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Most outrageous war rumors

Merrie Melodies

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He said we left Green 'to evade a fight', which isn't quite accurate. Personally, I doubt there would ever have been a fight, but regardless, the primary reason was that we were sick of the drama and wanted to move to a more politically and economically stable home, not that we were particularly worried about what could happen if we stayed in Green. That's not really the topic of this thread though, and since necAnt was with us through all that time I'm going to put that down to transliteration problems.

Anyone who can look at my web and see anything more than 'ooh, pretty' and 'zomg so many lines' is doing better than me, to be honest. Time will tell if it condenses as Sponge suggests, although if it is valid intel one must question his motives, as posting it in advance would be likely to dissuade alliances from actually joining and thereby preserve the status quo – something which I wouldn't think Sponge would be in favour of.

The short answer is that Grämlins have been fence straddling for some time (etc)

While you can't be entirely accurate about an alliance you have never been a part of, this does rather kill New Mombasa's view that our foreign policy is driven only by survival at all costs. And yes, we have a diversity of opinion on Continuum as we do on all things; it's one of our most valuable traits in my opinion. The membership certainly didn't fence-sit when we took the vote though ;)

These threads are always interesting, not because what is posted in them is necessarily true but because it always betrays certain genuine hopes, fears or political differences – even the joking posts have some value in most cases.

As for the rumours that have reached me, I think they have been mentioned already: the TPF-TGE-FOK business being a catalyst for GW5; various permutations of Continuum/OV vs Citadel and/or SF (both completely unfeasable if you look at the treaty web); a second rolling of 'BLEU 2.0'. None of them seem all that likely to me; the next source of major drama is, imo, yet to be discovered.

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Yes, actually. They've gone into super sekirt mode so that they will be able to launch their sudden blitz on all of CN. It's all part of the "neutral" plan.

How about this: NPO will merge with Vox Populi, V-member and W-member will return, and Admin will reset the game.

Don't forget the return of Franzjosef, the Flying Tigers, and the Crimson Blades...they're forming a block to take on tC, SF, and the Citadel...

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Time will tell if it condenses as Sponge suggests, although if it is valid intel one must question his motives, as posting it in advance would be likely to dissuade alliances from actually joining and thereby preserve the status quo – something which I wouldn't think Sponge would be in favour of.

The thing is, Sponge doesn't care about anyone other than Sponge. Truth is but one mere obstacle in his quest for more attention. Who cares what happens as long as people once again listen to the almighty Electron Sponge.

o/ Electron Sponge and his quest to restore his cult of personality

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I heard the same general rumor.

Citadel vs OV. Valhalla was supposed to start the war. Q splits with Sparta and MHA most importantly going to the Citadel side. SF will join Citadel too. OV will be joined by Poseidon, some green alliances, some of OUT. OUT is supposed to split too with TORN and IRON among others on OV and RnR, TOP, and FOK on Citadel.

Citadel won in my rumors and Vox is supposed to be "positioning" itself in a position to get off its ZI sentence.

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I heard the same general rumor.

Citadel vs OV. Valhalla was supposed to start the war. Q splits with Sparta and MHA most importantly going to the Citadel side. SF will join Citadel too. OV will be joined by Poseidon, some green alliances, some of OUT. OUT is supposed to split too with TORN and IRON among others on OV and RnR, TOP, and FOK on Citadel.

Citadel won in my rumors and Vox is supposed to be "positioning" itself in a position to get off its ZI sentence.

I wouldn't be very happy if my plans to kill NPO were leaked to the public.

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I heard the same general rumor.

Citadel vs OV. Valhalla was supposed to start the war. Q splits with Sparta and MHA most importantly going to the Citadel side. SF will join Citadel too. OV will be joined by Poseidon, some green alliances, some of OUT. OUT is supposed to split too with TORN and IRON among others on OV and RnR, TOP, and FOK on Citadel.

Citadel won in my rumors and Vox is supposed to be "positioning" itself in a position to get off its ZI sentence.

Are ya thinking of 1V, there? I highly doubt OV by our lonesome would want to take on Citadel. It might be one wild ride on the way down, though :awesome:

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Are ya thinking of 1V, there? I highly doubt OV by our lonesome would want to take on Citadel. It might be one wild ride on the way down, though :awesome:

Yeah, but I usually see One Vision abbreviated both ways (OV and 1V) and OV was faster to type so I chose it.

