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Alliance Nuclear Statistics.


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Nukes per Member - 22/02/09

Changes this week:

- Increased pool to include top 50 by score so as to cover much the same alliances as Kroknia. I will continue including anyone in top 20 by nukes or member count who does not also fall within the top 50 by score, but at present no alliance is in this situation anyway.

- Initial value in main list is now score rank not NS rank, to fall in line with previous change. This will make very little difference and list is still sorted by nuke count.

- Like Kroknia I will keep tracking anybody who has previously qualified but drops out for the main list, for a reasonable period of time. For the >10 list I will keep tracking anyone who falls short of 10 nukes/member unless they drop below 8.

- Changed colour ranking back from quartiles to original absolute system, but altered brackets slightly, see below. Quartiles will still be reported but will not affect anything else.

All Top-50 Alliances by Score*

Alliances are sorted in descending order by nuke count, the initial value is their Score rank to use as comparison. Bold value is nukes/member ratio. Value in brackets is change from last week; any change of less than 0.05 is not shown.

Red: >15 nukes/member

Orange: 7.5 - 15 nukes/member

Blue: 4 - 7.5 nukes/member

Green: 2 - 4 nukes/member

2) Independent Republic Of Orange Nations - 4.5 (+0.2)

1) New Pacific Order - 3.5

6) The Order Of The Paradox - 16.6 (+0.2)

11) The Grämlins - 18.8 (+0.1)

3) Multicolored Cross-X Alliance - 2.4

15) FOK - 5.3 (-1.0)

14) The Phoenix Federation - 6.1 (+0.3)

5) Mostly Harmless Alliance - 2.7 (+0.1)

4) Sparta - 2.5 (+0.1)

7) Fark - 4.3 (+0.2)

10) New Polar Order - 3.6 (+0.6)

35) Umbrella - 16.9 (-0.5)

19) Valhalla - 8.7 (+0.1)

13) Viridian Entente - 3.4

41) Poison Clan - 16.9 (+0.7)

9) Ragnarok - 2.4 (+0.1)

42) Global Order Of Darkness - 10.3 (+0.2)

12) The Order Of Light - 2.8 (+0.2)

46) The Order Of Righteous Nations - 10.8

25) Echelon - 6.6 - (+0.3)

8) Orange Defense Network - 1.4

23) Greenland Republic - 3.6

32) RnR - 4.3

48) Vanguard - 9.9 (-1.2)

29) Loss - 3.8

47) Nusantara Elite Warriors - 5.3

34) Random Insanity Alliance - 3.6

30) World Task Force - 4.7

17) The Democratic Order - 1.0

31) M*A*S*H - 3.5

27) Nueva Vida - 2.7

20) The Dark Evolution - 1.7 (+0.1)

28) Monos Archein - 1.9 (+0.1)

37) The International - 2.7

21) Global Democratic Alliance - 1.6 (+0.1)

18) Grand Global Alliance - 1.3 (+0.2)

79) Argent - 8.0

26) The Legion - 1.3

50) Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics - 4.1

22) United Purple Nations - 1.5 (+0.1)

45) The Centurion Brotherhood - 2.2

40) The Templar Knights - 2.6

38) NATO - 1.7

43) The Foreign Division - 2.3

39) Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations - 2.2

36) Invicta - 1.6

33) North Atlantic Defense Coalition - 1.6

24) Mushroom Kingdom - 1.8

49) We Are Perth Army - 1.1

44) Ubercon - 1.4

16) Green Protection Agency - 0.2 (+0.1)

Quartiles: Q1 = 1.74, Q2 = 2.74, Q3 = 4.67

Mean: 4.56

* Any alliances not in top 50 by score but in top 20 by either nuke count or member count also qualify. In addition, alliances who have previously qualified will remain in the list for a reasonable period of time.

All listed alliances with over 10 nukes/member

Bold value is nukes/member; value in circular brackets is change from last week; values in square brackets are rankings for nuke count and total NS respectively.

The Grämlins - 18.8 (+0.1) --- [4, 11]

Umbrella - 16.9 (-0.5) --- [12, 35]

Poison Clan - 16.9 (+0.7) --- [15, 41] -- Overtake TOP

The Order Of The Paradox - 16.6 (+0.2) --- [3, 6]

Molon Labe - 14.7 (+0.1) --- [25, 62]

Aircastle - 12.1 (+1.0) --- [48, 121] -- Overtake Vanguard; Overtake Old Guard

OMFG - 11.8 (+1.0) --- [63, 111] -- Overtake TORN; Overtake Old Guard

Old Guard - 11.4 --- [34, 52]

The Order Of Righteous Nations - 10.8 --- [19, 46] -- Overtake Vanguard

Global Order Of Darkness - 10.3 (+0.2) --- [17, 42] -- Overtake Vanguard

Vanguard - 9.9 (-1.2) --- [24, 48] -- Out but tracked while still above 8

Miscellaneous Stats

- The global average nukes/player is 2.16, an increase of 0.09 from last week.

- The 50 alliances considered in the main list together comprise 45% of the global membership, and hold 77% of the global nukes.

- The eleven alliances to have >10 nukes/member together comprise 2.9% of the global membership, and hold 19.2% of the global nukes.

- Biggest weekly gainer in terms of nukes/member is OMFG with +1.04. In the main list it's Poison Clan with +0.66.

- Biggest weekly loser in terms of nukes/member is Vanguard with -1.22. (NB: I somehow had Viridian Entende's nuke count wrong last week, so gain is not given)

All data as at 22/02/09 AM

Edited by Chairman Cao
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Thanks for the updates. :)

Any chance of adding Argent to the nukes per member update please?

Since you ask nicely and have an impressive ratio, done :)

I will probably extend the list next week to include anyone in top 50 by nuke count, which would be quite reasonable while only extending the list by a handful of alliances such as yours who deserve to be in there.

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It may be easier to understand and a better gauge if you simply had the to 30 (or so) highest nuke per member count in a chart of their own. I also say it because GRAN has 5.3 nukes per member and yet no mention on any charts and I'm jealous :lol:

Edited by Captain Flinders
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Well to be fair we exhuasted our maximum possible gains a while ago when most of our nuclear capable memebers maxed out at 20 ;)

Ya'll can have this one, we've owned the last month or two :P

Whelp, now its our turn to have it for a month or so :P

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Dark Templar has got some nukes...A nice amount too, for only 44 members.

Indeed, but you're an ally of ours, it goes without saying that you're elite ;)

It may be easier to understand and a better gauge if you simply had the to 30 (or so) highest nuke per member count in a chart of their own. I also say it because GRAN has 5.3 nukes per member and yet no mention on any charts and I'm jealous :lol:

I'll consider this for future, it's not a bad suggestion but would be purely of academic interest. The reason I have so far limited it by size and nuke count is because they're both indications of power, whereas an alliance with say 10 nukes/member but only 20 members would score very high in the rankings and probably do very well on an individual basis, but still won't have much sway globally.

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