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Elle est L'etat

Sarah Tintagyl

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**Two Weeks Later**

The White Coat Tavern was filled to capacity, every booth, every bar stool, and most of the standing room was taken up by men, young and old, sober and drunk and the line to get a drink went out the door. For the bartender who had seen the sparks of revolution coming from this bar only a few weeks ago the business that was coming in was positively amazing. But mostly the throng had traveled to just outside the City Hall to hear the elderly Dr. Tomas Pons speak.

The Hansa was buzzing with talk, citizens from all around the republic had been talking about the rumors that their leader, Prime Minister Sarah Tintagyl would become much more than an elected official, that due to popular support from the population that she would be in power much longer than anyone had previously thought. To be honest, many people believed there would be a chance for the creation of a Hanseatic monarchy, however the word monarch did not ring as well in the people's mouths as well as President and Prime Minister might. Which was why the people had gone to Pons. In the past years, he had grown to become one of the Hansa's premier political thinkers and had published multiple books and theses on the current political state of the world and on Hanseatic politics by itself. Now the people needed guidance, some degree of organization in which to speak with their leader and with their government. Pons was here to give that guidance.

He was a small man who relied heavily on his cane to get from place to place, but as he walked into the tavern the conversation that had been going on before was immediately hushed. A piece of paper stuck out of his pocket and after coming to the center of the establishment, took a tall mug of ale to wet his throat and then began.

"Gentlemen. Two weeks ago a group of you came to me with a proposition. A proposition to make our leader more than a leader, it was by the will of our people that she take a role of power for life. Upon her young heart we have thrust the chance of total abuse, but in the hope that maybe she will rise above normal human nature and continue to lead us with the same fervor and charisma as she has done in the past four years." The men rose their glasses and cheered, Pons smiled and waited for them to quiet. "As per your request I have drafted up a series of points, a referendum of the Hanseatic people to their Diet to pose this question to the government. In this paper, I have outlined a series of problems that may arise from the creation of either a monarchy or a leader-for-life scenario, but in addition I have advertised the true virtue that Lady Tintagyl possesses in hopes that even the power hungry politicians will understand what our intentions are." Taking out the paper he slammed it down on the bar. "Here is our statement"

To the Hanseatic Diet and Her Ladyship S.Tintagyl

It is in the course of our brief history that we have been blessed, almost immediately by God in heaven having provided us with a leader that will in all truth lead this country to glory. However there is also a distinct problem in that a series of revolutions have taken place that have allowed Republican government to exist in our nation and nothing is more dear to our citizenry than the ability of rights and free elections. We have then come to a watermark, where a blessed leader may be replaced by perchance a leader not as qualified for the position. But is that not leaving the principles of democracy in itself. History will be the judge of our actions, but the citizenry of the Hanseatic Republic wishes to create a new system of government and a new country. I, Tomas Pons propose then a system of monarchical republicanism, if there is such a thing. Attributed to the Doges of the Venetian Republic in the past. A leader there ruled for life, a figurehead of the people to the world, but with an elected senate underneath them to help oversee and past laws. In this new government the position of LADY PROTECTOR and or QUEEN would have command of state and government, but subject to the laws passed by the senate and the the views of the people as a whole. This will not be hereditary until a further referendum is passed. However, we the people of a new nation, The Most Serene Republic of the Hansa will be ruled eternally by Lady Sarah Tintagyl and we ask you people of the world, our government officials, and you Lady Tintagyl to approve and honor our wishes.

-Preamble of the Serene Referendum

Within hours this had appeared on every television screen in the country and around the world and in Sarah's office she held the paper with her fingers trembling.

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The Imperial Union officially endorses this move and will recognize Lady Tintagyl as leader for life should the referendum be positive.


One of the guards who came for Nadine walked towards the office of Sarah.

"Mind if I come in your highness?"

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The Imperial Union officially endorses this move and will recognize Lady Tintagyl as leader for life should the referendum be positive.


One of the guards who came for Nadine walked towards the office of Sarah.

"Mind if I come in your highness?"

Still gripping at the referendum Sarah nodded to the guard. "Please, come in. But if you must title me 'Ladyship' is all that is necessary. I am no queen yet."

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Still gripping at the referendum Sarah nodded to the guard. "Please, come in. But if you must title me 'Ladyship' is all that is necessary. I am no queen yet."

"Orders from higher up the Queen already considers it finished, I was requested to come here to possibly give advice and reaffirm the complete Support the Imperial Union offers and her thanks for taking care of Nadine"the Guard said while he entered the office.