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I heard that too. I have always wondered how quickly it would take for my nation to feel the wrath of 600 nukes simultaneously. Oh well, it would be worth trying.

To war! :jihad:

Being hit by 600 nukes simultaneously might be one of those glitches that don't quite work in your favor. However, you'd be doing a great service for your alliance!


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I do not support the tacos in this war. Although, it does appear that the cows lose out either way.


Oh really? You want to go against this:

He mooed we must fight, escape or we'll die

Cows gathered around, cause the steaks were so high

Bad cow pun

But then he was captured, stuffed into a crate

Loaded onto a truck, where he rode to his fate

Cows are bummed

He was a scrawny calf, who looked rather woozy

No one suspected he was packing an Uzi

Cows with guns

They came with a needle to stick in his thigh

He kicked for the groin, he pissed in their eye

Cow well hung

Knocked over a tractor and ran for the door

Six gallons of gas flowed out on the floor

Run cows run!

He picked up a bullhorn and jumped up on the hay

We are free roving bovines, we run free today

We will Ffight for bovine Cfreedom

And Ehold our large heads Amhigh

We will run free with the Buffalo, or die

Cows with guns

They crashed the gate in a great stampede

Tipped over a milk truck, torched all the feed

Cows have fun

Sixty police cars were piled in a heap

Covered in cow pies, covered up deep

Much cow dung

Black smoke rising, darkening the day

Twelve burning In and Out Burgers, all with back doors

We will fight for bovine freedom

And hold our large heads high

We will run free with the Buffalo, or die

Cows with guns

The President said "enough is enough

These uppity cattle, its time to get tough"

Cow dung flung

The newspapers gloated, folks sighed with relief

Tomorrow at noon, they would all be ground beef

Cows on buns

The cows were surrounded, they waited and prayed

They mooed their last moos,

they chewed their last hay

Cows out gunned

The order was given to turn cows to whoppers

Enforced by the might of ten thousand coppers

But on the horizon surrounding the shoppers

Came the deafening roar of chickens in choppers

We will fight for bovine freedom

And hold our large heads high

We will run free with the Buffalo, or die

Cows with guns

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He said we left Green 'to evade a fight', which isn't quite accurate. Personally, I doubt there would ever have been a fight, but regardless, the primary reason was that we were sick of the drama and wanted to move to a more politically and economically stable home, not that we were particularly worried about what could happen if we stayed in Green. That's not really the topic of this thread though, and since necAnt was with us through all that time I'm going to put that down to transliteration problems.

Anyone who can look at my web and see anything more than 'ooh, pretty' and 'zomg so many lines' is doing better than me, to be honest. Time will tell if it condenses as Sponge suggests, although if it is valid intel one must question his motives, as posting it in advance would be likely to dissuade alliances from actually joining and thereby preserve the status quo – something which I wouldn't think Sponge would be in favour of.

While you can't be entirely accurate about an alliance you have never been a part of, this does rather kill New Mombasa's view that our foreign policy is driven only by survival at all costs. And yes, we have a diversity of opinion on Continuum as we do on all things; it's one of our most valuable traits in my opinion. The membership certainly didn't fence-sit when we took the vote though ;)

These threads are always interesting, not because what is posted in them is necessarily true but because it always betrays certain genuine hopes, fears or political differences – even the joking posts have some value in most cases.

As for the rumours that have reached me, I think they have been mentioned already: the TPF-TGE-FOK business being a catalyst for GW5; various permutations of Continuum/OV vs Citadel and/or SF (both completely unfeasable if you look at the treaty web); a second rolling of 'BLEU 2.0'. None of them seem all that likely to me; the next source of major drama is, imo, yet to be discovered.

You posted a whole lot of words for someone whose alliance has nothing to do with anything. In the immortal words of Hamlet, "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

By the way, I said a few pages back how the NPO leaders were trying to be personable in order to stave off a calamity? Look up a post and tell me you haven't seen a rarity. We're all simple Moo but we're not idiots.

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By the way, I said a few pages back how the NPO leaders were trying to be personable in order to stave off a calamity? Look up a post and tell me you haven't seen a rarity. We're all simple Moo but we're not idiots.

It is good to see the Dear Leader show his face in public.

It was getting kind of depressing living in a world forged by His hand yet never seeing Him in mine eye.

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