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Cannot Decom Schools


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I currently have 5 schools and 2 universities. To create a university, you only need 3 schools to support them and I want to get rid of 2 schools in order to improvement swap. However, CN doesnt let me do this and comes up with

"You have received an error trying to view a page. Here is the detailed error code: You cannot destroy schools when you have a University. Please destroy your University before destroying your schools."

Is there a way to decom 2 schools w/o decom the universities?

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Yes its the same for clinics and hospitals... I suggested a change to it which would allow it, but at this stage it hasn't been implemented, and sadly may never be.

Well, I think the problem is changing to allow it doesn't necessarily advance the game in a direction admin wants it to go. Every time this has come up, and it comes up often; the focus on making the change is to make life easier for those improvement swapping since obviously the extra clinics and schools are cheaper to swap than banks, factories or stadiums (the other improvements one generally has when the practice of swapping is started). And admin has been rather cool to the concept of swapping. Improvements underwent a price change in an effort to reduce the practice. So considering his stand on the practice of swapping and the reason to make this change is largely only to improve swapping efficiency; there's no real incentive for admin to make the change. Afterall the coding already exists. Satellites/Missile Defenses in conjunction with the SDI allow one to delete excess satellites or missile defenses not needed to support the SDI which is the same as is being sought here for schools and clinics.

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