the beautiful spring day towards the Eureka tower. He was extremely happy that President Jackson had allowed him an audience, he had never spoken to the man and there was much that he wanted to ask him, after all the opinions of world leaders would do much for him to complete the book that he was working on at the moment, in addition to the general philosophical talk that was sure to arise.

The city was extremely beautiful and he could see the changes between architectural designed between the native Promised Landers and the New Cymreag, the same was the case for Brisbane as a mixture of Finnish-European architecture and the New Cymreag. That would definitely be something to ask, given the tension that had arisen in the Hansa between the natives and foreigners and maybe Jackson had an idea on how he quelled foreign tension in his own country.

As they arrived at the Tower, Fogg helped him out of the limousine and directed him into the lobby of the hotel and from there Pons made sure that he'd be able to take care of himself. Being directed to the appropriate room, he knocked quietly on the door before being allowed admittance.

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Daniel Jackson knew who it was, as his guards had been covertly watching and had alerted him to the arrival of his guest.

"Come in," he called. As the Docter opened the door anbd entered, Jackson stood to greet him, a copy of The Benevolent Royal in his left hand as he offered his right to shake.


"I'm glad you could come to see me, Dr. Pons. I've read your book through once, and I was just considering reading it again when you knocked."

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"It is an honor President Jackson and an even higher honor that you've read my book, I spend a lot of time on it and I'm going to try and pass the prestige of it before I die." He said taking out the tablet and laying it on a table. "But we can come back to that later." He followed the President to a chair and sitting back he sighed. "Its nice to take a load off for once and enjoy ourselves. You have a gorgeous country if I do say so myself and I have a few questions on how your run things as I hope to maybe offer suggestions to Lady Tintagyl when I get back. To start, three questions. First," he laughed. "What did you think of the book? Second, how are you able to bring the New Cymreag and Promised Landers together without tension. For surely you heard of the recent assassination attempt by New Cymreag Nationalists on her Ladyship's life, peace seems to be second nature here. And third, your opinions, philosophically please, about the recent change in my country. I hate reporters so don't give me the that journalistic !@#$, cause I know you know better than that Excellency." Pons smiled finally leaning back.

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Jackson laughed. "Oh, you know me, eh? Maybe you do, maybe you don't," he said philosophically.

"Anyway, to answer your questions in order...I wouldn't be reading your book again if I hadn't enjoyed it the first time. You lay out some truly thought-provoking questions and ideas. You know, it kind of reminds me of the situation here...Parliament runs the day-to-day affairs, I run the foreign and domestic affairs...and Subtleknifewielder runs, I assume, any classified operations."

He sighed, thinking about the burden it was to actually know the identity of that man, but he continued with answering Pons' questions. "As for your second question...yes, I'm aware of the recent assassination attempt. however, that will hardly be an issue here, I think. Promised Land was actually here first, and they wouldn't be here at all if my predecessor President Wallace hadn't authorized the sale of the Eastern half of Victoria to New Cymru. But to further pacify them, the city is mostly self-governing, ruled in most matters by a council composed equally of Promised Landers and the New Cymreag. Pretty much the only interference by the national governments is if a known, violent criminal escapes here from either nation."

He paused for a moment, carefully considering the third question. "To be honest, I actually am glad to see such a change in your country. It reminds me of how things work here, because I guess you could say Subtleknifewielder is a 'benevolent royal' in his own right. Though he has ultimate authority, he actually interferes little in most matters."

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"I have always been an advocate for self-governance, at least on a local level, though as you already know my theories on central government are a bit more authoritarian. I'll be honest President Jackson, you're head of state, this Subtleknifewielder has always made me curious. Lady Tintagyl had told me she had the pleasure to meet him and that he was though extremely mysterious though extremely pleasant to be around. May I ask how he came to power in the country?"

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"I have always been an advocate for self-governance, at least on a local level, though as you already know my theories on central government are a bit more authoritarian. I'll be honest President Jackson, you're head of state, this Subtleknifewielder has always made me curious. Lady Tintagyl had told me she had the pleasure to meet him and that he was though extremely mysterious though extremely pleasant to be around. May I ask how he came to power in the country?"

