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Vatican City Established

Holy See

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The Molakian Goverment, while it cares for the opinion of other states, does not care what other states think of our Religious Idea. We will not attack anyone for their religion but we will also not rush to their aid.

There is more than just physical attacks. Verbal attacks such as yours are also considered in poor taste.

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The Molakian Goverment, while it cares for the opinion of other states, does not care what other states think of our Religious Idea. We will not attack anyone for their religion but we will also not rush to their aid.

Private to the Molakian official who made the statements:

Let them be. If they would not see reason in the past, why would they see it now? It is best to ignore them; angering Vatican sympathizers and religious folk is only likely to prevent any potential business dealings. There is nothing to be gained from challenging them.

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Your Holiness,

The return of a true Catholic Church over the blasphemy of Pope Bubba XIII. Along with many of our Marchar brothers and sisters the Hansa has been waiting since its birth for a Catholic Church built on the morals of peace and brotherhood. I personally am overjoyed to see you rise to power once again Your Holiness and I hope that you and I will be able to work together in the future. One of the Hansa's eternal goals is for the creation of various organizations to spread the philosophies of humanitarianism while world will continue to push for world peace. To be honest, this is a sign that peace is returning to the world with the rise of religion once again. My people are out in the streets to celebrate this monumental event and I hope that in the future Your Holiness will honor me with a visit to Brisbane and we can continue to build our ideologies for a world founded on pacifism.

Your Eternal Servant,

Sarah Tintagyl

Lady Protector of the Most Serene Republic of the Hansa

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Your Holiness,

The return of a true Catholic Church over the blasphemy of Pope Bubba XIII. Along with many of our Marchar brothers and sisters the Hansa has been waiting since its birth for a Catholic Church built on the morals of peace and brotherhood. I personally am overjoyed to see you rise to power once again Your Holiness and I hope that you and I will be able to work together in the future. One of the Hansa's eternal goals is for the creation of various organizations to spread the philosophies of humanitarianism while world will continue to push for world peace. To be honest, this is a sign that peace is returning to the world with the rise of religion once again. My people are out in the streets to celebrate this monumental event and I hope that in the future Your Holiness will honor me with a visit to Brisbane and we can continue to build our ideologies for a world founded on pacifism.

Your Eternal Servant,

Sarah Tintagyl

Lady Protector of the Most Serene Republic of the Hansa

We see your wish is sincere and we are warmed to be so welcomed by not just your nation, but many others. Following the completion of Vatican City the Pope will launch a tour to personally meet with supporters and world leaders, globally. The Holy Father sends many blessings.

Edited by Holy See
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The Catholic demographic in Taeunas rejoices at this announcement. President DeSchaine had this to say. "We shall see. I remember one of my predecessors telling me that the Vatican is the oldest and largest spy network in the world."

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The Catholic population of the Western Republic, around a hundred and ten million people, took to celebrating in the streets at the news that someone other than the insane "Pope Bubba" was there for them to be guided. At once across the country prayers filled now-excited streets.

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The UK, being a Catholic nation, is delighted at the news of this. We officially recognize and welcome Vatican City to the world with open arms. In addition, we officially recognize Pope Paul VII as the rightful leader of the Catholic Church of Planet Bob (we had never recognized Bubba XIII, at all).

In addition, we are willing to spare approximately $70 million to assist in the reconstruction effort.

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"Seeing how Rome was nuked, I'll have to suggest that you stay away from the center of the explosion. Gamma radiation cannot be washed away, so my suggestion is to dig a large hole a distance away, tear down the entire city, push the radioactive material in the hole, including radioactive soil, and pour concrete on top of the material. Then you can rebuild the city from scratch to your specifications and it will be much less radioactive. The only reason I haven't done this for Helsinki is the sheer cost. " CEO of Mariehamm Arms, Neit S. Rebeu

OOC: America did this. Remember all that nuclear testing we did in the pacific?


We put a lot of the contaminated material in a nice big trash can. :awesome:

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The UK, being a Catholic nation, is delighted at the news of this. We officially recognize and welcome Vatican City to the world with open arms. In addition, we officially recognize Pope Paul VII as the rightful leader of the Catholic Church of Planet Bob (we had never recognized Bubba XIII, at all).

In addition, we are willing to spare approximately $70 million to assist in the reconstruction effort.

The Vatican greatfully accepts this donation. With this help more workers will be hired, materials purchased, and pace of reconstruction quickend.

Edited by Holy See
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Because we're "Communist heathens", according to some, Canada will send 130 million to help rebuilding, getting rid of the radioactive material, et cetera.

We will also send two teams of cleanup teams to aid you, for free.

'Cause we're communists and we roll like that.

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Because we're "Communist heathens", according to some, Canada will send 130 million to help rebuilding, getting rid of the radioactive material, et cetera.

We will also send two teams of cleanup teams to aid you, for free.

'Cause we're communists and we roll like that.

With the influx in Vatican finances and aid with radiation cleanup from Canada, the rebuilding process has taken a new pace, more than halving the amount of time first suggested to complete cleanup and rebuilding.

Edited by Holy See
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Although Vaule's constitution defines the official religion of the state as Vaulian Orthodox Christianity, and the leader of Christianity in Vaule is the Patriarch of the Orthodox Church (all other forms of Christianity are frowned upon), we welcome the establishment of the Vatican City and we wish them well. The Patriarch of the Vaule Orthodox Church does not recognize the Pope as having any religious authority.

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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I’m sure most responsible leaders are delighted to witness the finale of the Catholic schism and the reassertion of the Roman Pope’s apostolic authority.

Procinctia’s Christian population may currently adhere strictly to Orange Catholic Church doctrine but are interested in the possibility of Catholic-OrangeCatholic reconciliation.

Out of Character: For the sake of nostalgia I had to bring up the old religious schism roleplays.

Edited by Generalissimo
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