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Keeper De Luit stood in the office several days later, waiting of course for his turn to speak with the woman many now referred to simply as "The Lady". As the latest group of politicians wandered out of her office, he strode purposefully in, motioning to the Lilian's in their secret hand-language to watch the doors and keep people out.

"My Lady. I am sorry to disturb you during the.."Hours Of Court", but there is something I wished to address. Forgive me for unsought advice, but I would speak against Lord Rukia endorsing you for the Franzharian Right of Ascension...at least, not until the people have hailed you a Queen or a Ruler in your own right. It would not do to connect the images of the peaceful, unblemished history of the Hansa with the checkered past of Lord Rukia and his family.

"My Lady, I do not mean insult, to your husband or to your Franzharian friends. But if you ascend to this role, it should be by your own merit, so that your House of Tintagyl draws strength and authority through its own claims, rather than en-nobling you through marriages into an existing noble line. Queen Sarah The First, Queen Tintagyl I, not a mere lady of the late Franzharian court. Perhaps it is wrong for me to think this way, but Lord Rukia possesses the authority to revoke nobility as well as give it...and the authority and power you must needs wield should not be revocable by anyone save the People or God.

"lastly, I would offer this information to you, so that you might consider it...In the past, the Marchar were lead by a Keeper, the title I claim amongst my own blood. In Khendon's life (That is, The Margrave Khendon "Christianus, The Crusader and King Of The Marchar), as a young man, he passed through the Nordic territories and made many friends among our brother-race. Thus it was that he styled himself with a Germanic title, for both our territory (Which was in the Long Marches during his youth) And abit of pique (For the title means "Lord Of The Marches" in the old tongue). However, as we have passed back to our old ways, we renewed the title. Allow me to explain the significance: In Marchar society, most relationships, most deeds and actions, and most of our culture is based off oaths and kinship. Perhaps one of the most sacred oaths is the Marchar Oath, or "The Keeper's Oath"..the oath I swore upon ascension to my rank. It has a name in the old tongue (A name we do not speak save in ceremony), which means, very roughly translated, "The Promise Of The People", or perhaps even "Swear To The Family"...It is an oath to the Marchar, past, present, future. It is an oath ON the Marchar race itself, and the ideals of our ancient people. It is perhaps the greatest problem, the greatest curse, the greatest oath a man may take amongst our kind...To eternally be a Keeper of a near impossible promise. With respects, this is perhaps, at least in spirit, the kind of role you might wish to take amongst the Hansa."

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*A message to the Hansa*

If the people wish to make their Prime Minister, Sarah Tintagyl, their Lady Protector or Queen, then the Will of the people should be answered positively. Should something bad come out of this, we will see. But I, as Chairman of Canada and friend of both Doctor Pons and Ms. Tintagyl, endorse the people's actions.

Chairman Fjodor Leclerc

OOC: <.<



A winner is you, Sarah.

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"Orders from higher up the Queen already considers it finished, I was requested to come here to possibly give advice and reaffirm the complete Support the Imperial Union offers and her thanks for taking care of Nadine"the Guard said while he entered the office.

"My thanks sir, for that offer I do appreciate it. May I ask where Nadine is right now. I would like much to see her, in fact, would it be possible for her to be brought into the office? Just for a minute or so at least, life has been extremely stressful as of late and it would be nice to see her smiling face." She smiled at the guard. "Also, if you could send my regards to Her Majesty." Sarah laughed. "From one to another."


After the Imperial guard had left for a time and DeLuit had told her his news she immediately climbed out of her seat and took his hands. "Admiral, please it is not an insult whatsoever, but Lord Rukia's address to the Diet is more than a Right of Ascension it is giving his theories on monarchy. However, I have already decided that I will need to announce my own claim to the throne, if there is such a throne to be created." She looked back on the desk and the referendum still laying on the top of the desk. "Queen and Lady Protector is quite the title and I have already gotten letters from various world leaders saying that will be a great day for our people."

"The announcement will be to all the people of this nation and too the world. I hope Lewis that this will change many things, but I will establish my oath with the Hansa and with the world. I am proud to call you one of my closest allies. Thank you for everything."

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The Keeper bowed. Obviously he would not sway her today...which showed the strength of her will, a resource she would need throughout the coming years of her rule. "It shall be as you wish, my Lady. The only question is, shall you alone hold a title in this land, or shall others be recognized and entrusted with the sacred oaths of the Nobility?"

