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Lafayette Escadrille declares war on OJ


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Orange Juice has decided to take this conflict nuclear. As they wish...

Fisher X


an unfortunate, and unneeded turn of events. The OJ alliance was badly damaged by

conventional means. Now this....

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i am pretty sure LE joined due to the 4 nukes that OJ obviously felt needed to be launched against RD due to the tremendous gap RD had on OJ in every way (NS, ANS, Nukes, Members).

Why do you say it like it was the alliance that launched nukes? OJ never declared war on RD. It was 2 people that raided RD that decided to use nukes, not the other 85 people who had nothing to do with RD.

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LE, are you mostly from the same forum or something?

Indeed, we are. About 50 of our membership are friends from another game which has built a strong friendship amongst us. We have known each other for about 10 years. This makes running a TE alliance a bit easier due to our high level of cooperation and communication.

It's funny because in our other game we compete against each other, since we tend to belong to different WWII squadrons. So while over there we argue and debate (like any online game), we tend to get along fairly well over here.

A few links that might be interesting to any a/c geeks out there...

http://www.squadselectseries.com/ is where we compete

Here is the squadron that I belong to.


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Here is the squadron that I belong to.


...well stepping up for the LooseWaffle side I'd invite you to visit our Squadron Site too : JG27-Afrika

....and daddy's right - even tho blowing each other outa the air we still get along pretty well :D:rolleyes::D


..and let us back to the carnage at hand eh!


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...well stepping up for the LooseWaffle side I'd invite you to visit our Squadron Site too : JG27-Afrika

....and daddy's right - even tho blowing each other outa the air we still get along pretty well :D:rolleyes::D


..and let us back to the carnage at hand eh!


Oh my, the Mighty Luftwaffe has appeared. <S> JG27

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I do sincerely apologize if my words came across as insulting to Judgment and it's alliance nations. It wasn't my intent even though perhaps I was carried away with my choice of words when I wrote the DoW. You and James are amongst the few individuals I have spoken with outside of LE and I have enjoyed our conversations. I fully expect that Judgment and LE will find ourselves at war quite soon. In my eyes, this is merely in the spirit of the game, and no ill feelings will arise. My personal feelings is that perhaps the game can be enhanced by Alliances engaging more often, either for 'treaties' or a 'stance' on protecting smaller alliances. bastardofgod, either way, I see this as a fitting end to the round, don't you?

I have also enjoyed talking to you. I have heard nothing from OJ for help or assistance. So I don't expect to be rolling in. :) There is no need to apologize though. You were doing what you felt was right and I can respect that, so long as you respect that we thought what we were doing at the time was right in the past.

My mistake! I just figured that you guys rolled together as stated before in other post. My apoloigies....

I just never believed in dogpiles or curbstomps and thats one of the reasons why I stayed out of all the conflicts in TE

until my AA was plotted against. Maybe i have this hole thing wrong, but it just dosen't seem fair to me.

Anyways this round is just about over and i think we all learned a few things.

GL LE and RD with your war....OJ has some great peeps in its AA, and i'm sure you will agree when its all said and done.

I am sorry its not like Judgment was expecting an easy war in the first place or a curbstomp. I am sorry because it wasn't that fair either. We kept our wars busy though and tried to stretch to every front we could. Perhaps overloading ourselves but it was fun war for us for that reason. I hope we can bridge better communication in the future and build relations.

Edited by BastardofGod
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Why do you say it like it was the alliance that launched nukes? OJ never declared war on RD. It was 2 people that raided RD that decided to use nukes, not the other 85 people who had nothing to do with RD.

Are those two people still members of OJ?

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Well Lafayette Escadrille have been made into a pretty honorable group which they are. But you claim things like moral high ground when I see none. Such as with your war with NAAW...was a curbstomp. Your war on Aztec you outnumbered them by higher nations and with nuclear missiles. As impressive it was that crippled the nations of Aztec in a single day. Now I don't know much about this war ,but it sounds like some rogue from OJ declares war and that justifies declaring war on the entire alliance? We would have been in many wars for just a few rogues.

Man, what does LE have to do to not get flak :P

Declaring against an alliance higher in the rankings, defending an alliance that got nuked by raiders... poor guys :( No matter what they do it's wrong apparently...

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It's impressive that LE can take down an alliance that is probably the 5th strongest in the game, and take very little damage in the process (most of it coming from nukes). OJ also has plenty of allies, and I'll be really surprised and disappointed if none of them come to their rescue. It'd really show how treaties are no longer taken seriously.

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I believe that the actions LE to be honorable and courageous.

I Salute LE for their Honor

and for those of you who believed taht this could have been settled through diplomatic means, OJ wasnt listening. We tried. Before any defense was mounted against OJ, RD tried to get peace, when that failed we took the offensive. I asked for the asistance of LE and I am glad that they came to our aid.

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I am sorry its not like Judgment was expecting an easy war in the first place or a curbstomp. I am sorry because it wasn't that fair either. We kept our wars busy though and tried to stretch to every front we could. Perhaps overloading ourselves but it was fun war for us for that reason. I hope we can bridge better communication in the future and build relations.

I know you guys knew TPF were a good strong fighting AA, our ability to anarchy as much against great odds it pretty much proof of that. But you guys had a treaty with US

and it really didn't need GDA to get involved, especially since i was tring to keep you guys out of it in the first place, for that matter all the other AA's that joined in. Our only

true fight was with MHA and thats why they were the ones who we focused our attacks on. I like you BOG, and i won't hold your bad judgment against you or james so

of course future relations will be possible.

It's impressive that LE can take down an alliance that is probably the 5th strongest in the game, and take very little damage in the process (most of it coming from nukes). OJ also has plenty of allies, and I'll be really surprised and disappointed if none of them come to their rescue. It'd really show how treaties are no longer taken seriously.

LOL, I thought when TPF got rolled and our treaties were ignored/trumped by JR that would of been enough for TE to see what treaties in JR are like ;)

Really though OJ are good guys, i doubt they would ask for help, and i know MHA wouldn't join no matter what, LE has to many nukes and can hurt them :P

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LOL, I thought when TPF got rolled and our treaties were ignored/trumped by JR that would of been enough for TE to see what treaties in JR are like ;)

Really though OJ are good guys, i doubt they would ask for help, and i know MHA wouldn't join no matter what, LE has to many nukes and can hurt them :P

Also they are just little occupied

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Man, bad time to go out of town for a weekend.

I guess the guy from LE I talked to on IRC never got a hold of OJ leadership.

Oh well.

I log into TE and I have 13 messages and am in anarchy.

First response:

What is this I don't even

I got you beat, 53 messages, 1 soldier left and anarchy.

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WHITE PEACE is reached between OJ and LE

White Peace has been reached between OJ and LE, everyone has fought well in this war and we Salute OJ for a battle well fought!

Today at noon (server time) cessation of hostilities is to be had by both sides. We wish the best of luck to OJ for the remainder of this round and next!

MuskieZZ of LeechLake

Secretary of War LE

Sure, Tuesday at noon server time sounds like a good time to end the fighting.



i am The Chosen One, the new Leader of OJ

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WHITE PEACE is reached between OJ and LE

White Peace has been reached between OJ and LE, everyone has fought well in this war and we Salute OJ for a battle well fought!

Today at noon (server time) cessation of hostilities is to be had by both sides. We wish the best of luck to OJ for the remainder of this round and next!

MuskieZZ of LeechLake

Secretary of War LE

Congrats to both sides for peace!!!

I hope that's just because you both want in the battle for the hill. :awesome:

LOL, that could be good or that could be bad. I guess it depends on what side they choose ;) Time will tell

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