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World Conference on Nuclear Affairs

Chancellor Bismarck

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Neo Olympia issues the following statement to the conference.

As an addition I would like to suggest a limit to the amount of Nuclear Weapons and extend these limits to Chemical and Biological Weapons due to in essence similar effects. As such I would like to suggest the following limits.

1. No nation signing this agreement will have more than 20(in the case of special Infrastructure 25(OOC: Hidden Missile Silo)) Nuclear Devices as these are enough to properly defend a nation.

2. No nation signing this agreement will have more than 50 Chemical or Biological Devices

We can agree to all else and pledge we will not use any Weapon of Mass Destruction on a First strike basis

Edited by Centurius
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Himynamistan plans to send a delegate and indicates a favorable attitude towards signing the document.

We are in favor of general disarmament of weapons of terror, including anti-personnel land mines and cluster bomblet munitions. Nations can wage wars of defense without having to have recourse to such monstrous measures.

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Himynamistan plans to send a delegate and indicates a favorable attitude towards signing the document.

We are in favor of general disarmament of weapons of terror, including anti-personnel land mines and cluster bomblet munitions. Nations can wage wars of defense without having to have recourse to such monstrous measures.

What about tactical nuclear weapons?

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Himynamistan plans to send a delegate and indicates a favorable attitude towards signing the document.

We are in favor of general disarmament of weapons of terror, including anti-personnel land mines and cluster bomblet munitions. Nations can wage wars of defense without having to have recourse to such monstrous measures.

Area denial weapons should have a timer function where they become inert after a reasonable period of time. This will keep their value as a battlefield tactic but remove the risk to civilians after the battle has ended and the war is over. Forgotten area denial weapons retain the capacity to injure civilians for many years after they have served their original purpose, and it is all to easy to forget where all of them are in the chaos of war, so a timer function of a month or two at the most will minimise this risk and keep mines from harming the innocent.

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As an addition I would like to suggest a limit to the amount of Nuclear Weapons and extend these limits to Chemical and Biological Weapons due to in essence similar effects. As such I would like to suggest the following limits.

1. No nation signing this agreement will have more than 20(in the case of special Infrastructure 25(OOC: Hidden Missile Silo)) Nuclear Devices as these are enough to properly defend a nation.

2. No nation signing this agreement will have more than 50 Chemical or Biological Devices

We can agree to all else and pledge we will not use any Weapon of Mass Destruction on a First strike basis

Promised Land can also agree to this.

OOC: And it's an RP'd way to limit nukes to the ingame amount, you sly dog... :P

Fuel-air bombs or bunker busters will fulfil that role just as well as a tac-nuke could.

A tac-nuke is not the only way to achieve large, powerful explosions.

This is true. The Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb, or MOAB, is certainly powerful enough, and for the same purpose as a tactical nuke.

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OOC: that was the plan Subtle :P


As such I would like to propose the following treaty.

Agreement on Limitation of Weapons of Mass Destruction

Article I: Preamble

The undersigned agree to abide by the articles of this agreement and consider them like any other law or treaty.

Article II: Definition

Weapons of Mass Destruction are defined as any weapons using Biological, Chemical or Nuclear materials to cause destruction and has long-term effects to the population.

Article III: Limitation

The undersigned agree to maintain an arsenal of no more than 20(25 in case of Special Infrastructure(OOC: Hidden Nuclear Missile Silo)) Nuclear Devices and 50 Biological/Chemical Devices.

Article IV: Use

The undersigned pledge to never use Weapons of Mass Destruction on a First Strike basis doing so will have Diplomatic and Military consequences for said nation. Weapons of Mass Destruction can be launched if there is solid evidence of an enemy launch.

Article V: Tests

The undersigned agree to only do test launches of Weapons of Mass Destruction at a safe distance from populated territory.


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A representative from Lander Clan shall attend the conference. We also thank Confucius for offering to host this historic event.


Inside the Lander Clan Royal Jet - while waiting for clearance to land:

"Any questions, My Lady?" Bean sat across from White Chocolate and smiled. It had taken some time and a lot of work on his part, but his infamous "chaotic" Lady was finally beginning to show some improvement when it came to preparing herself in advance for her duties. Sure, here they were, almost on top of the conference center and she was finishing the report, but at least she was on the last few pages. Also, the serving staff (who he had found to be key to keeping an eye on White Chocolate) report that she had only skipped a few pages here and there. 'yes,' he thought, 'a great improvement.'

"No, Bean," White Chocolate said, "I understand everything that has been proposed thus far well enough." White Chocolate was quiet for a moment. "We can agree to everything proposed thus far, as I'm sure you already guessed." She turned the last page of the report and read to the end. Then she closed the report. "It's still feels odd to me, what passes as acceptable for other leaders here, to me it's...well, not to be rude but..."

"Obvious?" Bean interrupted.

"Well, yes, I guess," White Chocolate replied, "although I'm looking for a more diplomatic word..."

"It's a good thing that is your duty and not mine," said Bean.

"Yes," White Chocolate said looking out the jet window, "we all have our duty, don't we?"


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Regarding tactical nuclear weapons, fuel air explosives, and area denial weapons, we in Himynamistan are opposed to the usage of all of them, but we view any limitation of use as a step in the right direction of ultimate armaments reduction.

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The Hanseatic Republic will sign such a treaty, but we hope that the countries that have a stronger influence on nuclear weapons will also sign for to stop these hellish nations that have destroyed the world may require more force than what our nations are able to provide.


Sarah Tintagyl

Prime Minister of the Hanseatic Republic

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The Hanseatic Republic will sign such a treaty, but we hope that the countries that have a stronger influence on nuclear weapons will also sign for to stop these hellish nations that have destroyed the world may require more force than what our nations are able to provide.


Sarah Tintagyl

Prime Minister of the Hanseatic Republic

Indeed, this is so. But every signature is that many fewer people who will use such weapons.

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There has to be a way to have people who use nukes offensively to be singled out. They have to be dealt with. If a small nation uses a nuke on thier own territory for the safety of what is left of the territory, should they be ridiculed for attempting to save themselves? Teach the invaders a lesson? Shoot only at invading soldiers?

THen the invading nation fires back and kills innocent civilians to damage the country...who is wrong? The person who shot first or the person who shot at the person they invaded.

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