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The Keeper bowed. Obviously he would not sway her today...which showed the strength of her will, a resource she would need throughout the coming years of her rule. "It shall be as you wish, my Lady. The only question is, shall you alone hold a title in this land, or shall others be recognized and entrusted with the sacred oaths of the Nobility?"

"No Admiral, there is no nobility that will form here. We have an aristocracy, but no Dukes or Earls or any of a noble origin will exist. The Hansa has always had a strong Republican tradition. The title of Queen does not summon a Kingdom in the traditional sense, but in a difference sense of a free market nobility as every other nation in these days have. To be honest, I enjoy the title of Lady Protector a little more than Queen, but nonetheless I understand everything you have said. I understand that this may sound egotistical, but if the referendum has given me this power than we should honor the people." She frowned saying those words. "Please Lewis, I am not a despot, but I have seen what capitalist nobles and royal nobles can do to a nation. I do not want this to happen here."

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"No Admiral, there is no nobility that will form here. We have an aristocracy, but no Dukes or Earls or any of a noble origin will exist. The Hansa has always had a strong Republican tradition. The title of Queen does not summon a Kingdom in the traditional sense, but in a difference sense of a free market nobility as every other nation in these days have. To be honest, I enjoy the title of Lady Protector a little more than Queen, but nonetheless I understand everything you have said. I understand that this may sound egotistical, but if the referendum has given me this power than we should honor the people." She frowned saying those words. "Please Lewis, I am not a despot, but I have seen what capitalist nobles and royal nobles can do to a nation. I do not want this to happen here."

"Your will is our order, M'lady. Just swear to us that we won't have to speak in thee's and thou's, and I think the notion will go over pretty well. Honestly, the emergence of a ruling class is a natural by-product of having a government over any given people, but I prefer the kind that emerge on their own self-merit rather then their bloodlines. It is the kind we have among our people. But I am curious; what is to be the fate of the Marchar in this new country...especially with Marchar under LeVentNoir beginning to slip silently into this country? We haven't met any face to face yet, but even the quietest travelers can't help but leave a few foot-steps. I merely wish to know if M'lady has a place for us when she ascends the throne."

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"Your will is our order, M'lady. Just swear to us that we won't have to speak in thee's and thou's, and I think the notion will go over pretty well. Honestly, the emergence of a ruling class is a natural by-product of having a government over any given people, but I prefer the kind that emerge on their own self-merit rather then their bloodlines. It is the kind we have among our people. But I am curious; what is to be the fate of the Marchar in this new country...especially with Marchar under LeVentNoir beginning to slip silently into this country? We haven't met any face to face yet, but even the quietest travelers can't help but leave a few foot-steps. I merely wish to know if M'lady has a place for us when she ascends the throne."

She grinned. "The Marchar will always have a place in my nation, Lewis I swear to you that nothing will change in this nation, the only thing that apparently will change is that I will be leader for life. The Hansa will remain as the center of peace, diplomacy, and humanitarianism. We are bringing in more refugees day by day. Perhaps even I will travel after this to Aotearoa to allow more of the Marchar to this nation. You have served me so well in the past and I know you will serve me well in the future. The Marchar and the Hansa have a oath that will never die, even after our deaths. I am proud to call you my friend Lewis, but the future will be bright, as bright as the sun in the sky."

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She grinned. "The Marchar will always have a place in my nation, Lewis I swear to you that nothing will change in this nation, the only thing that apparently will change is that I will be leader for life. The Hansa will remain as the center of peace, diplomacy, and humanitarianism. We are bringing in more refugees day by day. Perhaps even I will travel after this to Aotearoa to allow more of the Marchar to this nation. You have served me so well in the past and I know you will serve me well in the future. The Marchar and the Hansa have a oath that will never die, even after our deaths. I am proud to call you my friend Lewis, but the future will be bright, as bright as the sun in the sky."

"As you will it then M'lady. If I may speak on official Guard business for a moment..? Thank you."

He reached into a briefcase and pulled out several files. "This is an independent review of the latest assassination-attempts on your life, as well as several possible scenarios posited by all three services of the Defense Force; the Lilian, Keeper's Service, and Household Guard all wrote these. They suggest different defenders, different kinds of body-guards...The Lilian Captain wishes to speak with you as well. She has put forth a massive amount of effort, and we are looking for way to make her service...closer to you. Most of the women in the service are single without families, and all of them are sworn to secrecy about their training and their true roles in this society. If you can recognize their work in secret, it would be greater than anything I could do."

