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Vatican City Established

Holy See

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Vatican City, Rome


Millions gather in a massive Italian stadium to witness Pope Paul VII, first pope of the world and head of the new Vatican City. The stadium is barely standing, a massive cleanup of debris was done by the excited crowd, while radiation cleanup was done for this tiny section of Italy. One wall of the stadium stands, and along with it any stable seat is filled by anxious people, mostly Christian, while most stand for hours awaiting the Pope.

Finally, the crowd goes completely silent. There, through a crumbling archway a small caravan enters. A single white truck bearing the emblem of the new Vatican City enters. It lasts 3 seconds, then the stadium bursts in a roar of cheer. The crowd claps and cheers, while many cry tears of pure joy, as the pope, an aged, kind-looking man rises and blesses the crowd. It is another 12 minutes before he can speak over the crowd. He speaks slow and carefully, but everyword touches the crowd.

Welcome, great friends, peacekeepers, and followers of the Christian faith. I invite you to the begining of a new era, an era in which everyone of you, as well as those who have not attended, will be able to participate. In recent times we have witnessed creat catastorophy, human sufferage of all kinds, and the greatest, most destructive war in recent memory. But despite the damages of man-made destruction, our faith has noit faltered, it has not gone away.

The crowd cheers again releasing a roar that has been kept silent as long as possible.

Now, we have a base, a stronger voice. Your voices will be channeled and amplified through the power of Il Vaticano. Today, I, Pope Paul VII as first pope of The Vatican beclare the existance of this Christian capital, The Vatican City in Rome. Sparked by the outcry of our follwers following the destruction of the once beautiful Italian penninsula, burnt dry and infested with vile radiation, that continues to kill inocent people everyday. We cannot wait any longer, today is anew day for Christians, today is a new day for the world. Thank you. God bless you all, God bless our new Vatican.

Edited by Holy See
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OOC: If you're playing in CNRP, I'll just tell you Vatican City was wiped off of the map by nukes.

OOC: I know. I spoke to N Reeki he's going to allow me to have Vatican City. Its being built now in RP.

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The Marchar, long apart of the Independent Catholic Movement (since the loss of the Papacy long ago) supports this whole-heartedly. We welcome the Holy Father to the world stage, and pledge our support (as much as a small people as we can) fully.

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The Catholic Church of Arctica recognizes none other than Pope Bubba XIII of Rebel Virginia as the rightful leader of the Catholic Church of Planet Bob. It asks that Pope Paul VII at the least recognize Bubba XIII.

The government of Arctica has deigned to stay out of intrafaith bickering, as "such matters are none of our concern and would be a waste of tax money if pursued."

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The Catholic Church of Arctica recognizes none other than Pope Bubba XIII of Rebel Virginia as the rightful leader of the Catholic Church of Planet Bob. It asks that Pope Paul VII at the least recognize Bubba XIII.

The government of Arctica has deigned to stay out of intrafaith bickering, as "such matters are none of our concern and would be a waste of tax money if pursued."

Pope Paul VII happily recognizes the works of Bubba XIII, but within the Vatican only Pope Paul VII will be given the title of "Pope" while The Vatican does recognize and support Bubba XIII.

Also Pope Paul VII is happy to see such ready global support. He send his blessings, while visitations world-wide will have to await the construction of Vatican City he does request, however, for volunteers to help in the building of this city. This would be greatly appreciated.

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It is a time for celebration. In The Hansa, Camburic Marchar hold quiet parties in their home. Some of them, veterans of the Last Crusades (a great conflict that occurred during their travels in the Holy Land) put on old shirts patched with the sign of the Cross and told long stories of the Faithful in conflict. All of them supported the re-emergence of the Holy Father and the Global Church, and a delegation of Marchar would be gathered to go and ask for priests and representation in the Church.

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Statement from the Dept. of Religious Affairs:

Molakia does not recognize The Vatican City. As it was removed from the planet by nuclear weapons, It should stay dead, for the world should never have to see another Crusade or be held back by outdated morals.
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We wish to enquire if Cardinals have been selected for the various regions yet, or if they will be selected (OOC: will we rp them or you) for our people? The Marchar hunger to once again embrace the teachings of the Universal Church.

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Many violent actions have been proclaimed to be in the name of god. Various Wars in the middle east, The Crusades of the Middle Ages....Their Moral code has kept back science and kept down certain peoples for Centuries. The Vatican should have died with rome.

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Many violent actions have been proclaimed to be in the name of god. Various Wars in the middle east, The Crusades of the Middle Ages....Their Moral code has kept back science and kept down certain peoples for Centuries. The Vatican should have died with rome.

We asked for an example of a recent conflict, and all you can drudge up is ancient history?

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Many violent actions have been proclaimed to be in the name of god. Various Wars in the middle east, The Crusades of the Middle Ages....Their Moral code has kept back science and kept down certain peoples for Centuries. The Vatican should have died with rome.

We advise Molakia to get a new secretary of Foreign Affairs. Making statements like these will make a very bad public image, evenmoreso to the Christian groups.

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The Secretary of State (Who is Top Diplomat in Molakia) has not commented on this. The Dept of Religious Affairs holds a dim view of certain religions, for various reasons.

As for angering Christian Groups, the Head of the DoR only stated this:

IF they truely christian, they will forgive.

-Statement from Molakian Senate

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We wish to enquire if Cardinals have been selected for the various regions yet, or if they will be selected (OOC: will we rp them or you) for our people? The Marchar hunger to once again embrace the teachings of the Universal Church.

OOC: That would be very helpfull

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The Secretary of State (Who is Top Diplomat in Molakia) has not commented on this. The Dept of Religious Affairs holds a dim view of certain religions, for various reasons.

As for angering Christian Groups, the Head of the DoR only stated this:

IF they truely christian, they will forgive.

-Statement from Molakian Senate

We forgive

-Statement from the Papacy

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Pope Paul VII released this statement:

We wish for no conflict be triggered by this day. The creation of the Vatican may not be "recognized" by all, but I assure you it is here. The day has come.

Rest assured, harsh words are exchanged often without coming to blows.

The Secretary of State (Who is Top Diplomat in Molakia) has not commented on this. The Dept of Religious Affairs holds a dim view of certain religions, for various reasons.

As for angering Christian Groups, the Head of the DoR only stated this:

IF they truely christian, they will forgive

-Statement from Molakian Senate

Yeah...your point? It isn't purely the Christians who take offense at your words.

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