"You can ask...but I can't tell you. If I told you what little I know for a fact...I'd have to kill you," he joked. "But in all seriousness, most people believe he originally rose through the ranks of our intelligence organizations, and that when he saw various conflicts and crimes arising from political and ideological differences, he took power. You'd have to ask him yourself for a more detailed answer...I can get you an appointment with him if you wish."

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"You can ask...but I can't tell you. If I told you what little I know for a fact...I'd have to kill you," he joked. "But in all seriousness, most people believe he originally rose through the ranks of our intelligence organizations, and that when he saw various conflicts and crimes arising from political and ideological differences, he took power. You'd have to ask him yourself for a more detailed answer...I can get you an appointment with him if you wish."

"Well I wouldn't want to trouble you with that President Jackson, nor would I want to undermine your importance as President of this country by running off to converse with another leader. But the idea of establishing power due to the tensions of political and ideological differences I honestly believe that it is a noble idea. To be honest, I understand that monarchy can be dangerous, but a one party state has many advantages. If only we could control human nature sir. No matter how you look at it, democracy is just as aristocratic as a monarchy or any other form of government. Our leaders are wealthy men and women from the upper echelons of society. Both you and I were lucky to be born, I would believe in a at least semi-privileged society. It takes a truly indomitable will to remove the influence of money to be removed from a government and I don't know that it can be done."

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"Well I wouldn't want to trouble you with that President Jackson, nor would I want to undermine your importance as President of this country by running off to converse with another leader. But the idea of establishing power due to the tensions of political and ideological differences I honestly believe that it is a noble idea. To be honest, I understand that monarchy can be dangerous, but a one party state has many advantages. If only we could control human nature sir. No matter how you look at it, democracy is just as aristocratic as a monarchy or any other form of government. Our leaders are wealthy men and women from the upper echelons of society. Both you and I were lucky to be born, I would believe in a at least semi-privileged society. It takes a truly indomitable will to remove the influence of money to be removed from a government and I don't know that it can be done."

Jackson sighed. "Yes, human nature will nearly always find a way to corrupt even the most well-thought-out system of checks-and-balances. Whether through bribery, blackmail, or other means of coercion. We simply must do our best to ensure that these elements are removed from the equation before they can spread their cancer. Now THAT, I am thankful, is not my job, but Subtleknifewielder's."

"I would actually have no problem with you meeting him. Think of it not as undermining my authority, but seeing the power behind the scenes that enforces what I do have."

Now, he changed the subject abruptly with a few questions of his own. "So, What prompted you to write this book?" he asked, holding up the one in question. "And also, tell me...were you surprised at all when you heard of the movement to place your Prime Minister permanently in power?"

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Pons nodded at the question and sighed. "The Hanseatic people are like any other people my dear sir, they cry, they laugh and at times they forget what the true meaning of democracy is, though there is also the chance that what has occurred in the past two weeks is the pinnacle of what consists of democracy. I will be honest with you President Jackson, when a group of them came up to me an asked me to write out a referendum about the possibility of making Lady Tintagyl something more than just a public official I knew something had been created that should probably scare most educated men. Sarah Tintagyl, with or without knowing has created a cult of personality around herself. You walk through Brisbane and it is not hard to tell who is in charge, who the people respect. I'm not saying that it has become a fascist state or any of the sort, but the amount of respect and power she commands could be seen as quite dangerous. I just pray that she doesn't become hated as strong as she has become loved.

Now as regards to the book. I'm not much of a biographer, but you must see it the same with Subtleknifewielder, this force that seemed to rise from nothing and become the most powerful voice in the country. Your Excellency, it is a strange story indeed and it will be a testimony to the strength of the Prime Minister's power as well as a warning. A warning at what so much power can actually do. I have much faith in the young Sarah, but I do not have faith in human nature. I am getting old and perhaps I can pass this book on as a guide to leaders and to Lady Tintagyl on how to lead and avoid transforming into the hated despot that the world has so much of."

