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New Nation Seeks Alliance


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Hello world, I am SaraValo from the tiny nation of Heartagram, a brand new nation on the world scene, I am not even a day old as I post this so I am looking for a great newbie helper Alliance and one that will grow as I do. I promise to be a good member to whichever Alliance accepts me. Thanks for listening, SaraValo

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The Global Democratic Alliance has been around for well over two years. We are a direct democracy and new members can immediately start participating and contributing, and we offer millions in joining aid (potentially unlimited) in the form of tech deal profit. Any of our senior members will be happy to help you with any questions or problems you have about the game.

If you're interested, check us out at http://www.gdacn.com/ and see if we're the right place for you. If you have any questions, send me a PM or ask in this thread.

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1bcea06b382b8f737bdf4fb2be0de06f2e6.pngYukon Confederacy1bcea06b382b8f737bdf4fb2be0de06f2e6.png

The Yukon Confederacy is working to create our own niche in the cyberverse, a community based on responsibility and loyalty, where honor defeats greed. A community that you can help us form and work for.

---The Yukon Confederacy is a fresh, young, progressive, blue team alliance. We are a band of brothers, who hold loyalty above all else, loyalty to each other, to the Confederacy, and to our allies. You can help shape what this alliance becomes through membership and active participation.

Why the Yukon Confederacy?

-New fresh alliance with treaties to make

-Government and Civilian positions available

-Tech deals and aid are available

-Growing member base and strength

-Education, new members can learn the ropes of the cyberverse

Current Government

As recruitment is now open, the Yukon Confederacy looks forward to new members, all who are interested are encouraged to come by and check us out, or chat to us on IRC, or even right here in this thread.

Contact Information:

You can reach us on IRC at: #Yukon

To sign up or chat with us, head over to our forums here: Forums

Joining instructions:

Change your AA to: YUC Applicant, end any wars, and register at our forums and post an application in the format given here: http://s1.zetaboards.com/Yukon_Confederacy.../1154265/1/#new

Once your application has been accepted, many guides, programs, tech deals, aid opportunities, and government + civilian positions will become available to you.

Hope this helps, and thank you for your consideration. We look forward to having you on board! Please feel free to PM any of us in-game or on our forums.

Edited by rooivaulk
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The Aquatic Coalition Front is an aqua alliance that will serve you well!

We offer 3M right off the bat, and you can earn much, much more by staying active. We have a mentor program to help you out, and teach you about selling tech and whatnot.

We've been around for a long time, and have some very experianced members ready to help you out! Questions? Just pm me here, or in CyberNations.

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i've got just the thing for you SaraValo. the Shadow Confederacy is a small alliance lead by a few cybernations veterans who have been very welcoming and helpful to me. in the 3 days i've been with them i have earned over 4 mil through aid and tech deals (which the alliance specialises in). because of the size of the alliance there is always something to get involved in without feeling like just another low level member as you would in a big alliance. other benefits include the standard 3 mil startup package, regular opportunities to prove yourself and of course...........the big one..........the MVM award with which the lucky winner gets 15 million!!!! (this is done monthly)

interested? check us out here:


or pm me in game


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I would like to invite you to check out our Military Alliance of Elite Warriors ... GRAN has a long and rich history in winning wars. We do not show fear and we never back down. Unity, Strength, and Loyalty is the Values we live by. Peace through Superior Firepower is our motto.

Our forums: http://gran.ipbfree.com


And what are the advantages for joining GRAN:

-PROTECTION from tech raids...and group tech raids...

-Opportunity for doing tech deals and participating in trade circles

-GOOD COMMUNITY, who helps you if you need help...

-GUIDES and personal on how to dominate economically and learn to Master the art of Cyber nations warfare......

-Government positions open for qualified active members...

-Black team alliance...negotiable in some cases...

-We have over 200+ nukes and strive to make all our nations Nuclear capable...

Hope to see you there...

stonewall14 of Dixie Cove

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i noticed you visited the shadow confederacy forums but didn't apply, sorry to hear you decided to go with someone else. good luck to you Sara Valo, hope that whatever alliance you end up in treats you well but know that the offer form the shadow confederacy still stands if you ever change your mind

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I noticed you visit our forums as well, sadly you got us at our off time...Our alliance is spread out across quite a few time zones....QAbout half in the east coast or europe, the other half in CA, meaning we get on the forums at about the same time in little clumps...

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