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Trade Circle, 3BRs: Cons. Beer + Steel, White Team(?)

M C Dent

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Preferably White Team, but not essential. Looking for long-term agreement.

1. Aluminum

2. Coal

3. Gems - M C Dent

4. Gold

5. Iron

6. Lead

7. Lumber

8. Oil

9. Marble

10. Spices - M C Dent

11. Water

12. Wheat

The Bonus Resources will be Beer, Construction, Microchips, Radiation Cleanup, Scholars, and Steel.

The overall bonuses will be as follows:

Infrastructure Cost: -39%

Infrastructure Upkeep Costs: -18%

Soldier Efficiency: +38%

Land Area: +23%

Citizens Per Mile: +50

Citizens: +8%

Aircraft Purchase Cost: -8%

Citizen Daily Income: +$4.50

Population Happiness: +12.5

Soldier Purchase Cost: -$6.00

Tank Upkeep Costs: -18%

Environment: +2

Aircraft Limit: +10

Navy Purchase Costs: -25%

Technology Cost: -13%

Cruise Missile & Nuke Purchase and Upkeep Costs: -20%

Aircraft Upkeep Costs: -20%

Tank Purchase Costs: -8%

Soldier Upkeep Costs per soldier: -$0.50

Enviro. Penalties due to Nukes: -50%

Navy Upkeep Costs: -40%

Aircraft Purchase Costs: -4%

Radiation: -50%

If interested please reply, stating: Resource 1, Resource 2, Nation Name, Nation Link.

Kind regards.

Edited by M C Dent
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Just got myself a harbor and rethought and amended the list in the first post, now have a 6 bonus trade circle, only problem being that its advertised as a 3 in the topic title :P , that and its full of our conversation lol...

Gonna start a proper thread for it to try and get slots filled, and will try and get rid of this one in the meantime.

Thanks for the help.

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That would be fine by me since it's further along than mine is, but I don't think I'd be much use to you since it would mean me occupying both your wildcard spots and therefore not really helping you out. Your decision.

EDIT: unless you wanted to switch asphalt (-5% infra upkeep) for Fine Jewelry (+3 pop hapiness), in which case I have Gems and you could swap the rubber on your wanted list for silver.

Edited by M C Dent
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