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Declaration of Intent, Structure and Presence

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[ooc]Seerow, I have never played the Star Wars games outside Empire at War. I have read most of the novels. The Darth Bane novels detail the development of the Rule of Two and the code. They are good reads if you have the time. Just prior to Bane the Brotherhood of Darkness had thousands of Dark Side adepts and knights. Prior to that the New Sith Order also held large numbers of warlords and marauders.[/ooc]

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[ooc]Seerow, I have never played the Star Wars games outside Empire at War. I have read most of the novels. The Darth Bane novels detail the development of the Rule of Two and the code. They are good reads if you have the time. Just prior to Bane the Brotherhood of Darkness had thousands of Dark Side adepts and knights. Prior to that the New Sith Order also held large numbers of warlords and marauders.[/ooc]

[ooc]Thanks for the tip. I'll be sure to take a look at those books then. Not sure how much you are into non-browser based video games, but if you have a half-decent PC or X-box, KoTOR would be worth playing since you indicated you haven't before.[/ooc]

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The world has moved on.

Last time I conversed with you, you stated you wanted to 'conquer' CN and all alliances. You were given the 'chance' with an established alliance (ONOS) for ur 2nd chance, but you quickly faded into obscurity and uncertainty within the alliance (boredom?). Now you want to create, run and grow your own alliance? We'll see in a couple of months if you have the stamina. At the moment, I am with Vir on this one.

I do wish you interesting times and exciting, drama filled growth since I do admire certain qualities about you, but I will not be heaping blind praise on you like so many others are.

I wish the Genghis Khan of CN luck.

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[ooc]Thanks for the tip. I'll be sure to take a look at those books then. Not sure how much you are into non-browser based video games, but if you have a half-decent PC or X-box, KoTOR would be worth playing since you indicated you haven't before.[/ooc]

OOC: I must second this. Infiltrating the Sith academy on Korriban was definitely one of my favorite parts of that game as it offers a ton of insight into the largely secret society of the Sith.

IC: You seem to be a man of ideas and balls. While your actions of note are certainly long before your my time I look forward to what you can bring to our world today.

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First, as to the geekery, I must say I love the reference to the sith code. Was that ripped straight out of KotOR, or is there another game/movie/book that references that?


As I understood it, that wasn't actually a rule of the sith, but more a case of how things were handled. Remember, the rule of two was never brought up by a sith, but was mentioned by Yoda, saying that anytime one sith was found, that they came in pairs.

OOC?: If I remember the lore correctly, Darth Bane introduced the Rule of the Two, because before that Sith council warred between itself due to the inherent power-hungry nature of the Sith and so they always were having internal power struggles.

Sith council almost destroyed the Sith before..Ivan must be cautious of the dark and treacherous ways of the dark side.

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Really? Why? Because I am willing to include those that have been cast out from other places in a community? I have stated my peaceful intentions. I have stated that I will not support or oppose the status quo but will simply seek my own path.

I have not offered any nation on a ZI list protection. I have stated that they can join the alliance but that they must handle their business themselves. How is that remotely casus belli?

Yes. Because the way this world has progressed (something you had a hand in creating) an alliance can be destroyed based on one member's actions. Yes. I saw that, others saw that, it means nothing here anymore. Seeking your own path is not a bad idea, but even doing that will get you tech raided into the ground. An alliance seeking its own path will find this place even less forgiving.

Last sentence: Everyone will (mis)construe that as protection. You will be lumped in with the people that populate your alliance. I stress again, one person can destroy an alliance.

If you'd like a current reference, watch what IRON, NPO, GGA, Invicta, and even my good friends at TFD are doing right now to Jarheads for something 1 person was saying 1 month ago that wasn't even feasible.

You on other hand, have all the potential in the world to shake things up. Which won't go over well and when some people begin to experience fear, they overreact.

Times have changed. Some would indeed consider it a casus belli


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I believe it was a statement that Electron Sponge would be my better and coup me as stated in the Codex.

Heaven doesn't want me and Hell's afraid I'll take over, apparently.

Nice to see that Pavlovian Conditioning is still working over at NPO. Ring the bell and the programmed automatons there regurgitate lies about the character of their foes. Not once have I been involved in a coup except as a target, despite the current NPO regime's assertions to the contrary. Of course, believing this inside the NPO system is thoughtcrime.

All of you telling Ivan what a bad idea it is to accept people who've had issues with other alliances are part of the stagnation problem we in Vox are trying to remedy. Stop being constrained by what other people tell you you can't do. They aren't in charge of you. You are. Steel your spine and speak your mind.

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Brown sphere is a logical choice for a new alliance looking to gain a foothold within the world.

That or he wants to spite GATO. ;)

Something tells me its more likely the second :P

Ivan you need to reroll man :P gems/water=fail

I would kill for those resources.

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What if they are unable to get out of their disputes? Are you saying that you will go to war over their pre-existing issue to defend them if they are attacked while listing the NSO AA?

Thanks for the reply in advance and good luck in your new venture.

no response for this?

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Heaven doesn't want me and Hell's afraid I'll take over, apparently.

Nice to see that Pavlovian Conditioning is still working over at NPO. Ring the bell and the programmed automatons there regurgitate lies about the character of their foes. Not once have I been involved in a coup except as a target, despite the current NPO regime's assertions to the contrary. Of course, believing this inside the NPO system is thoughtcrime.

Its not Pavlovian conditioning at all. I see you and Ivan as two roosters in a hen house.

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no response for this?

No response for what? I believe I have already stated an answer to this several times over. If a nation joins with preexisting conditions the NSO will not protect them from fallout of said conditions. We will seek to protect them from new situations but not from those matters present at the time of membership.

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No, I don't think that would be very responsible of me what with me currently being a Vox Senator.

If I remember correctly, Vox does specifically allow multiple alliance membership... we'd probably figure it out, though.

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As I said earlier, I appreciate all the well wishers, etc. but if all you are going to do is post on how you are 1. not going to join or 2. expecting me to be blown to dust within a week, I would kindly ask you to refrain from pressing the Reply button.

If you are on the fence about joining then grow a pair and step up. If you are dead set against anything to do with me because I am an insufferable !@#$%^& then good on you, have a nice day.

Personally, the membership response has been better than I expected and I thank those that have decided to take a small leap of faith. I don't expect anyone to join because of some ill conceived cult of personality. I expect people to join because they are tired of the same old song and dance routine and wouldn't mind hearing a separate, but distinct, voice on the world stage for a change.

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One question Ivan, what are your current thoughts on relations with GATO? you stated earlier that you have left the past behind (words to that effect) and does this mean you will be seeking to work with the Global Alliance for the benefit of the Brown Sphere?

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