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Terrorist Threat Ends


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Valencia, 13 February

President Esparrago met privately with the individual formerly known only as "2011" in his office in Valencia this morning. 2011 is widely known as the individual who, prior to the breakup of the Empire of Gebiv, posted an ultimatum demanding Iberian independence on several Internet sites. After a long discussion, President Esparrago made the following statement to the press:

"In my meeting with the individual formerly known as '2011', I discussed with him his political views, his prior demands and the accompanying threats. We agreed that the present state of the Iberian nation is indeed agreeable to him and his followers, and the threat of violent action has been lifted. Under Iberian law, such threats would normally require prosecution in a court of law, but as the threats were made before the independence of the Federacion, he cannot be charged with any crime. Indeed, he is now free to reveal his identity. The man formerly known as '2011' is Professor Arturo Ortega of the Universidad de Valencia. I have instructed my Minister of Education to send a recommendation to the Universidad that Professor Ortega be granted tenure on the condition that he continue to teach our undergraduate students the values of freedom and self-determination which he demonstrated not long ago. Thank you, I will not be taking any questions at this time."

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