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The Phoenix Revolution


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All television sets immediately changed to an image of a man standing in front of a podium. He wore long black hair, a grey military uniform, and a silent, pensive look. However, as they would watch the flags, they would notice it is not an image, but rather a live feed. People began to panic that someone had killed the Kansler. As if the man had an eye that viewed the entire nation, he began speaking just before mass panic ensued.

He began speaking in a language that sounded like Old Norse, yet with complete grammatical and word differences. "Ha mær Enæchri," he said in the language. His voice was slightly raspy, yet soothing somehow, also it seemed like it commanded a thousand armies, the kind of voice that could command a pacifist to wield a gun. Those that understood him calmed down and left their homes to view his speech on the steps of the Akershus Festning. "People of Distopyan Norsvea, do not panic. My name is Vince Sixx." More began to calm, yet those who were ignorant of Distopyan history continued to worry. "I am the Ahbærøn. The General of that small Norwegian army that created this worldwide state. Do you see it now? I have killed nobody of Norsvean ruling or descent. I am merely taking control over my nation. You may wonder what happened after the election of Estori Bokstav in the Baltic. I left. I went to nations across the world. I became a professor in universities, teaching Enæchrim. In your language, it would be Distopyanism. And my phrase would mean, I am Distopya, which is true. I am the Phoenix, the king, the emperor, the president."

He looked down at the podium and smirked. "But," he said with a clever look on his face, "only if you accept me."

"Does the international press have anything to ask?"

Edited by VinceSixx
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