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"As you will it then M'lady. If I may speak on official Guard business for a moment..? Thank you."

He reached into a briefcase and pulled out several files. "This is an independent review of the latest assassination-attempts on your life, as well as several possible scenarios posited by all three services of the Defense Force; the Lilian, Keeper's Service, and Household Guard all wrote these. They suggest different defenders, different kinds of body-guards...The Lilian Captain wishes to speak with you as well. She has put forth a massive amount of effort, and we are looking for way to make her service...closer to you. Most of the women in the service are single without families, and all of them are sworn to secrecy about their training and their true roles in this society. If you can recognize their work in secret, it would be greater than anything I could do."

Sarah nodded taking the files from him and reviewed them for a few moments. "I would be more than happy to speak with her, the Lilian Guard has done an impeccable job of protecting my person and I am more than welcome to any proposals of how to make my security force more effective. This has been a trying time, but thanks to your people." Sarah chuckled. "I'm still alive. Please, send her to me as soon as possible we have much to discuss."

Promised Land is frankly surprised at such a move by the people of the Hanseatic Republic However, as it seems to be the will of the people, we will support Tintagyl in whatever choice she makes.

I want to make sure to let the Promised Land know that nothing will change from our foreign policy or our domestic policies. But we will be willing to answer any question that have possible confusion. Also, the transition to 'Republican Monarchy' as Professor Pons calls it has not occurred yet. I do hope that his will not change our relations in anyway.

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I want to make sure to let the Promised Land know that nothing will change from our foreign policy or our domestic policies. But we will be willing to answer any question that have possible confusion. Also, the transition to 'Republican Monarchy' as Professor Pons calls it has not occurred yet. I do hope that his will not change our relations in anyway.

No. We have always held you in high esteem, and we believe you would do nothing that you believed detrimental to your people.

This change will not affect how we see you, or interact with you.

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"My thanks sir, for that offer I do appreciate it. May I ask where Nadine is right now. I would like much to see her, in fact, would it be possible for her to be brought into the office? Just for a minute or so at least, life has been extremely stressful as of late and it would be nice to see her smiling face." She smiled at the guard. "Also, if you could send my regards to Her Majesty." Sarah laughed. "From one to another."

"Unfortunately Nadine is not ready to be moved at the moment however she is in our Quarters you are welcome to visit her as for the regards of course"

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"Unfortunately Nadine is not ready to be moved at the moment however she is in our Quarters you are welcome to visit her as for the regards of course"

Sarah nodded and had the guard lead her to another area in City Hall where Nadine was at rest. After saluting the other guards posted outside the door she was allowed inside. Relena's daughter was sleeping in a wooden crib, a small mobile had been set up above her and she slept happily, with a smile on her face even if it looked as there was a bit of pain on her infant face. Not wishing to disturb her, Sarah crept silently over to the edge of the crib and smiled down at the child. Laying a gentle hand on her forehead she moved her fingertips across her hair and the baby cooed quietly as a slight chuckle escaped from Sarah's mouth.

"She's beautiful as always and she's going to look just like Relena." Shaking her head from the chaos ravaging the Imperial Union Sarah lowered herself further into the crib. "Everything is going to okay Nadine, you're safe here and you'll be with your mother in no time."

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Sarah nodded and had the guard lead her to another area in City Hall where Nadine was at rest. After saluting the other guards posted outside the door she was allowed inside. Relena's daughter was sleeping in a wooden crib, a small mobile had been set up above her and she slept happily, with a smile on her face even if it looked as there was a bit of pain on her infant face. Not wishing to disturb her, Sarah crept silently over to the edge of the crib and smiled down at the child. Laying a gentle hand on her forehead she moved her fingertips across her hair and the baby cooed quietly as a slight chuckle escaped from Sarah's mouth.

"She's beautiful as always and she's going to look just like Relena." Shaking her head from the chaos ravaging the Imperial Union Sarah lowered herself further into the crib. "Everything is going to okay Nadine, you're safe here and you'll be with your mother in no time."

After hearing about the situation back the Guard came with a final Order.

"Lady I have received a message from the Queen before it all happened with the request you would take care of Nadine until a point she can return"

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OOC: She isn't Queen yet in the OP, your title shouldn't be "She is the State", it should be future tense. :P

Elle serait L'etat, I think.

OOC: I think you misunderstand what Sarah is trying to say...in the eyes of her people, she already embodies the state and everything it stands for.

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