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Nueva Vida Announcement

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Our charter over time has become bloated, out of date and so it is with great relief I can announce a new and much more efficient Charter to Planet Bob which includes a public definition of Our Cause and Purpose which represents our principles and how we shall present ourselves to others, regardless of being an ally or enemy.

Our Cause and Purpose

We Nueva Vida, stand strong, existing as a group of friends first, members second. We exist in order to fight for the safety of our members, provide them with support, and secure their liberty and freedom.

First Purpose: To ensure the military security of all our member states. This will be achieved through military aid, advice and organization.

Second Purpose: To ensure the economic prosperity of all our member states. This will be achieved through aid, donations, loans, and growth programs.

Third Purpose: To form a community and a friendship between all our member states. This will be achieved through our respect, toleration and communication between all our member states and beyond to the rest of Planet Bob

Fourth Purpose: To stand up for our principles of our own Self-Determination, Unity, Friendship and above all; honour through freedom and sacrifice.

Fifth Purpose: To expand as far as our membership and recruitment ability will allow, in order that we can spread our purpose and principles to all those willing to listen. We will never fear to uphold our principles and encourage them to the best of our ability

The Vidian People

Each member of Nueva Vida is part of the Vidian Assembly, and as such has all the rights associated with it. Each Assembly member has a right to free speech, open expression, to be listened to and to be counted as a valued and full member of the Vidian fraternity irrelevant of rank or experience. Each member of the Vidian people does consent and swear to abide by the spirit of Our Cause and Purpose and The Vidian Charter. Any action that deviates from these, as interpreted by the Emperor and their Council, can result in expulsion by order of the Emperor. Upon expulsion, the Emperor must explain his decision through the Assembly halls for all to read.

Members of the Vidian Assembly do accept that with the freedoms guaranteed by Nueva Vida comes responsibility. Each member does accept that an aggressive act of war upon any other alliance's member without explicit permission from the Emperor or their Council will result in instant expulsion, at the discretion of the Emperor. In times of war, each member does accept the responsibility to defend the Vidian way and her allies, never cowering in fear or allowing a foreign power to dictate Vidian policy and actions.

The Emperor and their Council

The Emperor is the sole Sovereign of the alliance and the leader of the Emperor’s Council. As such, the Emperor has the sole power over the internal and external affairs of the alliance, although such powers can be delegated to others. The Emperor is the final authority on all internal and external matters. The Emperor can create any office and appoint any member to that office at his sole discretion and has the ability to block the election of specific members if he sees fit to do so. The Emperor serves for life or until resignation. If the Emperor were at some point to become un-contactable or missing for in-excess of 5 days without prior notice, the Emperors Council must elect a new Emperor by a unanimous vote.

Upon resignation, all Emperors become an Imperator of Nueva Vida, serving as an advisor to the Emperor and their Council. This title remains with the individual even upon leaving the alliance, yet all associated advisory roles and privileges are removed leaving the title Imperator solely as an honorary title.

The Emperor appoints a Council of Lords, each taking on a specific role within the running of the alliance. The Council must comprise of a minimum of 4 members in order to be a sufficient counterweight to the Emperor’s power and be able to fairly exercise its ability via a simple majority vote (above 50%) to impeach the Emperor. Impeachment proceedings must be the last resort and only being done when the Emperor has become a danger to Nueva Vida and it's members. Upon impeachment, the Emperor is expelled from Nueva Vida and forgoes any previous titles and awards, especially that of ‘Imperator’.

Deputy Members of the Emperor's Council

Each Lord in the Emperor’s Council will be given an elected deputy taken from and voted for by the Vidian Assembly. This Deputy will have been given reasonable time to set out their case and policies for the position and the Vidian Assembly given reasonable opportunity to question and eventually vote upon each candidate. Each deputy will serve for a term of 2 months, but in the event of war or other threats to the alliance, elections can be suspended by the discretion of the Emperor.


Any member can submit a motion to amend the Charter to the Vidian Assembly. The Amendment will be discussed and voted upon within 4 days and upon securing a vote of 75% in favour, the motion will be passed. The Emperor can exercise a right of veto over any amendments proposed or passed.

May this Charter guide us for as long as our old Charter. Along with this new charter, I'm proud to announce four new additions to our government after elections for our Deputy Lords;

Deputy Lord of War-- Lord Ditka of The 85 Soliders

Deputy Lord of the Interior-- De Caelo Missus of Caelum

Deputy Lord of the Brotherhood-- Voodoo Nova of Novak

Deputy Lord of the Exchequer-- Shillelagh of Ferinrothaic

Congratulations to you four and I wish you all success in your task of furthering and improving Nueva Vida and Our Cause and Purpose in any way you can.


Emperor Of Nueva Vida

Edited by Magicalbricks
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