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Jackson nodded. "A worthy cause for your book. From what I have seen of Lady Tintagyl myself, she will not use her power lightly, or without cause. Still...despite the joy that must come with knowing you are loved by the people enough for them to wish you remaining in power...I'm not sure I would want it. Such control, such power, can be a scary thing, even to the one who wields it. And to clarify just where this statement is coming from...I was once an Colonel in my nation's Marine Corps. My men would have gladly followed me to hell and back, God knows why--I have no doubt that if I had turned traitor, they would still have followed me gladly. That is why I resigned from the military--I didn't want that kind of power. And now look...I have even more power, despite all efforts to avoid it." He offered a wry smile. "Truly ironic, no?"

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"Politics tend to work that way my friend." Pons smiled wryly. "From what I heard, she was quite flustered at the referendum and at such a young age, only turning twenty-nine at the end of the week. We live in strange times Mr. President, strange times, and the world is a chaotic place and at that end I think citizens are thankful for people, for leaders such as you and Sarah. You have a respect of your people that you do not abuse. Mr. President you said it yourself that you resigned from the military because of that power. A mis-minded person would have relished it, relished it to the point as the Caesars had in the past. It is no wonder to me that Promised Land is where it is in the world because of men like you and Subtleknifewielder." Pons laughed. "Current events. Its enough to make you sick."

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Jackson sighed. "Indeed, it is truly sickening...and disenheartening at times. We try, we strive for a better world, but it is rarely enough. Without others wishing for a change as well, we are helpless to significantly alter events for the better. If only there were a few more reluctant leaders in power.

"Speaking of that...now that is truly one of human nature's little ironies. It always seems that the ones who take up the mantle of leadership the most reluctantly make the best leaders. It doesn't seem fair, does it?" he finished with a small, amused chuckle, and an almost bitter expression.

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OOC: Thanks Subtle!

IC: "Well perhaps it is those who wish not to rule they have no intention of abusing power, simply for the fact that they did not want it to begin with. But as you fairness Mr. President, what is not fair to the individual such as you and Lady Tintagyl is more that what it needed to provide fairness and happiness to the state." Pons chuckled. "Forgive my authoritarian view points there, but I shudder to think where the world would be without sensible leaders. Look around you, communist factions are popping up everywhere and it is not the Communism of Canada. I had the pleasure of being able to meet Chairman Leclerc and I can tell you that these modern Communists as in the Northern Empire are doing it all wrong, they should take a trip to Canada learn how true Communism can work."

Pons smiled up at the President. "Now, Mr. President, what of the chances of me getting a meeting with the famed Subtleknifewielder. As one of the few civilians to ever gaze upon his masked face."

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He nodded his agreement that the Communists in Eurpoe should visit Saboria to see how such things were properly done.

As for the question... "Chances? Believe me, if I give my personal reccomendation to him that he meet you, you are fairly guaranteed a meeting. I can't think why, but he considers my opinion worth listening to," he said, only half-jokingly.

"Besides, I think he has read your book clear through. He said to me about a month ago that he liked the half that he'd read so far, and he's had more than enough time to finish it. I believe he would be glad to meet the mind behind the words."

OOC: No problem...

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Pons chuckled smiling. "It would appear I have readers where ever I go and for that I am very thankful for, but I would love for you and Subtleknifewielder to have a free copy for the last book whenever it is finished. But please Mr. President, hold yourself if higher esteem, he values your words enough that you are one of the most powerful men in the country and be thankful for that." Pons leaned back in the chair and nodded. "But as for this meeting, when will it start, forgive me for being anxious though, this old man finds entertainment in some of the most lax of encounters. Also, though, maybe you and Subtleknifewielder would be able to help me think of a working title for the book, in payment for the free copy." He smiled picking up the tablet from the table.

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"Well, I obviously have to contact him first, so it'll be at least a day before you can meet him. And depending on where he is right now, it might take longer. And I'm sure he would be glad to help us find a name for your new book if you'll tell us briefly what you mean for it to be about."

He stood up. "However, before you do, I'll be contacting him for your appointment."

He briefly left the room to go into a neighboring room, shutting the door firmly behind him. Barely a minute later, he came back out, smiling broadly. "You're in luck. He's in this city. You can meet with him tomorrow, just after lunch. Now, for that brief summary of your book?"

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