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Norden Verein

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* Loyalty is not abstract in Norden Verein. It is clearly defined as doing our best to look out for our folkish and nationalist interests while defending those who defend us.

* Norden Verein is comprised of dedicated and fiercely loyal members who look out for our common good.

* Loyalty is best appreciated by partaking in the political, economic and military ventures of this alliance.

* Loyalty means sticking it out when the going gets tough.

* Loyalty is the hallmark of our excellence and allows us to achieve even greater goals.

* Loyalty is best measured by the contribution show by our members and their willingness to sacrifice for the common good of our folk.

* Loyalty is witnessed by our supporters and allies, for we never forget generosity or loyalty shown toward us.


* Duty is the obligation of every Norden Verein member from grunt to Kaiser.

* Duty is our promise to serve effectively.

* Duty is the calling of all those who accomplish greatness.

* Duty is the focus and determination to find a way.

* Duty is the fulfillment of promise.

* Duty is the privilege of our way of life.

* Duty is the job we complete, the mission we succeed at and the War we have won.

* Duty is our calling and our character.

* Duty is our determination to sacrifice for, share with and give free to the folk of this alliance.

* Duty is our representation of our folk in the purest form.


* Honor is holding our collective values in esteem and reverence.

* Honor is remembering the sacrifices of our folk and doing likewise in return.

* Honor is staying the course and being professional in all our efforts.

* Honor is having the courage to remember our Folkish and Nationalist traditions in the face of pop-culture rhetoric and distractions.

* Honor is shown through accomplishment and positive action.

* Honor is respecting those who respect us.

* Honor is a promise to dedicate ourselves to the tasks at hand.

* Honor is following orders and attaining victory.

* Honor is going the extra mile to get the job done right.


* Folk is the essence of our identity.

* Folk is why every endeavor is so worth succeeding at.

* Folk is a mindset to do right by and help our people.

* Folk is our birthright, our history and ancestry.

* Folk is the crowning achievement of hundreds, thousands of years.

* Folk is the heart and soul of this alliance. Without Folk, we are nothing.

* Folk represents to us the reason for all our endeavors.

* Folk is what our accomplishments are done for. We focus on bettering ourselves for love of folk rather than hatred of those not of our Folk.

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While we wait for the girrrls to show up:


The Norden Verein was established on May 2nd, 2007. It is the oldest Germanic and European themed alliance in the game, and continues to this day to be a unique community that is unlike any other alliance in this game. It is a common belief here that it is the duty of every member, from common soldier to the Reichskaiser himself, to work for the common good of all. In a true nationalist spirit, all are encouraged to strive to ask not what the alliance can do for them, but what they could do for the alliance, and for their comrades within.

In addition to the highly unique culture of the alliance, NoV is well known for it's military prowess and high organizational standards. With a long-standing military tradition, the Norden Verein has fought and achieved victory in five large scale conflicts, with no defeats. Every Nordlander is expected to serve in the Reichswehr (Imperial Guard), and in return he has comfort in the knowledge he has others watching out for him. It is this duty and loyalty to not only the alliance, but to each other, that engenders a great feeling of camaraderie within Norden Verein.

The Norden Verein is a Meritocratic Monarchy. All officers and leaders are appointed because of their value to the alliance and the efforts they have put forth to better it for everyone. Every field and interest progresses in NoV, and every member has the opportunity to go far if they dedicate themselves to the alliance. The head of state of Nordland is the Reichskaiser, who leads the alliance with the advisement of a supporting government. This form of government allows for vicious efficiency to be employed in all alliance affairs, allowing for a safer, more flexible alliance.

Most of the members here have been in Norden Verein through all times, good or bad, and have stayed because of the home they have helped to build and grown to treasure. We are a family, sworn to protect and assist, whether it is with nation growth funds or marching to war side by side. Here are some quotes by Norden Verein members, and the reasons why they joined and have stayed in Nordland:


I am a member of Norden Verein because it is my home. I come here, and I know I am safe. I know that the others who are here will come to my aid if I am in need. I've received nothing but kindness and generosity from them, and have found that this is by far one of the best alliances.

What it means to be a Nordlander is the same as it means to be a foxhole brother. You know standing to your right and left are your foxhole brothers who are fighting along side you, watching your back to ensure that you will not fall victim to unfortunate events, and who are also teaching you new ways of dealing with issues and showing you the best way to handle problems so that when you face them in the future that you will know how best to conduct yourself to succeed in the face of adversity. That is what it means, to me, to be a Nordlander.

- Phoenix

Economic Officer


I'm just here beacause its a well organized alliance with friendly people, willing to fight by each other till the end.

- ShadeLord

Economic Officer


NoV has always been the center of my heart since its creation. I've been here since the very first post of NoV and it has been a major struggle over time. To me, the Verein is my place of sanity and fortitude, it is a safety zone. In other words, I come here when I want to feel like I can count on people. Why would I do such a thing? Well, it's because I -can- count on people here. I cannot recall one time I have ever been left alone in my time of need, I cannot recall at any time, ever being thrown aside as if I wasn't needed or wanted.

With that, this brings me to my next assessment. What does it mean to be a Nordlander? We are here, as the Volk, for the Volk, and to the Volk. Being a Nordlander is all about determination, loyalty, honor, and service. You have to stop and ask yourself, "How can I be a servant unto the people, and how can I prove myself as a friend and a brother-in-arms to my fellow soldiers?" Nobody is promising an easy ride here, nobody is promising power, fame, and glory for free. The path of conquest is a long and hard road, and it takes a lot of sacrifice and determination. Even knowing that, in the end, it all pays off and you will see the fruits of your hard work in the form of honor, power, glory, and acknowledgement.

Through struggle, we are strong. Through strength, we are one. And as one, we are the Norden Verein.

- Keitel Martens



We fight for all of our brothers. No favorites, no exceptions.

- LongShot



We were in wars for close to three straight months, and won every single one, and have come to respect every single person in this alliance. I have friends here, more than enough reason for me.

- Bandnerd


Ultimately, it is up to you as to which alliance you join and contribute towards. Take the time to find which one fits your ideal profile of an alliance, so you can have a good time in Cybernations.

If you decide to apply to Norden Verein, and join us as a brother and comrade, then we welcome and salute you.


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